Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 384: : My eyes, my eyes

   "I'll go, this performance is wonderful."

   "It looks good, it's so good."

   "Why didn't you say it earlier, buddy..."

   There are too many boring people on the Internet.

   There are too many old drivers too.

   TT anchor appeared, but they immediately attracted their attention.

   At the same time, the number of TT registrations and IP flows exploded rapidly.

   "pony, good news, good news."

   "What good news?"

   "Our TT registrations increased by 200,000 in one night."

"so much."

   Ma Huateng was a little excited.

   The number of registrations has to catch up with instant messaging.

   Although voice group chat also has the function of instant messaging, he is not an instant messaging at all.

  He is an entertainment product.

   This also means that even if such entertainment products are popular, they cannot be compared to instant messaging.

  Unexpectedly, their TT increased by 200,000 registrations overnight.

   "No, look at the background, our IP traffic is also increasing rapidly."

   "Even at 12 o'clock in the evening, the number of online is still high."

   Zhang Zhidong and Zeng Liqing looked at the data in the background, with stars flashing in their eyes.

  What does this mean?

   This means that their TT is going to be hot.

"Very good."

   Ma Huateng grabbed his fist.

   This wave of operations has regained a trace of confidence for him.

   Even if they are still inferior to Huanyu Technology, what about it.

   They will catch up sooner or later.

   "By the way, analyze the data."

   Although his heart is extremely excited, Ma Huateng is not the kind of person who is overwhelmed.

   He wants to know what caused the sudden increase in registrations last night.

   "Weird, weird thing."

   Looking at the data in the background, Ma Huateng frowned.

   "Zhidong, do you see any problems?"

   "I found a little bit."

  Zhang Zhidong also has some doubts: "Most of the increased registrations last night entered these super channels, but the general channels did not increase much, or even decreased."

   This is not a normal phenomenon.

   Generally speaking, if the number of registrations and IP flows increase, all channels will increase appropriately.

   Even some super channels have increased a lot, but other ordinary channels will also have a certain increase.

   But looking at it now, basically 90% of IP streams have entered these super channels.

   "Are these super channels so powerful?"

   Ma Huateng shook his head.

   Although he knows that the anchor business is very attractive.

   But at present, there are still restrictions on network speed in the anchor business.

   One is a card, the other is that the picture is not clear.

   Although it can barely be used, it has definitely not reached the point of breaking out.

   But, he increased so much traffic so abnormally all at once.

   But looking at the YY side, although it is also growing, it is not growing as fast as TT.

   This is not normal.

   "Zhidong, who were on duty last night?"

   "It's Xiao Li and the others."

"now what?"

   "After the shift, I went home and went to bed."

   "Let them come back immediately and report the situation."

  Although he knew that calling them back again would be unsatisfactory, Zhang Zhidong also knew the seriousness of the matter.

   A phone call was made to call all the employees on duty last night.

   "Xiao Li, you led the team on duty last night?"


   "What's the specific situation? Why did our IP flow suddenly rise so much."

   "Mr. Zhang, it's like this..."

   Although Xiao Li has some sleepiness, he still summed up: "The reason for the skyrocketing IP traffic last night, we concluded that some channels have performed 18 banned performances."

   Originally, he should submit this summary again when he went to work in the afternoon.

   However, at what time, although it has not been fully summarized, it should basically be the reason.

   "Eighteen prohibitions."

  Ma Huateng was extremely surprised: "Who let them do this?"

   Eighteen bans are severely suppressed.

   Of course, although this kind of thing is attractive, it is also very popular, but they dare not touch some formal companies.

  Who knows when a rectification comes from above, your business will be finished.


   Xiao Li didn't know how to answer.

   He didn't know what nerves these anchors had made, and they even performed 18 banned performances.

   But although he doesn't know, he understands.

   This kind of 18-forbidden performance is indeed very profitable.

   No, I made tens of thousands on a few channels last night.

