Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 415: : Beauty and the car

"Xinlang Automobile Channel is generally consistent with the style of Xinlang Portal. The top is the navigation bar, which is some popular models, and the following is some car information. New car release, performance analysis of such and such model, industry content, etc. ...This one is similar to ours."

   Li Xuelin introduced the difference between Xinlang Automobile and Huanyu Automobile. Speaking of this, Li Xuelin said: "However, Xinlang does a better job than us in content construction. They have done a very good job in car performance evaluation and test drive. But you can rest assured, Mr. Chen, we have asked I have recruited a lot of professionals in the automobile industry and dug a lot of talents. I believe that we will not be worse than them in content construction."

Both the    car channel have just been launched not long ago.

   Although Xinlang Automobile has a slight advantage, the overall advantage is not large.

   The biggest thing is the advantage of Xinlang Portal.

  Because Xinlang is the number one portal website in China, it is better than other websites in terms of traffic and authority.

   This is the same on each sub-channel.

   Fortunately, Huanyu News took the lead in the [Entertainment] channel before, but it caught Xinlang by surprise.

   However, Huanyu Automobile lags behind Xinlang in terms of the car that is making power at the same time.

   Chen Tong is a talent.

   Chen Yu said secretly.

   I have known for a long time that Xinlang's editor-in-chief Chen Tong is very unique in content construction, and it is true.

   The most important thing for portal sites is content construction.

   "No, we have to think of other ways."

  Chen Yu shook his head: "Even if we have dug a lot of automotive professionals, we can only tie with Xinlang Automobile in terms of content. To surpass them, we must have better creativity."

   "Mr. Chen, our car crash test data will soon be sent, and we will definitely be able to surpass them by then."

   "Although the collision data is our heavy weapon, this alone is not enough. We can't just rely on this for food."

   Chen Yu still shook his head.

   Like this kind of heavy-touch weapon, once it is released, it has no power at all.

   As long as the opponent is defeated steadily, and then another big move, the power can truly explode.

  Thinking about it, Chen Yu said: "Xinlang has the advantages of Xinlang, and Huanyu Technology also has the advantages of Huanyu Technology. Xinlang's advantage is in content construction. What about the advantages of Huanyu Technology?"

   "Mr. Chen, are you talking about social?"

   "That's right."

   Although Li Xuelin entered Huanyu Technology not long ago.

   But Li Xuelin still has research on Huanyu Technology.

  The biggest advantage of Huanyu Technology is social.

   Whether it's YY, online games, 5173, or circles, they all play a powerful social advantage.

   Just when he said, Li Xuelin suddenly realized: "Chen, I have an idea."

   "Oh, so fast?"

   Chen Yu was a little surprised: "Talk about it."

   "I am going to launch the car forum function, each model corresponds to a forum."

"Yes, Not Bad."

   Chen Yu nodded.

"Then what……"

   "Then we guide users to more exchanges on the forum, including sharing their car experience, car photos, and even self-recorded car videos."

"Not bad."

   Chen Yu still approves of Li Xuelin's idea.

  The most attractive point of the previous car home is their forum.

   Countless netizens in the forum shared their series of old driver theories.

   Among them, their favorite car is also the most attractive one.

   However, Chen Yu added two words: "beauties."

   "Yes, yes, you must add beautiful women."

  Car is an indispensable thing for men.

   Then, besides the car, the most indispensable thing is the beauty.

   When the car and the beauty are added together, then they can produce an efficient chemical reaction.


   Soon, at the order of Chen Yu, the Huanyu Automotive Forum was officially launched.

  The forum procedure is very easy and does not take much time.

   Huanyu Automobile started as the Internet before, and some forums can be directly applied to the template program.

   Of course, the forum program is not the key, the key is how to operate the forum.

  The circle of Huanyu Technology itself is also a kind of forum.

   However, the Huanyu Automotive Forum cannot copy the experience of the circle.

