Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 481: : Nokia and Motorola will go bankrupt, do you believe it?

"Mr. Ren, when we meet for the first time, I should actually visit you first."

To Ren Zhengfei, Chen Yukan said politely.

"Mr. Chen joked, you are our customer, because I came to visit you first."

"Customer, hahaha, yes yes yes, Mr. Ren, I am really your Huawei customer."

Chen Yu smiled.

As an information technology company, Chen Yu has ordered a lot of Huawei routers.

Of course, this kind of routing is not the routing used by ordinary households, but the routing of large enterprises.

"In that case, I have to be willing to ask Mr. Ren to give us a discount for the next batch of purchases."

Universal Technology currently consumes a lot of communication equipment, whether it is online games, instant messaging, or even portal sites. And not just now, as users continue to increase, investment in this area will be greater. If it can save a little bit, it would be hundreds of millions.


Ren Zhengfei did not refuse: "You are our major customers of Huawei, and you absolutely give Mr. Chen the most favorable price."

"Thank you so much, then."

Chen Yu said politely.

Of course, even if Chen Yu doesn't say anything, Huawei will offer preferential treatment to Huanyu Technology.

The reason for saying this is to find a topic and pull in the relationship.

No, the two didn't know each other originally, but because of the business dealings, the conversation was very pleasant for a while.

"Mr. Ren, I heard that Motorola wanted to acquire your company not long ago."

This incident is rumored in the media.

Only died later.

"Yes, just like the rumors of the outside world, we have all signed a letter of intent to acquire, and even I am going to retire to travel, but in the end Motorola looked down on me."

Ren Zhengfei sighed: "But it's okay. Before, I always thought about retiring. Now think about it. Although I am 60, I still have a clear mind and good health. I think I can work for another 10 years."

"After another 10 years, maybe you can buy Motorola."

"This is too exaggerated. I just hope that Huawei can take it one step further."

"It’s not an exaggeration. The times are changing very fast, especially in the area of ​​electronic technology. It used to be a giant existence. If it can’t keep up with the times, he may disappear. Just like Motorola now, although he is still very powerful, But he has fallen behind Nokia a lot."

In fact, the previous Motorola and Nokia quickly fell to the bottom after reaching their peak.

A bankruptcy reorganization.

The other Motorola was directly acquired by Lenovo.

Of course, if Chen Yu said it now, no one would believe it.

Because no one would believe how such a big giant could go bankrupt or be acquired by a domestic company.

But the development of science and technology is like this.

Ren Zhengfei also nodded.

He knows the two most about communication technology.

Motorola was originally the overlord in the mobile phone sector.

The world's first mobile phone was also produced by Motorola.

The Big Brother we talked about back then was actually produced by Motorola.

However, Motorola's brilliance is in the era of 1G communication technology.

After the emergence of 2G communication technology, Nokia became the overlord of the times.

But despite this, Motorola lost to Nokia in the 2G era, but after all, there is still some foundation.

For the time being, he still looks very strong, still a world leader.

"Motorola may not be able to fight Nokia, but the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. They are still very strong in mobile communications."

Although Ren Zhengfei is upset with Motorola, Ren Zhengfei is also an extremely rational person.

But Chen Yu did not agree with what Ren Zhengfei said.

"Mr. Ren, in the field of communications and electronics, I do not agree with the view that the lean camel is bigger than the horse. In fact, whether it is communications or electronic business, once he is not accepted by the public, then he is very likely to die. The birth of 1G, Let Motorola become the overlord. The emergence of 2G technology has allowed Nokia to catch up. After 3G..."

Take a look at the history of global mobile phones.

If you really want to say it, it's not that XX mobile phone changed the world.

It is the XX communication standard that changed the world.

Of course, a good mobile phone can also promote the popularization of communication standards.


Ren Zhengfei is indeed studying the issue of 3G.

Currently 3G standards have emerged.

Although it has not yet started in China, 3G licenses have been issued abroad.

However, 3G is still a new thing to the world. For the time being, the influence of 3G on the world has not appeared as 1G, and the influence brought by the emergence of 2G communication standards is even more profound.

Many people generally believe that 3G means faster information dissemination than 2G.

But he has not changed qualitatively.

At least the influence of 3G is not as great as that of 1G and 2G.

After all, after the advent of 1G, he gave birth to a mobile phone.

After the advent of 2G, he allowed mobile phones to enter the millions.

What happens after the emergence of 3G?

After the emergence of 3G, it seems that there have not been too many changes for the world.

At most, there are several relatively high-end mobile phones, nothing more.

This is not just what ordinary people think, it is also the consensus of many people in the industry.

“3G has not brought much change to our lives at present, and we have been thinking about this issue. It may take time. After all, everyone’s understanding of 3G is not very deep. Mr. Chen, do you think 3G will give What do we bring?"

"I think Nokia and Motorola are going to go bankrupt after 3G."

"Nokia and Motorola are going bankrupt?"

Ren Zhengfei was dumbfounded.

It was the first time he heard such crazy talk.

You know, one of the world's dominant players in the communications field is Nokia, and the other is Motorola.

But Chen Yu even said that they were going bankrupt in the 3G era.

is it possible?

"I think so, and I believe it will not take many years, maybe within 10 years."

Of course, Chen Yu will not say what the future of the two companies will be.

You know, the bankruptcies of these two companies have achieved another generation of giants-Apple in the previous life.

"Of course, these are digressions. But although they are digressions, they have a great impact on us. If we don't have our own standards, we can only be at the mercy of others. Mr. Ren, what do you think?"

"That's why Mr. Chen has a chip open source plan."

Ren Zhengfei stared at Chen Yu with interest.

"President Ren has a good eye."

Chen Yu smiled. UU reading www.

"It's not my eye, but Mr. Chen. Everyone knows what your chip open source plan is."

"Yes, I just want everyone to know. Otherwise, where can we attract other companies to work together."

"Mr. Chen, I wonder if there are other companies participating in this chip open source plan of your company?"

"Our plan is open source, and the cooperation is also frank and open, and everything is open. If there is a partner, we will announce it to the outside world as soon as possible."

"That is, for the time being, only Huanyu Technology is doing it."

"No, there is another one that is very interested."

"Oh, which one?"


At this time, it was Chen Yu's turn to stare at Ren Zhengfei meaningfully.

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