Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 434: : "Wen Dao" closed beta

   "Wang Xin, you said a good alliance, you have reached a cooperation with 360."

   "Please, who said that, we didn't."

   "Wang Xin, do you think I will talk nonsense about this kind of thing without definite news?"

   "Well, now that I know the general, then I have nothing to say."

   Knowing that Rising had cooperated with 360, Jinshan Chairman Qiu Bojun was extremely angry.

   is ridiculous, before he called and insisted on the so-called alliance.

   Looking at it now, I don’t know if I was sold by someone else.

   "Wang Xin, you will regret it for your immediate benefit."

   "Just ask, there is no need to say that, even if I don't do it for immediate benefit, 360 will find other anti-virus software vendors sooner or later."

   "Even if we find it, if the three of us refuse, they can only find a foreign anti-software."

   "Whether it is at home or abroad, it is actually the same... The 360 ​​market is so big, why can't we win this market for Rising."

   "Okay, okay, okay... you Rising did a good job."

   Qiu Bojun was irritated by Wang Xin: "You are raising a tiger. When 360 has developed its own anti-virus software, you will be the first one they want to kill."

   "There is no need to ask for a reminder."

Wang Xin smiled and said: "I'm not stupid, how can I not see what Zhou Hongyi wants to do. However, if we want to kill our Rising in the anti-virus software, 360 is almost too. I beg you, sorry, we and 360 After the cooperation, the market share may grow rapidly, so consider yourself more."


   Qiu Bojun was vomiting blood from Wang Xin's anger.

  Don't tell me yet.

   What Wang Xin said is right.

   Rising naturally has no trouble now. It is their Jinshan and Jiangmin who are in trouble.

   He can already see it.

   After the cooperation between Rising and 360, the market share of Jinshan and Jiangmin will be reduced.

   Even after Mirai 360 broke up with Rising, the first person to die must not be Rising, but their Jinshan and Jiangmin.

   "Zhou Hongyi's trick is really vicious."

   was pitted by Rising, Qiu Bojun was in a bad mood.

   He wanted to blame Wang Xin, but after much deliberation, it was still a 360 problem.

   If Zhou Hong did not make such a ruthless move, naturally there would not be such a problem.

   However, this doesn't say how Zhou Hongyi was.

  Commercial contest is a life-and-death, where can you be half-hearted.

  360 can pull the cage Rising, it's normal.

   It’s just that Qiu Bojun really doesn’t understand why it hasn’t been a long time since 360 ​​was released, so why did it occupy such a large market?

   Zhou Hongyi has such a big Nona?

   "By the way, there is Huanyu Technology behind it."

  360 is not only Zhou Hongyi, the Huanyu technology behind it may be the most powerful.

   Regarding Zhou Hongyi, I ask Bojun to know something about it.

   Although this guy is powerful, but most of them use a lot of shameless hooligans, which is not fair.

   But Huanyu Technology, although it is not a good kind, is undoubtedly much smarter.

  Especially the series of various social innovations in the later stage of 360, there must be credit for Huanyu Technology.

   "Chen Yu."

   Thinking of this, Qiu Bojun thought of Chen Yu.

  The biggest boss of Huanyu Technology is Chen Yu.

   Although Qiu Bojun has not had much dealings with Chen Yu, he is really familiar with Chen Yu.

   Before in the game, Chen Yu poached their Zou Tao.

   Now Qiu Bojun has some regrets.

   In addition, the e-commerce segment of, which was invested by Jinshan, was also defeated by the Huanyu Mall created by Chen Yu.

   It can basically be said that as long as Chen Yu enters the business, there is nothing he can't do.

   "Zou Tao."

   I don’t know what happened, but Qiu Bojun called Zou Tao.

   "Seeking total..."

   After receiving a call from Qiu Bojun, Zou Tao was very strange.

