Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 576: :Netbook

"Liu Zheng, what's the situation at Huanyu Technology?"

"I explained the situation to the CEO of Huanyu Technology, but I feel that Chen Yu may not have this idea?"

"No idea?"

The director of the Network Information Administration put down the documents in his hand and said, "Did you explain to him the stakes?"

"Director, the stakes should be clearer to Chen Yu than us. But he has always emphasized that they have no idea about the operating system, nor the technology, nor the strength. I asked them to consider and wait for consideration. Reply to us clearly."

"I can barely come."

The director sighed, "It's a pity."

He is actually very optimistic about Huanyu Technology.

If Huanyu Technology can keep up with the thinking on this matter, the future of Huanyu Technology will be absolutely limitless.

Although this is not to say that Huanyu Technology does not want to be an operating system, what will happen to Huanyu Technology.

But for such a good opportunity, Huanyu Technology did not grasp it. For him, it was really narrow.

"Director, maybe Huanyu Technology should consider other factors."

"Forget it, leave him alone, he doesn't seize the opportunity, that's his business."

The director felt a little unhappy.

In fact, if he wants to participate in Huanyu Technology, he does not think that Huanyu Technology will definitely be able to develop the operating system.

Even if it fails in the future, Huanyu Technology's weight at the top can be heavier by several layers.

Since Huanyu Technology can't see this truth, he won't break it either.

Don't force them to come.


While asking Li Biqing to secretly search for this talent in the operating system field, Chen Yu went to Shenzhou on his side.

Shenzhou is also in the deep city.

Back then, Chen Yu and Shenzhou Computer CEO Wu Haijun had a cooperation.

It can even be said to have helped Wu Haijun.

Until now.

The Shenzhou Computer of that year successfully entered the market by relying on the extremely fast update speed.

Chen Yu wants to build his own operating system, in addition to writing operating system code, the more important thing is ecology.

What is ecology?

That is, software and hardware are compatible with you.

It is difficult to make all manufacturers come to be compatible with you one by one.

But if you work with a computer company, it's a little simpler.

Of course, the simplicity mentioned here actually only reduces the difficulty a little bit.

To completely break the monopoly of Microsoft, several steps must be taken.

Simply let Shenzhou Computer install the Linux operating system developed by Huanyu Technology. This operation has been used by some linux operating system manufacturers before, and it has no effect. One is that computers with the Linux operating system cannot be sold, and the other is that few manufacturers are willing to install the Linux operating system.

However, Chen Yu thought of another way.

"Mr. Chen, please, please, you are a distinguished guest. I have called you to our place many times before, but you have never come."

"Mr. Wu, depending on what you said, it's not that you don't come, but that there is really no time. It's not that you don't know, just like recently, Microsoft wants to choke us to death."

Wu Haijun has always been grateful for Chen Yu.

Inspired by Chen Yu back then, this is how Shenzhou Computer is today.

In addition, after several cooperations with Huanyu Technology, many players who play Huanyu Technology's games have bought Shenzhou computers.

Whether it is for personal relationships or for the cooperation between the two, Chen Yu is an important guest of Wu Haijun.

"Speaking of this, my brother has to admire you. If you dare to challenge Microsoft, Huanyu Technology is the only one. To be honest, we Shenzhou don't dare."

Wu Haijun gave Chen Yu a thumbs up.

"How can you say it is so powerful? We were beaten by Microsoft so we had no choice but to fight back. We can't stretch our heads to them."

"That is. Microsoft has monopolized the operating system and wants to enter the Internet. If you really want them to enter, then the entire PC computer field must be controlled by him."

"Well, let's not talk about this, let's talk about you, Mr. Wu, how about your Shenzhou computer?"

"Business is OK."

Wu Haijun said with a smile: "It's a lot to thank you. If it weren't for you, how could we have Shenzhou Computer today."

"Why come on to me again, I just talk nonsense, you are the doer. However, I seem to see you build a high-end computer brand?"

"It's a series called God of War, but the business development is average."

Speaking of high-end brands, Wu Haijun couldn't help showing a wry smile: "I thought that we would focus on workmanship and have both performance, and our high-end brands could be launched, but it's a pity..."

"This is a problem with the positioning of Shenzhou before."