   In the face of such big interests, who can't be moved.

   "Didn't we write in the rules that this kind of 18-forbidden performance is not allowed?"

   Ma Huateng was extremely angry.

   He didn't expect that the anchor business he created would turn out to be like this.

   "What do you do on duty? They are banned for 18 performances. Why don't you block their accounts?"

   "Mr. Ma, we..."

   Xiao Li was extremely embarrassed.

   He also thought about titles at the time. But he understands that if this is a letter, the traffic might plummet rapidly.

   "Mr. Ma, we did not think clearly at the time, and we are going to report to you today."

   Although they have power in such things as titles, the damage caused by titles is not something that Xiao Li can bear.

   Even if he wanted to block, he didn't have the guts to block it.

   "Pony, this has nothing to do with Xiao Li, it's because we didn't think about it clearly."

  Zhang Zhidong relieved Xiao Li, and then said: "Xiao Li, we know the situation, you have been in the work for the whole night, first go back and have a good rest."


   Xiao Li nodded.

   He knows, the boss, they haven't figured it out yet.

   "Zhi Dong, call up their videos from the database."

  TT generally keeps the anchor video for 7 days, and deletes it after 7 days.

   Therefore, within 7 days, Ma Huateng can retrieve the video records of all channels from the database.

   "Okay, right now."

  Zhang Zhidong entered the command to retrieve the video in the database, and then several videos were exported.

"my eyes……"

   just watched for a while, all three of them were blushing.

   "Okay, don't watch it."

   "Zhidong, what do you say?"

   Ma Huateng also knew that he was a little excited, and turned to ask Zhang Zhidong.

   "I just write programs."

   Zhang Zhidong shook his head, but still said, "However, we have to make a decision immediately."

   "The title is not good. Our traffic for this account has plummeted."

   Zeng Liqing held up his glasses and said after thinking for a while.

   "I know that the title has too much influence, but it can be unsealed. Even if we don’t check us, our TT will be banned software. In this way, it is even more impossible for us to fight with Huanyu Technology."

   Although the 18th prohibition is very attractive.

   But this kind of thing really cannot be made bigger.

   You can earn a little bit by doing petty theft. Once you get bigger, you will teach you how to behave every minute.

All right.

   Not to mention getting bigger, even if it is done secretly, it is extremely dangerous.

   What's more, they are officially registered Internet companies.

   "I'm wondering, why doesn't YY have such a performance?"

   Zeng Liqing asked suddenly.

  Zhang Zhidong said: "They have them too, but they dealt with it as soon as they found it."

   "In other words, they are also titles?"


   "Looking at it this way, we can too."

  Ma Huateng actually tends to be titled and manages it with the strictest means.

   "Pony, the title is not impossible, but the problem is not as simple as the title. If you want a title, you may have a large-scale title."

   Zeng Liqing still disagrees with the title.

   "Liqing, how do you say this?"

   "Pony, don't forget, who bought our database from?"

   At this, Ma Huateng woke up immediately.

   That's right.

   Their database was bought from eTalk.

   Their first batch of most original users was introduced from the e-callout side.

   This is Such a diversion can make TT a popular software all at once.

   But in fact, everyone knows that eTalk is a banned software.

  Many users use e-talking purely for some 18 prohibited content.

   Before TT was engaged in voice group chat, it's not enough, but now it has launched the anchor business.

   Although the anchor business is not the same as the video chat room of eCall, there is actually no difference for them.

   So almost...

   Those users who have talked about eCalling before, naturally position TT as the same thing as eCalling.

   This is like the WeChat and Momo of later generations.

  Use WeChat to communicate in life.

   In the words of Mo Mo... who knows who uses it.

   Although Momo can achieve more than 99% of the functions of WeChat.

   But once this positioning is formed, it will be difficult for you to change it.

   If TT wants a title, at least a large group of old drivers must be driven away.

   These old drivers are gone, and TT is basically abandoned...


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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