Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 420: : Buy a car and get a helmet

   "My grass, is it true?"

   "This video, Nima, I'm afraid Sartre is too bad."

   "This is a great car, is this the most powerful B-segment car?"

   Facing such a video, many netizens couldn't believe it at first.

   You must know that in their eyes, Dazhong has always been synonymous with solidity, stability, and atmosphere.

   Compared to Japanese crispy, he has too many advantages.

   Not to mention anything else, many people think that the heavy work is very reliable.

   Not to mention the most heavyweight Pear Sartre in Dazhong.

   However, when I couldn't believe it, the video was clearly shown in front of them again and again.

   "Don't be silly, it's actually like that for big cars."

   "I said a long time ago that big and heavy cars are not good, they are not safe, but many people don't believe it."

   "That is, do you know why many big and heavy car owners think that big and heavy cars are safe, because they found that the doors and windows of the big and heavy cars are very thick. But when they really collided, they found out that the gold and jade had failed."

   "I'm thinking, who would dare to buy Dazhong after such a video. Okay, I can't say Dazhong, now I'm afraid of Sartre."

how to say.

   If an ordinary person sends such a test, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to believe so.

   But the test of the research and development cloth of Zhongce, let's say another thing.

   I knew a long time ago that this is an evaluation agency that has nothing to do with car companies.

   At the same time, the strength of the five insurance companies is much stronger than the auto companies.

   They are standing on the opposite side of car companies.

   They cannot cheat, and there is no need to cheat, let alone cheating.

   And, on the other hand, he also represents the evaluation above.

   But, although it is said so.

   But Dazhong has been deeply involved in the country for decades, and it is the first auto company to cooperate with the country.

   In China, Dazhong has too many fans.

   No, Chen Yu’s car is a big golf.

   Not only Chen Yu, Zhang Jianming also bought a heavy car.

   Well, what Zhang Jianming bought was because he was afraid of Sartre.

   "I'm going, I don't dare to drive anymore."

   "Nima, why are you afraid that Sartre is so bad?"

   "It seems that the test performance on the US version is okay, how come it is like this in China."

   "Is it a reduction in the allocation?"

   Many big car owners keep complaining.

   But, after all, they like Dazhong too much, and they still said: "Let’s not talk about how this evaluation is. I think, if I’m afraid that Sartre is the case, then the evaluation of other cars will be even worse."

"Yes, I'm afraid that Sartre is Volkswagen's heaviest B-segment car, the best-selling B-segment car in China, and it is also a special car for many civil servants. If you are afraid that Sartre is of such a level, you can imagine the level of other cars. ."

   "I look forward to the evaluation of the next car."

   Of course, since it is an evaluation agency.

   It's impossible to score only one car, nor can it only score Sartre.

   Then, the second car, Volvo S60.

   is also a mid-level car.

   Of course, the brand is much stronger than Dazhong.

   Many riders said that don’t watch the second evaluation, it’s definitely better than being afraid of Sartre.

This is normal.

  Volvo has always been a second-tier domestic luxury brand.

   This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Volvo's main focus is safety.

   The results did not surprise everyone. The Volvo S60 evaluation data is 6 G (excellent) and one P (poor).

   can be found in the video.

   In the frontal crash test at 25% angle, the Volvo s60 performed perfectly.

   The A-pillar didn't hurt at all.

   At the same time, there are larger airbags on both sides of the front side, which stably caught the dummy without being injured.

  The poorer is the crashworthiness maintenance.

   is bad because luxury brands are expensive to repair, so they pay more premiums.

   For the insurance company, this is definitely going to give him a bad job.

   Of course, it doesn’t matter if the crashworthiness is poor. The key point is that the other 6 aspects are all excellent, but they are all at once afraid of Sartre.

   It's just that, facing Volvo's evaluation, some car owners who bought the Sartre were a little dissatisfied.

   "Volvo is always the main focus on safety. It's normal to be better than Sartre."

   "That is, the brand is stronger than the big one. It's boring to compare with Volvo."

   "Why don't you use BMW and Mercedes-Benz to be afraid of Sartby."

   "Have the ability to take ordinary brand b-class cars and Pk for Sartre Pk."

   "Yes, compare with American cars."

   "If you take your sister, the quality of the American car is not bad, but if you want to take it, compare it with the Japanese car."

   "Yes, yes, I have the ability to compare with Japanese cars."

   Japanese cars are crispy cars in many people's minds.

   In fact, it’s true many times.

   Just hit it and it will rot.

   Many people think that Japanese cars are made of plastic.

   But, are Japanese cars really so crispy?

   After the Volvo s60, China Testing and Research really took out a Japanese car for evaluation.

Toyota Camry.

   This is a Japanese B-segment car that is enough to compete with Dazhong Sutter.

   This one is also a b-segment car that is very popular on the market.

   Put aside patriotism or not, let's just look at the performance of the data.

   Beyond the surprise of countless people, the Camry's evaluation data turned out to be the same as Volvo.

   6 G (excellent) and one M (fair).

  M is generally crash-resistant maintenance. The reason why it is generally not bad, because the Camry is a common brand, the price is not as expensive as Volvo, and the repair is not as much as Volvo has to pay. From a data point of view, it is even better than Volvo.

   However, the gap can still be seen in the specific video.

   Although the Camry has achieved excellent results in a 25% frontal collision, the A-pillar is still slightly damaged, but the damage is not particularly serious, and it also provides a relatively large protection for the occupants in the car.