  Because of vertical websites like cars, his user base is relatively not so broad.

   A series of topics in the circle may not get their points.

   They entered the car forum to talk about cars.

   As for the others, it doesn't do much.

   However, under the guidance of beautiful women's thoughts, the Huanyu Automobile Forum is making great progress.

   Although it was only not long after its launch, a series of articles, experience, and photos of old drivers appeared quickly.

This is normal.

   Every type of netizen wants to communicate with similar people.

   I bought the public’s likes and bought the public’s chat.

   I like to buy GM and chat with GM.

   Those who bought a BMW also like to chat with those who bought a BMW.

   Of course, there is another thing they are most interested in, and that is seeing beautiful women.

   is wrong.

   is watching cars.

All right.

   is to look at beauties and cars.

   Looking at the car alone, it is inevitable to be aesthetically tired.

   Just looking at beauties, there are also a lot of pictures of beauties on the Internet.

   But the beauty is combined with the car, especially the various beautiful movements that the beauty sits in the car and poses on the car, which are very attractive.

   "My grass, this car is handsome."

   "Yes, it's so handsome, it should be one-handed."

   "Well, it looks like a handcart, very new."

   Of course, not everyone likes to watch it.

   There are many second-hand, three-handed, four-handed cars...I also like to see cars of various hands.

   Well, these are all old drivers' secret codes.

   As for what the code means, those who can understand will naturally understand, and those who don’t understand will not understand.

   Anyway, after discovering this new continent, many users have since become loyal users of Huanyu Automobile.

   Every day when they go online, they will definitely enter the car forum to talk about the car, talk about performance, talk about maintenance, talk about how much gasoline to add, talk about driving technology...



   Chen Tong has been very busy recently.

   is so busy, on the one hand, he is responsible for the entire Xinlang portal.

   On the other hand, they have been worried about their main competitor, Huanyu Technology.

Although Huanyu Technology is far inferior to Xinlang in current affairs news, Huanyu Technology also has its own unique features. They even changed their style of play instead of competing with them in current affairs news. Interesting section.

   Before the [Entertainment] section of Huanyu News, he killed Chen Tongyi by surprise.

   Fortunately, after the [Entertainment] section, Chen Tong quickly launched the car section.

   And, with his unique experience in content, he soon attracted the love of a lot of netizens.

   However, Chen Tong is still not at ease. He will check the changes of the Huanyu portal every day.

  The reason for this is that he understands the strength of Huanyu Technology.

  Perhaps ordinary people don't think that Huanyu Technology has any strength in being a portal website.

   Yes, Chen Tong thinks so too.

   But Huanyu Technology is rich.

   Money is their strongest strength.

   For Xin Lang, Chen Yu sighed every time he looked at the millions in his hand.

   No, the above has always been obsessed with online games, and has entered the game field again.

   I spent money on the game, but I don’t have much money on the website.

   "Hey, they came up with a new feature."

   I looked at various secondary Tong discovered the new forum function of Huanyu Automobile.

   Chen Tong didn't care about this feature.

   The forum function is nothing new, even if a new forum is added, it doesn’t matter much.

   Despite thinking so, Chen Yu still clicked on it in a responsible manner.

   After watching for a few minutes, Chen Tong shook his head.

   Many of the posts posted by people in the forum are posted by ordinary netizens, and there is not much quality.

  Although there are some people who have posted their test drive experience, everyone is ordinary riders, and various evaluations are not very professional.

   Even if it’s a bit popular here, it’s nothing.

   Xinlang took a different route from them.

   Xinlang has always been professional and authoritative...

   They have the most professional car experts, and they also have the most authoritative test-ride test racks...With these, users will definitely visit their website.

   Of course, Chen Tong is not saying that such a forum is useless, but at least it still seems a little joyful.

   But this kind of joy Xinlang doesn't want to learn.

   was about to close the website when Chen Tong suddenly saw a very popular post.


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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