Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 570: : Conquering Microsoft's base camp

Of course, free of charge alone is useless.

Because of domestic piracy, many users use office for free.

Office is free, and wps is also free.

Undoubtedly, office is more powerful than wps, why use wps?

Therefore, in this, free is only a prerequisite, and the purpose is to provide better services than office.

In Chen Yu's suggestion, Jinshan provides a streamlined version of wps.

The so-called lite version is to abandon some infrequently used functions, and only keep the most commonly used settings.

This also reduces the size of the entire wps from 1G to about 50M.

Don't look at it as if it doesn't matter.

You know, the domestic Internet in 2004 was still not particularly fast.

If users use downloading, programs that are larger than 1G or even larger than 500M generally have to be downloaded for several hours.

It's like downloading an online game client.

Many users often need more than 12 hours to download.

If the internet speed is not good, the download time is more than 24 hours.

Can you imagine using a software to download one day and one night?

Although this is in the previous life in 2020, this is basically impossible.

Even if it is downloading tens of gigabytes of seeds, it does not need to be one day and one night.

But the conditions at the time were like this.

Because of this, if the wps is only 50M in size, it is extremely attractive.

At least when a user wants to use office software, he might consider downloading office at that time, but it takes a day and night to download the office, and later it only takes ten minutes to download wps.

Which one do you think he would download?

Let alone 2004, even if it is the previous life of 2020, 1G is compared with 50M, and I would rather download 50M.

Although Wps is not as powerful as Office, it can barely be used.

And because of the small volume and capacity, many commonly used functions are placed in the navigation bar.

You don’t need to always look for it. It’s easier to operate than using office.

This is one of them.

Second, wps is connected to the Internet.

In the past, whether it was wps or office, he was an independent program.

He is like a stand-alone game, he is not connected to the Internet.

But Chen Yu believes that this will not work.

Although office software does not need to be connected to the Internet, if Lenovo, he can give birth to more functions.

This is like input method software.

Does the input method software need to be connected to the Internet?

He does not need to join

However, he can indeed connect.

Once connected to the Internet, a series of services appeared.

For example, provide more beautiful template materials.

There are table materials, picture materials, and online font materials in this material.

Speaking of which, when many users are using office software, he can only type and type, and he can handle a form more or less. But if you want to say how proficient you are with these office software, you really don't have one. Even sometimes, many people don't know how to make a form. Even if I can do it, I don't know how to make a better-looking form.

it's good now.

It doesn't matter if you can't do it.

There are various templates in Wps, you only need to click to download, and you can save the form on your office software with one click.

Is not it simple?

Isn’t it awesome?

This is as simple as making awesome videos with Douyin in the previous life.

In addition, there is a more powerful function.

This function is the cloud storage function.

This involves cloud services.

Although it took a few years for this concept to catch on, Chen Yu also came up with it at this time.

As long as the user uses wps, the content generated by them using wps will be automatically uploaded to the cloud service.

In this way, even if there is a power failure, the cloud service can save your documents.

On the other hand, you don't need to bake it with a u disk after using wps.

Because there is a server, next time you log in to another computer and enter the account number, the document you edited before will be on the server.

It can be said that these services are specially opened for Microsoft office.

Although he doesn't have much technology, it is very practical and easy to promote.

At that time, Qiu Bojun was extremely shocked when he heard Chen Yu's suggestion.

He didn't expect that wps could even make changes in this way.

Although wps hadn't been launched at the time, with these features, Qiu Bojun was sure to fight a good fight with Microsoft Office. Thinking about it this way, Qiu Bojun still had some pity why he gave up so many shares. But later Qiu Bojun also figured it out. If it weren't for Chen Yu, he wouldn't be able to think of a style of play like this.

Even if I can figure it out, I don't have the money to promote it.

You know, these functions alone cannot be used without spending money to promote them.

Kingsoft WPS has been losing money for several consecutive years and can't afford to spend much at all.

Only cooperation with Huanyu Technology is the most correct choice.


"Mr He, congratulations."


"President He, how many years have you been in China?"

"It's been 10 years."

"It's so long."

"Yes, but I like China very much."

He Lebing, the newly appointed president of Microsoft China, chatted with several subordinates during the lunch break.

These days, although MSN’s business has not yet counterattacked YY, Microsoft’s resources have already leaned toward China. As long as time is given, MSN can definitely replace YY in the future.

However, there is still one thing that gives him a headache.

That is the cooperation of MSN in the business office. Many companies dare not cooperate with Microsoft again.

For example, some companies like Ali.

It turned out that they used MSN as their Alibaba customer service, but if they were not careful, MSN turned out to be an appointment software.

Thinking of this, He Lebing cursed Tang Jun in his heart.

Damn, if it weren't for him, MSN might already have millions of users.

However, Tang Jun was not to blame when I thought about He Lebing later.

If Tang Jun does not step down, how can he be the president of Microsoft China?

"China is indeed a good place. There are more than one billion people here. The Internet market has huge potential in the future. However, Huanyu Technology is not easy to deal with."

"Huanyu Technology is really great, but they are just a newly emerging company. They seem to be strong, but they won't last long. Of course, we can't underestimate each other. If we have another Tang Jun incident, we will all be finished."

He Lebing is a pragmatic person.

Although pragmatic people don't have such strong ambitions, they are also very practical and know how to square inches.

He knows that the battle between Microsoft and Huanyu Technology is a protracted battle, and it cannot be determined overnight.

At this time, you have to be patient.

Whoever can persist to the end, whoever can win.

"Okay, everyone, come on."

After a brief chat, He Lebing returned to the office.

He still has a lot to do.

The mission of the president of Microsoft China is not only in charge of MSN instant messaging.

He is also responsible for all business of Microsoft China.

Such as operating system.

Another example is office software business.

Of course, there are IE business, database business, and game business.

He Lebing, who has just taken up the post of president of Microsoft China, must be fully familiar with these businesses.

Although he was already familiar with it before, after all, he was not the position of the president before, and he couldn't see a lot of data.

Now as the president, a series of data that was previously not authorized has been opened to him.


At first, He Lebing just learned about these data.

But when carefully analyzing some of these data, He Lebing discovered the problem.

There is no problem with the operating system.

The problem is the office and IE business.

These two pieces of business have been the same as the operating system before, and there is almost no problem.

Because these two businesses are very stable, and there are no rivals.

Even if there are some competitors, they are just cats and dogs, and they can't stand up to the table.


Looking at the data now he was taken aback.

"Why did the office and IE business drop so much all of a sudden?"

"This is impossible."

He Lebing was a little panicked.

Although MSN is very important, in the final analysis it is just Microsoft's edge business.

It is best to do a good job, or maybe Microsoft can't break it.

But Office and IE are the core businesses of Microsoft.

Although from the data, this decline is only about 5 points.

But for the Chinese market crowd, the 5-point drop has been extremely terrifying.

And most importantly, the 5-point drop basically announced the emergence of a strong competitor.

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