Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 467: : New commercial real estate model

This is it, Sichuan-style barbecue, which tastes good. "

With Chen Yu, Li Jing and Xiao Jun entered a barbecue restaurant called Sichuan BBQ.

"Boss, the same way."

It is estimated that the two are very familiar with the boss. They just greeted the boss when they entered the store, and the boss went quickly.

Just sitting down, Dongzi from the two populations also came.

"Fujiko, so fast?"

"Oh, I'm here, of course fast."

"Yes, this is your home, you will treat you later."

"Of course it's okay to treat guests, but my family is only responsible for the development of this area, and most of the shops are sold."

"This is President Chen of Huanyu Technology, he really deserves his reputation, Wang Dong, winter in winter, get acquainted."

When Wang Dong saw Chen Yu, he stretched out his right hand.

"Chen Yu, Yu of the universe, he is not well-known. I came to Mr. Wang today to have a barbecue."

Chen Yu shook hands with Wang Dong and introduced himself.

"Yu of the universe, Xiao Jun, Li Jing, if you hear it, President Chen’s introduction is more impressive than ours. I think President Chen wants to sweep the Internet all at once. By the way, I’m the super **** in your legendary world. I’m doing it now. The number is 36. It’s too difficult to upgrade. I want to ask if the billions of upgrade experience behind this is yours."

Wang Dong is a refreshing person. Although he met Chen Yu for the first time, he had a very unpleasant conversation.

"Or I will adjust you to level 40."

Chen Yu said jokingly.

"It's okay to dare to be affectionate, so it's a deal. After eating this barbecue, you will adjust it to level 40 for me, and I will also put pressure on it in the game."

"no problem."

Chen Yu nodded seriously and agreed.

Of course, I said yes, but no one would take it seriously.

Chen Yu wouldn't give Wang Dong a grade, and Wang Dong couldn't really let Chen Yu tune in his spare time.

These are all polite remarks.

But even though it was a polite remark, Wang Dong and Chen Yu acted like old acquaintances.

This made Li Jing on the side unhappy, and said, "Hey, two, are you familiar with each other?"

"Familiar, of course. You don't know that President Chen is not only engaged in online games, he is also engaged in real estate."

"No way, Chen Yu, are you in real estate?"

Li Jing was a little confused.

When did Chen Yu engage in real estate, why didn't he know.

"Uh, no."

Chen Yu shook his head. However, he also heard what Wang Dong meant: "Mr. Wang may have said that we have recently set up a second-level channel for real estate."


With this, Li Jing and Xiao Jun knew what was going on.

Recently, after launching the automobile section, Huanyu Portal entered the real estate section.

Wang Dong is engaged in real estate, so he naturally has a lot of topics with Chen Yu.

"Dongzi, it seems that you and Chen Yu can cooperate more."

"Of course."

Wang Dong nodded: "Actually, I'm looking for Mr. Chen to advertise for us Wanxing Real Estate."

"You are in commercial real estate, right."

"Even commercial real estate, but also housing, but mainly commercial real estate."

"If it is a commercial real estate, our advertising is not very helpful. The biggest help is the layout, operation, and concept of the entire real estate."

"It seems that Mr. Chen also has research on commercial real estate?"

"I'm just talking nonsense."

"What nonsense, Mr. Chen is too modest. If you can build the real estate section so well, you must have unique research on real estate. Mr. Chen, ask for guidance."

"How dare you give me advice, but as an outsider, I have some suggestions."

"Mr. Chen, I listen with great respect."

Li Jing and Xiao Jun are also looking forward to it.

Chen Yu sorted out his thoughts and said, "Although I am not familiar with this place, Li Jing Xiaojun took me around here just now, and I can also see that the location here is very good. It is now 10 o'clock in the evening. There are so many people here."

"The area of ​​real estate is the core, especially commercial real estate."

"I agree."

Chen Yu nodded.

Li Chaoren once said.

What is the core of determining the value of real estate?

Location, location, or location.

From here we can see how important the location is.

"However, I would like to ask, are the stores here self-owned or sold to the owners?"

"Self-owned part, but most of it is sold to the owner."

"It's the supermarket on the second floor."

"Yes, commercial real estate is no better than others. In order to attract popularity, we must introduce large supermarkets. If we do not hold ourselves, it will be difficult to develop here."

"Of course self-sustainability is good, and the funds required are also very large."

"It's true."

Wang Dong nodded: "So it is much more difficult for us to do commercial real estate than residential real estate."

"Then why not change to another mode?"

"What model?"