   Although Zou Tao's departure from Jinshan and entering Huanyu Technology is not a betrayal, there is still a competitive relationship between the two families. In addition, Zou Tao also left from Jinshan, naturally some of them cannot face Qiu Bojun. Therefore, after Zou Tao left Jinshan, he basically never had a conversation with Qiu Bojun.

  Unexpectedly, Qiu Bojun took the initiative to call himself.

   "Hehe, Tao Zou, I forgot some of our old friends in Jinshan after I went to Huanyu Technology. How can I say, we have worked together for many years."

   "No, please, I am..."

   Zou Tao was a little embarrassed, and explained: "In fact, after leaving Jinshan, I have always wanted to talk to you, but I have been embarrassed."

   "What's the embarrassment? I let you leave Jinshan. Besides, there is nothing you can do to sorry Jinshan. I regret it. Why did I agree to your resignation in the first place."

   "Please, I..."

   "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, the past is over, how are you staying at Huanyu Technology?"


   "Good. Huanyu Technology is a company with great potential. I also admire your boss Chen Yu. By the way, can you tell me something about your boss Chen Yu?"


   Zou Tao has some hesitation.

   Qiu Bojun knew that Zou Tao had misunderstood, and said quickly: "Don't have any psychological burden, I don't want to inquire about the trade secrets of Huanyu Technology, so you can tell me what kind of person Chen Yu is."

   "What did Mr. Chen say, I don't know how to evaluate him."

   It is naturally impossible for Zou Tao to inquire about the commercial secrets of Huanyu Technology.

   Even if Zou Tao had stayed in Jinshan before, it was impossible for him to reveal the secrets of Huanyu Technology.

   But if you want to talk about what kind of person Chen Yu is, you can still talk more or less.

   "Young, talented, thinking what others can't think of. Many times his thinking often breaks our three views, but after careful consideration, he feels normal. The understanding of the Internet is really too deep."

   "Yes, your Chen's ability to understand the Internet is the most terrifying I have ever seen. It's like the 360 ​​he and Zhou Hongyi recently did, hehe, but we have no food to eat."

   "Please tell me a laugh."

   "Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. I'm just not in a good mood today. I feel much better after chatting with you. Zou Tao, work hard, you have a good boss right."

   "Thank you, thank you for asking."

   Zou Tao replied excitedly.

   This is not only because of Qiu Bojun's appreciation, but more importantly because he passed the hurdle in his heart.

   It turned out that he left Jinshan, and Qiu Zong did not blame him.


   "Zou Tao, I feel so good today."

   In the afternoon, Zou Tao went to Chen Yu’s office to report on work.

   As soon as he walked in, Chen Yu saw Zou Tao refreshed, as if he had changed.

   "Oh, do you have one?"

   "No, you see, the whole temperament has changed."

   "Oh, Jinshan's Qiu always called me at noon."

   "Look at the general manager, ask Mr. Bojun?"

   Chen Yuyi was a little strange, looking at Zou Tao: "Zou Tao, I beg Bojun will not dig you back to Jinshan."

"No no."


   "Mr. I swear to God, really not."

   Zou Tao quickly denied.

   You have to be firm in this kind of thing. If you make the boss distrust yourself, then you have to cry.

   "Believe you, what can you swear about. However, if someone digs, it's okay. If no one of Huanyu Technology employees digs, I still think our company can't do it. By the way, what can you talk about?"

   "Maybe Mr. Qiu is relatively depressed recently, and I chatted with me some gossip, and asked Mr. Chen how you are."

"how do you say."

   "I said Mr. Chen, you are simply a monster, knowing everything, omnipotent..."


   Chen Yu hurriedly called to stop: "Stop, let's talk about business."

   "Good column..."

  Zou Tao said: "Chen, Team We and Team GL have already gone to Korea to participate in the wcg competition."

   "So fast. It would be great if the TV station had a live broadcast, but unfortunately I can't watch their games live."

   Chen Yu has some regrets.

   Then, Zou Tao reported again: "In addition, the "Wen Dao" we invested in will be officially closed tomorrow."


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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