Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 478: :Clearance! ! !

"Does the sales data come out?"

"4 million sales in two weeks, breaking 2.5 million units in the first week."

"so much."

"Yeah, Mr. Chen, don't you know that a bunch of users are crazy. If it weren't for our sufficient production, it might be out of stock. However, this is only the first two weeks, and the following sales data is not so crazy."

"Well, very good. If this is also crazy in the next few weeks, hehe, our Tianyu mobile phone will have to sell 100 million units a year."

Although Chen Yu believes that they will be able to enter the 100 million club sooner or later.

But now it has just begun, everything has a process.

At this time, Chen Yu is already extremely satisfied with Tianyu's mobile phone's performance.

It seems that the power of mobile phone + flashlight is still underestimated.

It seems that adding a flashlight to a mobile phone is not a complicated technology, and even this technology is so general that any mobile phone company can do it. However, they did not know that this extremely simple flashlight perfectly solved the pain points of countless users.

At this time, it was 2003, and the demand for flashlights was very large.

Because many times there will be power outages in various places, even if there is no power outage, there are restrictions on power consumption.

Such as construction sites, such as schools, such as the streets at night.

In many cases, there will be no electricity on the construction site, and a flashlight is very in demand for them.

Not to mention the school, when you go to bed at night, basically it won't use electricity for you.

As for the streets, this time is not more than ten years later, the streets are extremely prosperous, and there are street lights everywhere.

In 2003, there were no lights in many streets and places.

Let alone 2003, even in 2020, there are not many street lights in many underdeveloped central regions.

Of course, this does not mean that they will want to buy flashlights without electricity.

Even if there is no electricity, they can only endure it.

Because the flashlight is very annoying, it is not suitable to always be worn on the body.

But adding a flashlight to the phone makes it completely different.

I can go out without a flashlight, but I will definitely go out with my mobile phone.

When there is no light, I can only endure it, and even move forward in the dark.

But now, as long as he takes out his mobile phone to take a photo, he has solved the countless worries of users.

Coupled with the low-end price of Tianyu mobile phones, the entire sales have ushered in a blowout.

"President Chen, what should we do next?"

Wu Kai was extremely excited.

At that time, he still had some worries, a small flashlight could not handle the user.

Unexpectedly, it was this flashlight, but he had achieved an extremely crucial role.

"How to do it..."

Chen Yu thought for a while and asked, "Wu Kai, what do you think we should do."

"Launch the fifth generation."

"That's a good idea."

But even though Chen Yu said so, he shook his head: "We have launched four consecutive generations, and the product update is too fast. Although we have won a lot of markets for us, it has also exposed a lot of our trump cards. You are our competition. Opponent, what will you do?"

"Completely copy."


Chen Yu nodded: "They just need to copy it completely."

Although Huanyu Technology can also launch the fifth, sixth, and even seventh generation... but they only use one copy of the word, and you can’t do anything about it. Of course, this is because the technology is relatively simple, if it is more complicated, don't worry about this problem. But now Huanyu Technology is temporarily unable to produce such awesome and complicated technology.

"This is indeed."

Wu Kai frowned too.

In this short period of time, the major mobile phone manufacturers have been copying them all the time.

Although they are still one step ahead of major manufacturers, there is always time for them to keep up.

It is impossible for Huanyu Technology to pervert until it is replaced once every two weeks.

"Then what shall we do now?"

"This... it's also easy. It will greatly expand the scale of mobile phone production."

"Mr. Chen, what are you?"

"Kick the price of mobile phones to the freezing point."

All right.

Another sentence is easier to understand.

What Chen Yu has to do is to clear the field.


"Chen, this is the work schedule for the next week."

After Wu Kai left, the assistant Bamboo handed the worksheets to Chen Yu.

"So many."

Looking through the arrangement, Chen Yu only saw the densely packed work, and Chen Yu had a headache.

But there is no way.

The company is so big and there are so many subsidiaries, even if there is only one thing for each subsidiary, it adds up.

"Oh, I see."

Slightly sighed, Chen Yu browsed.

The first thing, Li Biqing discussed chip open source issues.

Chen Yu has been following up on this matter.

The entire design plan is progressing smoothly, and the MIT professor's "Hamm" plan is unanimously praised by all parties.

However, this design plan is not the final chip architecture design.

This scheme is more about chip design planning.

After all, Huanyu chips are no longer related to mobile phones, but the entire Internet of Things.

It can be said that no scientist has ever done it.

But despite this, a group of top scholars still combined a series of experience and technology, fighting each other on the Huanyu Chip Open Source Forum, and in various academic exchanges, the entire open source plan is becoming clearer and clearer.

In the end, MIT professor "Hamm" stood out among all the plans.

The second thing is that Nokia launched a new product 3100, focusing on the low-end market, which will be on sale next week.

The second thing is not a work arrangement, but it is more important.

Although Chen Yu has been fighting hard with major domestic mobile phone manufacturers before, Chen Yu has never forgotten Nokia.

You know, in the era before smart phones, Nokia was the king of mobile phones.

However, Nokia's main market positioning was mid-to-high-end.

Unexpectedly, this time Nokia also began to enter the sinking market.

Nokia 3100.

Chen Yu is very impressed with this phone.

The first mobile phone of Chen Yu in the previous life was the Nokia 3100.

This should be Nokia's cheapest mobile phone, but also the most durable mobile phone. It is also one of Nokia's best-selling mobile phones in the past.

According to statistics, the global sales data of Nokia 3100 has reached nearly 100 million units.

Chen Yu checked the information of Nokia 3100 online.

There are four color versions of Nokia 3100. The functions of each version are the same, but the colors are different.

They are red, black and blue powder.

The appearance is small and exquisite, and there is a well-known Nokia brand trademark, and the manufacturer hints that this phone only costs 800 yuan. Chen Yu believes that this Nokia 3100 will be very popular once it is released.

"800 yuan, about 300 yuan cheaper than when it went on the market."

The price of 3100 in the previous life was around 1100 yuan.

May be affected by Chen Yu, at this time the Nokia 3100 turned out to be several hundred cheaper.

However, if Chen Yu had some worries before, after all, a brand such as Nokia, sinking the market and hitting the price to 800 yuan, will put a certain pressure on Tianyu mobile phones. But when Chen Yu was preparing to expand production and put forward a clearing strategy, the Nokia 3100 was nothing to be afraid of.

I really want to annoy him, even his Nokia 3100 he also destroyed.

The third thing is that Huawei Chairman Ren Zhengfei makes an appointment for a visit next week.

"I'm stubborn, boss."

Chen Yu was extremely surprised. Why did this legendary boss come to visit me?

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