Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 581: : One mobile phone under Huanyu Technology

"Mr. Chen, your netbook plan is very good. VIA is very interested in the netbook business. How do you want to cooperate?"

After chatting with Chen Yu for three days in Beishi, it was finally time to formally discuss cooperation.

Wang Xuehong, who had always called Chen Yu the younger brother of Chen, also officially called Chen Yu as President Chen.

"President Wang, what do you think?"

"We hope to sign a 10-year exclusive agreement."

"10 years is too long."

Chen Yu shook his head, saying that it was impossible.

"If you don't sign for 10 years, this does not guarantee our VIA's interests. In the future, if you invest in Intel's arms, what shall we do?"

"I am worried that netbooks will become popular in the future, and your company will cooperate with other computer manufacturers."

"In that case, there is a good solution."

"Mr. Wang, please speak."


"I think so too."

Chen Yu smiled.

There are no permanent partners in the world, but there are permanent interests.

The most powerful reason why major companies can be bound together is that they have a community of interests.

What is the best way to maintain a community of interests?

If we say that before, VIA Electronics would not even think about Huanyu Technology's shareholding.

At the peak of VIA Electronics, not everyone could acquire shares in VIA Electronics.

But now and then, VIA has been overwhelmed by Intel, and this is the most suitable opportunity to become a shareholder.

"It seems that Chen has always bought our VIA shares long ago."

Seeing Chen Yu nodding directly, Wang Xuehong said with a smile.

"What did Mr. Wang say? Didn't you just say it? I am also worried that VIA will find other partners after the Internet becomes popular. Furthermore, VIA is also short of funds now. It is the best choice for us to join."

Naturally, Chen Yu had calculated it.

At this time VIA, even if he didn't want Chen Yu to become a shareholder, he would invite Chen Yu to become a shareholder.

Once Chen Yu becomes a shareholder, then the first thing Chen Yu has to consider is VIA's chips.

Because this involves Chen Yu's interests.

VIA also needs to buy shares through Chen Yu to ensure their chip status.

This method is very common.

All global giants, they and their own strategic cooperative companies will adopt a cross-shareholding approach to safeguard their own interests.

"Speaking so beautifully, I think you want to use Microsoft's idea."

Pretending to be unintentional, Wang Xuehong said casually.

Chen Yu was not surprised.

Judging from the fact that his does not install the windows operating system, it would be strange if Wang Xuehong couldn't see it. Although many people think that Microsoft is invincible, Wang Xuehong as a business woman is no ordinary person. It is absolutely impossible for Chen Yu to make such a big move if it is purely for netbooks.

Of course, the netbook business is also the core key of Huanyu Technology.

But the ultimate goal is definitely Microsoft.

"Mr. Wang, you VIA has always wanted to compete with Intel. Can't we try to compete with Microsoft?"

"Good boy, you really are there."

Seeing that Chen Yu did not deny, Chen Wenqi on one side was surprised and said: "You know, Microsoft is even more terrifying than Intel."

There are a lot of companies in the world that can make chips.

But the world's most popular PC operating system in this world is only Microsoft.

It can be seen from this that Microsoft is stronger than Intel.

This also proves this from the perspective of market value.

Of course, this is not to say that Microsoft's technology is stronger than Intel.

This has nothing to do with technology.

Even if Microsoft's technology is rotten, but he has completed the monopoly of the entire market, he is almost invincible.

"People always have to have dreams, don't they?"

"Well, to this sentence, we cooperate to toast."

The three toasted and met together.

Regardless of what Chen Yu's idea is, VIA is a community of interests with them.

They have to compete with Intel, and in fact they also compete with Microsoft.

If Microsoft and Intel are not defeated, both VIA and Huanyu Technology will always be suppressed by them.

For the next thing, Chen Yu was handed over to the lawyer team.

Although the cooperation is achieved, how to cooperate, how much to invest in, how much to invest, and how to divide the benefits, all of which have to be subdivided before cooperation. For such a delicate matter, Chen Yu naturally does not need to be entangled.

