Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 531: :World of Warcraft

   "Mr. Chen, our value-added business has increased by 300% overall, and it is expected that the growth will exceed 1,000% by the end of the year."

   Zhu Zhaojiang, who is in charge of mobile phone value-added services, reported to Chen Yu excitedly the increase in value-added services.

   You know, it has only been more than a month since Tianyu Technology established the Value-Added Business Department.

   But in this more than a month, the value-added business has experienced such a terrible growth.

   This is unimaginable in the PC field.

   However, facing Zhu Zhaojiang's report, Chen Yu is the head of the micro forehead.

   Chen Yu had long expected the rapid growth of the value-added business department.

   So many mobile phones are bound to so many businesses, but it is strange that the growth is small.


   Chen Yu still agrees with Zhu Zhaojiang.

   Although it has not been long since joining the company, Zhu Zhaojiang has proved his ability in such a short period of time.

   For example, during this period, Zhu Zhaojiang not only expanded the value-added business of Huanyu Technology's camp. At the same time, Zhu Zhaojiang also won the value-added business of some other mobile phone brands.

   To put it bluntly, that is to say, the value-added service content can not only be bound to your own mobile phone.

  Similarly, it can also be bound to other company's mobile phones.

   As for why other companies are willing to cooperate with you, just give money.

  Or don’t give money, just share the profit with the mobile phone manufacturer.

   "Is there any response from Baidu?"

   "Not yet."

   "Where is Xinlang?"


   "Where is NetEase?"

   "We found nothing."

   "Well, if you find them acting, report to me immediately."

   Value-added business department is Chen Yu's hidden killer.

   Although relying on this type of binding promotion business has no technical content.

   But the effect is just now.

  As long as the business is bound to the mobile phone, you can use it if you don't want to use it.

   For example, sometimes you are bored, you will try to tap it.

   Or sometimes you click the wrong one, and sometimes you will enter.

   Don’t think that this is not really acquiring users, but just relying on such carelessness or wanting to click to see, countless users will enter the Huanyu Technology camp.

   is like a search engine business.

   Although Huanyu Technology launched Easy Search before, it also came up with a more powerful input method.

   But Baidu's search engine is so powerful that Yisou can't capture much of the market at all.

   Reluctantly easy to search can survive.

   But in the search engine market, Baidu is still the leader.

   Chen Yu doesn't want Easy Search to occupy only a small part of the market.

   If you want to change this situation, there is basically no way for traditional PC computers.

   No matter it was Sogou, Microsoft, or even Google, in the past life, Baidu could not be pulled down.

   But once you put it in your phone, it's completely different.

  Although the current mobile phone is still a feature phone, not a smart phone, as long as the business is rolled out, in the smart phone era in the future, they will not be able to change it.

   is natural because of habit.

   is like using Baidu.

   Of course, Chen Yu’s value-added business department is not just to deal with Baidu.

   In addition to dealing with Baidu, portals, games, and even mobile are all potential targets for Chen Yu to destroy.

   Chen Yu still had some concerns before, whether Baidu and Xinlang would follow up.

   Because this binding does not have much technical content.

  You can bind, and others can bind.

   Huanyu Technology has the advantage of Tianyu mobile phone at most, but Tianyu mobile phone only won the sinking market, and he did not monopolize the entire mobile phone. Other mobile phones can still cooperate.

   But when I asked Zhu Zhaojiang, they found no action at all.

   This makes Chen Yu very excited.

   Although this life is different from the previous life, sometimes many companies still cannot change their minds.

   They must have never imagined that small mobile phones will become mainstream in the future.

  Neither did they think that mobile phones would surpass computers.

   They never imagined that there will be an even bigger mobile Internet era in the future.

   As for the reason.

   is too simple, too simple.

   I don’t believe what he can do with such a small phone because they killed him?

   He can only make phone calls and chat.

   This is like Nokia in the previous life. They really couldn't believe that a mobile phone without a keyboard could detonate the world.


   "Chen Yu, are you busy?"

   "Mayor Lu, you have to put down your call even if you are busy."

   "Everyone has learned to flatter, it's not good."

   Mayor Lu scolded Chen Yu with a smile.

   "Mayor Lu, are you planning to come and inspect our Huanyu Technology?"

   "I went to your Huanyu Technology twice, and I went there. Other companies have opinions. This time I call you, huh, don't you guys know?"

   "Mayor Lu, don't you tell me how I know."

   "Then I will hang up if I don't know."

   "Farewell, Mayor Lu, how is the household registration?"

   Although Chen Yu turned over and said that he didn't know, how could this be.

   But he heard the gossip that the hukou issue was about to become more obvious.

   But after all, there is no official announcement on it, and everything is just speculation.

   "Just know you have been reading this piece."

   Mayor Lu said, "Yes, this is approved."



   "It's great, it's great, thank you, thank you Mayor Lu."

   Mayor Lu spoke in person, Chen Yu was overjoyed.

  Although the hukou cannot bring direct benefits to Huanding Technology, the hukou problem has been solved. It is simply a company's supreme tool for attracting talents.

   Think about it, maybe a company you interviewed can provide you with a Shenzhen Hukou?

   Excuse me, are you heartbeat or not?

   What do you want to say?

   I don’t know how many people have spent and how much money just want to move their accounts.

   It's a pity, it has been unsuccessful all the time.

  Big cities have better education, better medical care, better environment, and better resources.

   But there are only a few big cities.

   Everyone thought that this place would be settled in Anjia, where can they be approved casually?

   But now, Huanyu Technology has done it.

  Although not all Huanyu Technology employees give an account, this is already a very successful step.

   "Don't thank you, this is what we should do. If you really want to thank you, then you pay more tax."

   "Don't worry, our tax revenue this year will definitely double that of last year."

   "Doubled, Chen Yu, don't scare me."

   "How could it happen? You'll know when the time comes."

   Chen Yu is extremely confident.

   Not to mention that the country itself is in the middle of rapid economic development, Huanyu Technology has enjoyed the dividends brought about by the rapid development.

   Even without this rapid development, in 2004, Huanyu Technology's several major businesses could grow by a large margin.

   Such as online game business.

  According to the plan, in 2004, that is, this year, the first large-scale 3D game "Kyushu" under Universal Technology will officially debut.


   Just thinking of Kyushu, Chen Yu thought of Blizzard again.

   If nothing else, Blizzard’s World of Warcraft will also appear in 2004.


   "This is a scourge."

   With the words "Warcraft" in his mouth, Chen Yu was preparing for a plan to eliminate beasts.


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