Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 488: : Mr. He, let’s talk about the future three-G world

"Chief He, you are busy."

"Mr. Chen, you are here, I will report to you on my work."

Gao Ji has Zhang Jianming to do it, and He Tingbo is naturally Chen Yu.

"Mr. Chen, this is the case. Regarding the issue of mobile phone signals, we have given several plans. The first plan is to replace the mobile phone chip, but the price is a bit high, and we will not. The second plan is The antenna is redesigned. The third option is to replace the antenna and the mobile phone case. For the material of the mobile phone case, we suggest a new type of material that will not block the signal propagation at all, and is fire-proof, moisture-proof and high-temperature resistant..."

"Mr. He, you know, I'm a technology idiot, so you can do it."

"Mr. Chen, this is not okay. After all, you pay for it. We can only give advice."

"It's okay, I believe you."

Chen Yu said with confidence.

Of course, it is said that, but it is another matter to be specific.

Chen Yu doesn’t need to be in charge of specific matters anyway, and his own technical department is responsible for it.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

"You are polite, Chief Engineer He, do you have many female engineers at Huawei?"

"There are relatively few female engineers, mostly men."

"It seems that there is a lot of pressure at Huawei."

"Large is quite big, but also very challenging."

"That's true."

Chen Yu nodded: "By the way, Chief Engineer He, has 3G commercial use started overseas?"

"Japan has already started, and the United States is also preparing. However, although many countries have started 3G commercial use, they are still in the preliminary stage, and there are still relatively few 3G users."

"What do you think of the future prospects of 3G?"

"Very big."

"Can you tell me more specifically?"


Speaking of prospects, He Tingbo is naturally very optimistic about 3G.

It's just where this prospect manifests itself, which is really a headache.

"At present, major operators in 3G communications are still exploring, but 3G information dissemination is much faster than 2G. I believe that 3G will make breakthrough progress in the future. What we need is to do a good job in infrastructure. As long as we have the foundation When the construction is completed, 3G will show a trend of continuous explosion in specific services in the future, and there will be various applications that we can't imagine."

"But most of the 3G standards are in the hands of foreigners. Even if we do a good job in infrastructure construction, we are actually serving them. In other words, the more perfect we build, the more we help them make money."

"Nor say the same. After all, it is impossible for us to develop in a leaping way at once. We must promote it slowly. We may suffer a little loss in the early stage, and we can catch up in the later stage."

Chen Yu is satisfied with He Tingbo's statement.

Sure enough, a great man is a great man. Although he does not have a thorough view of the future, he is extremely persistent about the future trend.

As she said, I don't know what the future will be, but 3G will definitely usher in an explosion.

As long as you follow this road, it is naturally right.

However, although he is very satisfied with He Tingbo, Chen Yu will not follow He Tingbo's statement.

After receiving He Tingbo’s statement, Chen Yu said: “He, Chief Engineer He, what you said is right. We should do this in the early stage, even if we suffer a little loss, we must do it. But while we suffer, we can actually do it. Many changes have been made."

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

"Chief He, I'm not in technology, and I'm not good at technology. However, although I don't do technology, everything is actually the same. I have an immature idea. Listen to it. ."

"Chen, please speak."

"Although we also have one of the 3G standards, it is not mature. We basically have no chance to introduce our 3G standards into the world. But we have no chance for the 3G standards. Why don't we make changes on our mobile phones? After all, the 3G standards will eventually It still has to be done with a mobile phone."

"I wonder if our mobile phone will be different from the current one in the future. It will no longer be a communication tool that can only call and send text messages. In the future, it will become a part of our lives just like computers. Of course he can also call and send text messages, but more, he can also work, entertain, watch movies, shop, order takeaways, and of course pay."

"Isn't a mobile phone equivalent to a computer?"

"It can be said. But I think the importance of mobile phones in the future will inevitably exceed that of computers. I may not have a computer, but I must have a mobile phone."

"It should not be possible. Although the mobile phone is convenient to carry, it is actually inconvenient to operate."

"So, we need to change our mobile phones. Maybe in the future, with just one tap of our mobile phones, we will be able to communicate with relatives who are thousands of miles away via video. With just one tap, we can directly buy air tickets. You don’t need to bring a wallet when you travel, whether it’s buying things online or buying vegetables in reality."

"Can you use your mobile phone to buy food in reality?"

He Tingbo didn't understand.

Fortunately, online shopping, although there are some inconveniences on mobile phones, it is not difficult to implement this function.

But in reality, using a mobile phone to buy food is a bit sci-fi.

Do people who sell vegetables on the street have to bring a computer to trade for you?

"Oh, President Chen, you mean they brought a credit card machine?"

After thinking about it, He Tingbo still thought of a feasible way.

"Credit card machine..."

Chen Yu burst into laughter.

Auntie Grocer brings a credit card machine, so this is too illusory.

"No, no, they don't need to bring a credit card machine."

"That's the payment via mobile phone to mobile phone?"

"It's also very troublesome."

"So what's the payment?"

"There are many."

Chen Yu said: "For example, NFC payment."

"Hey, this is a good way."

NFC is a near field communication technology.

Through NCF, it can transmit signals like Bluetooth.

This technology is generally used in access control, anti-counterfeiting technology... etc.

"NFC is not a good way."

Chen Yu shook his head.

Although he said that NFC payment is a good method, he does not approve it.

"NFC usage scenarios are too single to be universal. We can actually change to a simpler one, such as QR code payment."

"The QR code doesn't seem to be used for payment."

"He can actually be used to pay."

"How to pay?"

"Just scan it."

"How to scan..."

"Well, it's simple to say, but it's actually more complicated. Otherwise, I can tell you something simpler. In addition to the QR code, I think you can also pay by swiping your face."

"Pay with your face?"

"Yes, as long as you swipe our face, it will be paid."

"No way, this is fine too?"

When it comes to means of payment, don’t have too many previous lives.

Just say one, can extremely open the brains of countless people.

Of course, Chen Yu is not afraid to speak out this kind of creativity.

Scientists have already said or even predicted this kind of theoretical stuff.

But it’s one thing to say, it’s another thing whether you can do it.

Even if it tells you that QR code payment will be popular throughout China in the future, can you do it?

This is a problem?

What do you rely on to make it?

What method did you use to make it?

What is involved here is not creativity, but a combination of software, hardware and countless systems.

In addition, there are countless benefits involved.

Of course, there is also the entire payment ecosystem.

If any one of them is not connected, this kind of payment cannot be made.

Just like the previous life in Europe and America, why are their mobile payments so bad?

Can't they do it?

Don’t they know QR code payment, face payment?

Not really.

There are many, many reasons why they can't do it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

To sum it up, it means one has no ideas, two has no conditions, and three has no environment.

"Brush your face?"

"QR code?"

He Tingbo himself is an engineer.

It stands to reason that she should be more capable of associating things like this future technology.

However, in front of Chen Yu, she only felt like a primary school student.

He Tingbo had incomparable doubts in his mind.

Can you pay by just brushing your face?

How to pay with QR code?

If this is really achieved, it will be just like the world of science fiction.

However, even though he couldn't figure it out, after hearing what Chen Yu said, He Tingbo seemed to see the future world.

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