   Although the Camry is better than Volvo in overall score, Volvo is still stronger in terms of safety.

   Of course, this is for Volvo.

   For Fear Sartre, the Camry’s personal safety in the car gave him a perfect blow.

   "Isn't it said that Japanese cars are crispy, what's the situation now?"

   "The real crash data broke my previous perceptions. It turns out that Volkswagen is not as safe as Japanese cars."

   "Well, in the future, I will definitely not buy Fear Sartre. As for whether I want to buy a Camry, I will not buy it. As for why, can I not buy a Japanese car?"

   After the Camry's collision data came out, the feelings of depression in the hearts of heavy riders were beyond words.

   Especially I bought Fear Sartre, and he hopes that this is not true.

   But, this is the fact.

   It’s just that there are still some stiff mouths, and they still don’t accept it.

   "The Camry is cheating. They added an anti-collision beam before the crash test, so the score is better than that of Sartre."

   "Cheating, can you be a little bit brainy, what kind of organization is China Testing and Research Institute, they do not accept inspections, all cars are purchased from the market, did you add an anti-collision beam to the Camry?"

   "Damn, can't he add an anti-collision beam to all the cars?"

"It's disgusting. Well, let's not say whether the Camry has been added or not. Even if it is, why are you afraid that the Sartre will not be added. If it is not added, it is safer. I wish my car had an anti-collision beam. ."

   All of a sudden, a quarrel broke out among netizens.

   Naturally, I'm afraid that Sartre fans will noisy a lot of netizens.

  Who is afraid that Sartre's evaluation video is so miserable, even if the a-pillar is broken, his airbags can't even catch people.

   "I just want to say, I'm afraid Sartre can't be the worst."

   "I have only reviewed three cars now, and there are more than 100 models."

   "We'll talk about it after all the tests."

   "That is, if I'm afraid that Sartre won't buy it, should we ask us to buy a Camry?"

   "Little Japan's cars are never bought."

   "Then you can buy a domestic car."

   "Damn, whoever buys a domestic car, not only loses face, but also has no quality at all."

  In the mainstream crowd.

  On safety.

   Dazhong is stronger than the American system, stronger than the Japanese system, and infinitely stronger than the domestic product.

   In other words, domestic products are not worthy of their Pk.

Is it really?

   The fourth model, which was evaluated by China Testing and Research Institute, is a domestic car.

   However, there is no B-segment for domestically-produced cars at present, and the China Testing and Research Institute evaluated a BYD f3.

   This is an a-class car, to be precise, it should be an a+ class.

   Because this car does not cost 100,000 yuan for the top-of-the-line model, it is very cost-effective, so it sells very well.

   It’s just that although BYD’s f3 is very popular, many people don’t really value this car.

  The reason is that it is too bad, too low, and can't be taken.

   is such a domestic car that everyone thinks is not available.

   In the end, his evaluation data was 4 G (excellent) and 3 M (fair).

   Frontal collisions, side collisions, roof strength, and seat headrests, which have the heaviest safety performance, are all excellent.

   As for the remaining three, they are just general auxiliary safety, pedestrian protection, and crashworthiness maintenance.

  Of course, you can also see it from the video.

   In several key safety performance evaluations of BYD, the A-pillar was only slightly bent.

   Of course, the overall score is not as good as Camry, Volvo... but not much better than Sartre.


   A domestic car that everyone looks down on is better than the Sartre.

"I go……"

   "It just shook my eyes."

   "Can't compare to Volvo or Camry, now even domestically produced cars can't compare to it, tusk..."

   "I want to say that there are still French cars and American cars that have not yet been reviewed, but I have no face to say."

   "I have no face to say."

   What else can I say?

   When a few evaluation videos came out, it was almost a turn of the face for fear of Sartre.

   Even if you are a **** fan, you know what kind of car you have bought.

   "Everyone, I regret buying it for fear of Sartre."

   "Me too, but I bought everything, what should I do?"

   "Be careful, never overtake in the future to avoid being scolded."

   "Okay, in the future, be a low-key person, never overtake, and the speed will not exceed 70 yards."

   "It's not enough."

   "What else is going on, it is enough."

"Counseling is right. If you don't counsel, you will definitely be beaten. But the way you counseled is You can see that the speed of 64 yards can make you hang up. You can really guarantee that you will not exceed the speed of driving in the future. 70?"

  Don't say it.

   How can this be guaranteed?

   If you say that the national highway is better, but on the highway, 70 yards is like a cow.

   And the low speed of 70 yards is a violation, and points are deducted.

   No matter how careful, 100 yards will definitely step on it.

   "Damn, you think I'm willing to buy it because I'm afraid of Sartre. I bought it all. Do you want me to sell it to you?"

   "Why am I here for this."

   "Don't just stop talking coldly here, do you know that some of us who are afraid of Sartre owners are the most injured?"

   "Big brother, I didn't say anything cold, I'm not telling you. I have something here that can improve driving safety."


   "Look, this is it."

   A friend who opened an online shop sent a picture out.

   The picture says: "Fear of Sartre's special all-steel helmet."


   To make Sater safe, it would be best to add this helmet.

   Look at his configuration, it shows that it is just now.

   Produced in Fort Worth, Germany.

   Five layers of anti-rust.

Laser welding.

One piece.

  Inject wax into the cavity.

   century-old quality, trustworthy.

   as long as 3998, free shipping nationwide.

  With this artifact, why not be afraid of Sartre?


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