Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 357: : 0 degrees become the public enemy of the whole people

"Brother Da Pao, if the relevant department asks questions tomorrow, we have to communicate first."

"Chen Yu, it's okay, the above is here to mediate this time, what will it do to us?"

"I'm afraid it's more than just mediation."

After receiving the call from above, Chen Yu went to Beishi that same day.

And, first contacted Zhou Hongyi.

"Not mediation?"

Zhou Hongyi asked strangely: "Is there anything else?"

Chen Yu took a sip of tea and solemnly said: "Since the Internet trial management method was launched last year, the major Internet companies have basically not taken this management method seriously."

"This is normal. The management method is only a management method. He has not yet enacted legislation."

"Although there is no legislation, this management method was drafted by the top, which is basically equivalent to laws and regulations. However, we have basically ignored this law and regulation for some time. I am worried..."

"You are worried that the upper hand wants to stand up and kill the chicken and the monkey."

This said Zhou Hongyi was also fascinated by it.

Although the upper side usually doesn't care about you, but if you really care about you, some of you cry.

"No, isn't it still fostering the Internet?"

"Of course the general direction is support, but support also has to support the obedient."

"That's true."

Chen Yu's remarks didn't scare him for no reason.

In 2003, there was a storm of Internet rectification in the previous life.

At this time, there is a big battle with Baidu, who knows whether this storm will break out from one's side.

"Brother Chen Yu, what do you say?"

"What can I do?"

Although worried, Chen Yu was not particularly nervous. After thinking about it, he said, "In fact, I wanted to make a gesture for us to show. As long as we admit the mistake and have a good attitude, there shouldn't be any major problems. But if the attitude is not correct, then There will be trouble."

"What you are saying is that I was a little arrogant yesterday."

Although Zhou Hongyi was mad, he still had to see who.

Zhou Hongyi is more mad at competitors and similar Internet companies.

But to the top, how dare he get mad?

"So, tomorrow our attitude must be felt by the above."

"Listen to you."

Zhou Hong nodded: "Then how do you break the competition with Baidu?"

"It's okay. We didn't think about changing the personal homepage all the time before. This method is too ugly. It is absolutely impossible for the top to sit idly by. Anyway, we have stopped several times and we have achieved the effect."

Even if 3721 stops modifying the homepage now, Yisou’s market share can rise to around 35%-45%.

Of course, this market share may decline a bit after stopping modifying the homepage.

But it doesn't matter.

Because at this time Yisou has enough strength to challenge Baidu.

"In that case, I will stop editing my personal homepage at 12 o'clock this evening."

"Brother Da Pao, your attitude is very good."

Chen Yu burst into tears.

This guy is faster than him.

But it's nothing.

Chen Yu likes to deal with such people.

The discussion between the two was over.

The next day, the heads of Baidu, Huanyu Technology, and 3721 were convened to mediate.

It was said that it was mediation, but Chen Yu really guessed the meaning of the above.

Of course, the above did not want Baidu to fight with Huanyu Technology like this.

Both are relatively important companies.

A major search engine.

One of the main instant messaging.

It played a crucial role in the construction of the entire Internet.

But if they are not regulated at all, what do they want?

However, it is strange that when Director Wang called the three parties together, Huanyu Technology first admitted the mistake.

Acknowledge that they have used unfair competition methods and are willing to accept punishment from above.

At the same time, 3721 also stated that their 3721 illegally forcibly modifying their personal homepage violated the Internet Management Trial Measures issued last year, and they were willing to accept punishment from above, and they were also willing to accept the supervision of higher-level units. At the same time, Zhou Hongyi, in order to show his attitude, also said that they had completely stopped unfair competition at 12 o'clock last night.

Although Director Wang's attitude of admitting mistakes is a bit strange, he understands that the two companies have seen the situation clearly.

There was some relief in my heart. Originally, I wanted to punish the two major ones. In the end, they were fined 5 million yuan each and the matter was cut off.

As for Baidu.

Chen Yu and Zhou Hongyi did not say anything bad about Baidu.

On the contrary, Li Yanhong is strange. I don't understand how these two guys recognize him so quickly?

Is it because of pressure from above?

If you think about it this way, you can figure it out. No matter how awesome the two companies are, they dare not confront them.

However, when Director Wang asked Baidu's bidding rankings and Baidu Music, Baidu Pictures was suspected of infringing on intellectual property rights, Li Yanhong tried his best to defend himself. Emphasize that they did not infringe on intellectual property rights. Baidu only provides search content and does not have any source of content itself.

As for the bidding ranking, Li Yanhong also said that this is an inevitable product of competition under the market mechanism.

For this, Director Wang is not enough...

In the end, after this mediation, the Baidu incident ended.

3721 stopped modifying the personal homepages of Baidu and hao123, and Baidu also resumed 80% of its traffic.

On the other hand, Huanyu Technology and 3721 have also been punished by relevant authorities above, and they dare not compete unfairly anymore.

All of this proves that Baidu won the victory in this event.

However, Baidu's side is unpredictable.

After the Baidu incident ended, there was a storm of Internet rectification from the relevant departments above.

This rectification involves almost all well-known Internet companies in China.

Including Xinlang, Sohu, and Netease represented by portal sites.

Of course, it also includes Ali, eBay, Excellence, Dangdang represented by e-commerce.

There are also major forum chat rooms.

Or would you say, do so many companies violate the regulations?

Sorry, the answer is, yes.

In the early days of the development of the Internet, basically no Internet company could stand alone.

Just like a relatively healthy portal site, do you really think they have no violations?

No, no, no...Look at their voice service, and cooperate with major telecom companies to deduct fees randomly. There are hundreds of complaints every day. But they are still making complaints. Why, because the profits are very large. For example, the ring back tone service is 5 yuan a month, and the fee will continue to be deducted after the expiration. Or if it doesn't remind you that it is due, it is possible to deduct you for ten years. It seems that the cost of a month is very small, dozens of hundreds of months add up, hundreds of millions of people add up... that is simply scary.

Let's talk about e-commerce.

There are too many counterfeit products on e-commerce platforms.

Let alone 2003, even the previous life from 2005 to 2008 has always existed.

Only after the subsequent outbreak of the b2c model, such counterfeit products have decreased a lot, but they still exist.

Or you say there should be no problem with the forum chat room, right?

They are just simple chat rooms, what can be the problem?

It's too simple to think.

In many chat rooms, there are a lot of content about intimacy and blocking of blogs.

All right.

Such a rectification.

Almost 90% of domestic Internet companies lost at least 30% of their profits that year.

And all of this...all the source started with Baidu's report to the relevant authorities.


[Xinlang: Suspend business cooperation with Baidu. 】

[NetEase: In fact, users can choose other search engines. 】

[Sohu: Sohu will launch a new search engine within the next six months. 】

[EBay: Don’t believe too much in the content searched by Baidu. 】

[Dangdang: Will consider blocking Baidu's crawler program. 】

[Alibaba: Can we report Baidu bidding rankings? 】


Baidu became the enemy of the whole people.

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