It has reached a cooperation with VIA and has been successfully deployed.

As for Wang Xuehong's guess of Chen Yu's idea of ​​using Windows, Chen Yu didn't care.

The operating system is so huge that even if Chen Yu wants to conceal it, he can't keep it in the future.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Chen Yu not joining the upper operating system plan.

The goal of the operating system plan above is too obvious, and it will be targeted as soon as it comes out.

Although Chen Yu may be known by Microsoft for operating the operating system alone, under Chen Yu's layout, as long as all participating companies are profitable, Microsoft can do nothing about it.

In fact, in Chen Yu's view, the so-called ecosystem is actually an interest circle.

The reason why Microsoft's ecology is strong is that major companies have money to make money in the Microsoft operating system.

The reason why the ecosystem of the previous linux system could not be done was because the major enterprises could not make money in the linux operating system.

For Huanyu Technology to cultivate this ecosystem, it must first make all companies profitable.

Those who engage in processors must make money, those who sell computers must make money, and those who engage in operating systems must make money.

Similarly, it is not just that they want to make money, but the future competitors of netbooks also want to make money.

When this kind of interest circle is successfully built, then the ecology will be done.

"Mr. Chen, then we are going to bend back to Taiwan."

"Bon Voyage."

"Okay, so do you, pay attention to safety when you return to Shencheng."

The cooperation was reached, and Chen Yu bid farewell to the two.

They want to return to Tai Wan, and Chen Yu also wants to return to Shenzhen.

Of course, Chen Yu actually has one more thing to do.

That's what Chen Yu and Wang Xuehong mentioned before to cooperate with their htc Hongda Electronics.

But seeing that Wang Xuehong didn't have this idea, Chen Yu didn't mention it again.

Chen Yu naturally knows Wang Xuehong's ideas. Although Huanyu Technology's mobile phone business has won the ultra-low-end market, this does not prove the strength of Huanyu Technology. In their eyes, once Huanyu Technology leaves the ultra-low-end market and enters the mid-range, or mid-to-high-end, it is basically useless.

Of course, Chen Yu doesn't care about this.

The hardware is not only the htc As long as Huanyu Technology shows its strength, some companies will cooperate with them in the future. But by then, the conditions of cooperation may have to be changed.


"Xuehong, aren't you very interested in Huanyu Technology's mobile phone business?"


"Why don't you cooperate with Chen Yu? Chen Yu mentioned cooperation two days ago."

"I want to cooperate, but I am also hesitant."

Wang Xuehong shook his head and said: “It is said in the industry that Huanyu Technology does not have much strength, and it is the price station. In addition, some other mobile phone manufacturers have some dissatisfaction that Huanyu Technology is bound to telecom operators. For example, Lenovo, a large state-owned enterprise. It is said that they have negotiated with the telecom executives and will launch Lenovo mobile phones in various business halls across the country next month."

"It seems that Huanyu Technology has signed exclusive agreements with major operators."

"What's the use of being exclusive? It's not the matter of Huanyu Technology."

Wang Xuehong has seen too much in shopping malls. Although she is also very optimistic about Huanyu Technology, once other mobile phones have entered major telecom business halls, the market share of Tianyu mobile phones will inevitably fall. You know, there are many mobile phone manufacturers in the mainland, such as Lenovo.

Once Lenovo comes in, the undefeated myth of Huanyu Technology's monopoly and sinking the market will come to an end.

"It is said that Huanyu Technology has prepared mid- and low-end mobile phones."

"Mid- and low-end mobile phones are the most competitive market in the mainland, and Nokia's market share is not very large. If Universal Technology can break out of the low-end mobile phone market, I will be the first to find them to cooperate."

"The competition for the mobile phone is too fierce, and it's a headache to think about it. I'd better engage in my chip."

Chen Wenqi shook his head.

In the operation of the market, he has always listened to his wife Wang Xuehong.

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