Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 562: : This is because you opened it in the wrong way

MSN was initially positioned as a business elite.

This is for differentiated competition with YY.

Starting from the business office, slowly deploying the field of instant messaging.

However, sometimes it is not what you position him as what he can attract.

Sometimes, the positioning is not constant.

Some adjustments are made for business development.

There are also people who are confused and change their positioning without knowing how.

This is the case with MSN at this time.

Although Microsoft's first goal is to build him into the first business office instant messaging software.

Although he also played a little effect.

But sometimes, when something comes out, he is very attractive.

Those big swords are just side dishes.

In any case, things like Dabaojian are passive.

He needs others to dig, and there is not much interaction.

But if it is the interaction of strangers making friends, it is much easier.

There are too many men and women online.

They are boring, they are lonely, they don't know what to do.

Therefore, they want to find their own kind at this time.

Of course, there are also on this piece of YY.

However, Huanyu Technology has a stricter review in this area, and will be blocked when it is discovered.

In other words, it is not that the review is stricter.

Because YY does not have such an environmental soil.

Even if you want to be a hooligan, others will report to you.

In addition, everyone does not know that YY can also perform such operations.

But MSN has given countless users a chance to try.

"Brothers, recommend a very fun instant messaging software."


"Aren't you always playing YY?"

"Then you still recommend it."

"I mean it's more fun than YY."

"You mean MSN?"

"Damn, you know?"

In various places on the Internet, MSN has suddenly become a target of everyone's attention.

Many people do not know why, and suddenly became interested in MSN.

"I know, Microsoft's new instant messaging software, but I played it for a while and it was nothing fun."

"Hehe, that's because you opened it in the wrong way."

"The way to open is wrong? I open it in the right way, isn't it just double-click to open it?"

"Uh... let me tell you that."

After turning over the secret, the netizen taught his friends the correct way to open MSN.

"My grass, MSN can still play like this."

"Isn't this MSN an instant messenger for business elites?"

"It looks very interesting, I will try your way..."

Another way of playing MSN can be said to subvert the understanding of many users.

In their eyes, the business elite-style instant messaging has slowly turned into another instant messaging for pleasure.

As long as they have ideas and needs, they will enter MSN.

And, because there is an environment that everyone knows, so many people get mixed up here.

Whether it's a man or a woman, all of them are straight to the subject.

Even if there are some who are rather shy, everyone knows what they think.

At most, it takes a little time and you can get what you want.

This situation also gave MSN huge feedback in a short period of time.

First of all, from the user registration and the number of online users, they have quickly been promoted.

In addition, from the user group, MSN also broke through the original business elite type, and began to move towards the general public.

Because I know the correct way to open MSN, originally these were only instant messaging used by business elites, and gradually other types of people joined in.

The whole situation, it can be said, is really good.


"Mr. Bill, our number of registered users exceeded 50 million, while the number of online users exceeded 1 million..."

Tang Jun, president of Microsoft China, was very excited to report to Bill MSN's achievements in China.

Although he knows that MSN's popularity has suddenly risen, not because they are really so powerful, but because of the excessive hormones of countless men and women.

But it is not important.

Staying abroad all year round, Tang Jun is very open to this kind of thing.

In fact, there are many such software in foreign countries, but they are not good enough.

But who knows, as soon as he entered the domestic market, he caused a huge surprise.

This is the benefit of crowds.

Look abroad, where are so many people in China.

Let alone one country, even dozens of countries, one continent, the total population is not comparable to China.

This also gave Tang Jun a hint of understanding.

He understands that as long as there are many people, he can create software that appears to be like this.

"Good, Tang Jun, good job."

Microsoft complimented.

He once wanted to fire Tang Jun.

But then he endured it.

Looking at it now, although this Tang Jun is not very good in character, he is still quite capable.

Under his leadership, MSN has performed so well.

Although it can't be compared with YY now, it's already pretty good in such a short time.

And most importantly, Tang Jun hasn't used Microsoft's resources much yet.

Once they later tilted their resources toward MSN, the growth rate would be even more terrifying.

However, Bill remains the same for the time being.

There are a lot of Microsoft resources, but they are most effective only when they are used at the most important moments.

If it is used now, it will inevitably suffer a comprehensive counterattack from Huanyu Technology.

This is not to say that Microsoft is scared, it's just unnecessary.

So Bill didn't mention what resources Microsoft would give to MSN in the future, and Tang Jun was very clever and didn't say a word.

But Bill knows how to win over his subordinates. On the phone, Bill said: "The previous thing was just to behave to the outside world. In fact, the company is very satisfied with Manager Tang and I am very satisfied with Manager Tang. You are a rare career for us at Microsoft. Managers, I will post a public email to all the presidents of Microsoft around the world in a while. I hope they can learn from you."

"Thank you Mr. Bill, but this is what I should do."

Tang Jun replied very modestly.

But he was already excited at this time.


I used to like to brag.

Now, I am slowly realizing what I said before.

As for the academic qualifications.

This is also not a problem.

After some time in the future, he will shut everyone up again.

"Everyone, Mr. Bill just called me. Mr. Bill said that he is very satisfied with the recent performance of our Microsoft China region, especially in the operation of MSN. However, this is what Mr. Bill said. But everyone should I know that although our MSN has performed very well recently, we still have a long way to go with Huanyu Technology's YY."

"Then, next is our most important moment. In the future, we will invest a huge amount of advertising expenses to thoroughly promote our MSN. We want everyone to know that in China, except for the YY of Huanyu Technology , And our MSN. And, in the future, only our MSN..."

MSN's explosive performance actually exceeded Tang Jun's expectations.

Because he didn't really understand why MSN suddenly exploded.

Although he seems to understand the explosion is due to the hormones between men and women.

But this is just appearance.

No one pushes, no matter how many hormones between men and women are just a waste of paper and electricity.

But Tang Jun doesn't understand it doesn't matter.

Tang Jun has seen too many business wizards, and sometimes they don't know how to succeed.

Sometimes luck is also a kind of strength.

And when this kind of signs appeared before, Tang Jun also vaguely saw the benefits.

As long as they operate well in this area, they will soon catch up with Huanyu Technology.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it is Tang Jun's credit or not.

Anyway, now MSN has become very popular.

They only need to put more effort on top of this popular foundation.

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