Chen Yu analyzed and said.

"It's true."

Wu Haijun also nodded.

Shenzhou Computer's price is cost-effective, and its price is low.

Cost-effective + low price...... How can this make the brand up.

High-end brands have never been cost-effective, and they have never had low prices.

Although the Shenzhou Ares series computers work very well, they even surpass many other brands to some extent, and the Ares series computers are not cheap anymore. But everyone's impression of Shenzhou is still on the cost-effective, low-price... these. Therefore, Shenzhou ran into trouble when it entered the high-end brand.

"It's me."

Chen Yu said: "It was me who came up with such a bad idea."

"Don't say that. If it weren't for you, we would have problems eating. As for the high-end brands, that's our business. Speaking of which, I don't know how to thank you."

Wu Haijun was afraid of Chen Yu's misunderstanding, so he kept explaining.

"Mr. Wu, understand, understand, we are our own people, we have said that this is something we don't know, but in fact, this time I'm here for this."

Chen Yu comforted Wu Haijun and said.

"Chen Yu, what do you think?"

Hearing what Chen Yu said, Wu Haijun was a little excited.

This person is the one who knows business operations best.

A few words back then brought their Shenzhou Computer to life.

Chen Yu is going to really solve their high-end brand of Shenzhou Computer this time, so Shenzhou Computer will have the qualification to compete with Lenovo.

"Mr. Wu, I think so. Globally, the only high-end brands in the PC field are Apple and IBM. In this, Lenovo is not in the strict sense. It is difficult for other computer manufacturers to enter. Even if it is. I'm afraid it will be a matter of decades later to be able to enter, and it may not be possible to enter."

The reason why IBM and Apple can become high-end computer brands is actually related to the history of PC computers.

Apple was the first manufacturer to introduce personal computers.

And IBM is the first manufacturer to introduce notebook computers.

Of course, there is a certain controversy in this, about the earliest many media endorsed the two companies.

But as long as it is about computers, they are inseparable from the great contributions made by these two companies.

Therefore, the two PC products were synonymous with high-end computer brands when they were born.

In fact, a computer needs to be accessed, not to mention how the computer is, you can't compare it to the brand alone.

Therefore, Shenzhou will fail to enter the high-end computer field.

They are not only inferior to Apple and IBM, but also inferior to Lenovo, and even less to Dell HP.

"I have also been summing up recently, maybe I was too anxious."

Wu Haijun nodded in agreement with Chen Yu's point of view.

It is normal for Shenzhou to launch high-end computer brands.

On the contrary, it is not normal if you enter.

"It doesn't matter whether you are in a hurry or not. I mean, what are the reasons for these two companies to become high-end computer brands?"

"It's because they first came up with a computer."


Chen Yu nodded: "If Shenzhou can also launch a new type of computer product first, then Shenzhou can instantly enter the high-end computer brand."


Wu Haijun was amused by Chen Yu's remarks.

He thought Chen Yu had any ideas, but he didn't expect it to be a joke.

"Chen Yu, don't make your brother happy. If we can come up with a new type of computer product, our Shenzhou will really fly into the sky."

Wu Haijun was helpless.

Whether it is IBM or Apple.

They have become global giants because they invented a new type of computer.

Although Apple is now in decline, when it comes to Apple, countless people still yearn for it.

In their eyes, Apple is the founder of the computer.

No matter how bad he is now, Apple is Apple.

"Mr. Wu, I'm not kidding, I have a very interesting idea."

With that, Chen Yu took out a design drawing: "Look at it, this is a new computer product I invented."

"No way, really?"

Wu Haijun was taken and took the computer design drawing from Chen Yu.

With just a glance, Wu Haijun was dumbfounded.

"Chen Yu, you won't be fooling me."

"Why are you kidding me?"

"Isn't this just a laptop? How can it become a new type of computer product?"

Looking from the left to the right, this design is exactly the same as the laptop.

To say that he is a new type of computer product, this is a lie.

"Mr. Wu, look carefully, there is a word next to me."

Pointing to the words on the side of the design drawing, Chen Yu said.

"What word?"

Wu Haijun was a little confused, and followed the handwriting pointed by Chen Yu.

There are three words written on it-netbook.

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