"All the shops are sold to the owners, and the funds will naturally be recovered much faster."

"It doesn't even work."

Before Wang Dong, there were still some hopes that Chen Yu could say.

As soon as he heard it, Wang Dong shook his head.

Sure enough, doing a website is still different from doing real estate.

If all the shops are sold to the owners, the supermarket on the second floor does not need to be opened.

As for why?

What could be the reason?

The second floor is so big, tens of thousands of square meters, with hundreds of shops, certainly not one family can eat.

If you want to sell, there are hundreds of owners.

It is impossible for hundreds or thousands of owners to agree to combine their stores to build supermarkets.

Every owner has different ideas.

Some want to rent higher, and some want to rent for other businesses. There is simply no way to unify them.

Therefore, for many commercial real estate projects, developers will choose to own part of it.

"I think I can give it a try."

Chen Yu smiled and said, “Of course it’s okay to be self-sufficient, but no matter how powerful developers are, they can only hold a part of their own. What about other stores, let them run their own business?”

Speaking of it, Wanxing Plaza seems to be very large and popular, but this is only temporary.

The business center moved very quickly.

It’s lively here today, and it will shift tomorrow.

Just like the first floor of Wanxing Plaza.

Although the first floor is also very popular, it is because there are countless different owners, so there are all kinds of shops on the first floor.

This not only affected the image of the entire commercial street, but also disrupted the positioning of the entire commercial plaza.

Just now, Chen Yu saw it on the first floor. Someone sold stinky tofu.

All right.

In fact, it is all right to sell stinky tofu.

But stinky tofu sells branded men's clothing beside it.

This is really embarrassing.

"We can't help it, and we can't hold everything ourselves, otherwise the funds will not be recovered. As for what the landlord rents to the tenants, we can't manage it."

"I think we can change the model."

Chen Yu said: "For example, you have a unified management and unified business model."

"We have to talk about it one by one, it's impossible to realize it."

Wang Dong still shook his head.

In fact, he also has misery.

But it is impossible for them to force the owner to open a store.

For example, you must not sell stinky tofu.

People are going to rent to others to sell stinky tofu, what can you do?

For things like this, let alone them, even the government can't force it.

"It's a bit difficult now, but what if you sign a unified management and unified operation with the owner at the time of sale?"

"The owner may not agree."

"Why wouldn't you agree, if you promise to give them rent every month, and promise that the rent is not less than a lot, you only need the right to use the shop, not their property rights, I believe many landlords will agree."

"As long as the right to use, do not need property rights?"

Wang Dong's eyes lit up, but he understood what Chen Yu meant.

The owner is the landlord.

What the landlord cares most about is the rent.

But it is not that you become a landlord, you can rent a rent that satisfies yourself.

The location is good.

There are some who are not in a good position, then ask for more blessings.

But in fact, only a few of the commercial real estates have good locations, and most of them are average.

If you hold the right to use all stores in your hands, then you can operate and manage in a unified way.

Just like the second floor can attract Wal-Mart.

It is because of self-sustainability that it can hold the size of Wal-Mart.

But now, you don’t need to be self-sustaining, you just need to have the right to use it.

Once the use rights are obtained, they can achieve unified management and unified operations.

Once unified management and unified operations, they can attract stronger brand owners and more powerful tenants to move in.

Once more brands join, the rents of the entire commercial real estate will naturally rise.

Here, developers can not only build this commercial center, but also profit from the difference in rental prices. Unlike before, as long as the store is sold, the store has nothing to do with the developer.

This kind of one-off deal is good, but it does not have long-term sustainable profitability.

"Awesome, President Chen, you are really amazing."

Before that, Wang Dong thought Chen Yu was a layman.

I don't want to This layman in his eyes just said, but it has awakened this problem that has plagued him for many years.

However, Wang Dong still has a problem: "Mr. Chen, the unified management and unified operation you said is good, and it can indeed attract some owners, but not all owners agree. In case they feel that this is insecure, And will think what should we do if we run away?"

"It is naturally impossible for all owners to recognize this model, but your company can fully enhance their confidence. For example, before selling, your company can sign contracts with a series of brand owners. Just like Wal-Mart, as long as your business As soon as the center opened, Wal-Mart moved in immediately. Wal-Mart can, as well as other brands... There seems to be no KFC here, why not cooperate with KFC? There is no Watsons here, why not cooperate with Watsons?"

"As long as this series of brands all follow into the market, the owners will naturally believe in your strength and will not be afraid that you will run away."

This answer completely eliminated Wang Dong's doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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