Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 601: : Is the mobile phone important or the computer important?

"President, your picking eyes are really poisonous. Let's change someone."

"I also want to change people, but I don't have the ability to change people."

Dean Li Biqing also sighed: "As you know, there are few talents in the operating system in China, let alone experts in this area. If we just hire a few ordinary talents, our operating system will be able to do it. If it comes out, I am afraid that it will not be recognized by the market. In addition, we have to face the competition from Microsoft. Our operating system person in charge must be a master."

“Kai-Fu Lee worked at Apple before and later at Microsoft. As Microsoft’s global vice president, he established Microsoft’s world’s most popular technology research room. If he can be invited, it will have a huge impact on our operating system. help."

Li Biqing's words made Chen Yu nod continuously.

Li Kaifu is indeed an excellent candidate.

Not to mention other things, just looking at your resume will make you very excited.

"Let me try."

In any case, although he knows how difficult it is to dig his feet, Li Kaifu must definitely try.

A few days later, under the arrangement of a headhunter, Chen Yu secretly met with Li Kaifu.

no way.

Chen Yu wants to dig his feet, Li Kaifu, this matter must be kept secret.

"Mr. Li, sorry, I can only meet you in this way."

Looking at Li Kaifu, Chen Yu said.

"President Chen is polite. But first, let me explain that the reason why I am willing to meet with Mr. Chen is not because I want to join you Huanyu Technology. I just appreciate Huanyu Technology and I also want to meet Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Li, don't refuse me so quickly, maybe you will change your mind."

"That's probably unlikely."

Li Kaifu smiled.

Li Kaifu naturally knew what Chen Yu asked him to do.

However, as a wise man, he knows that some things must be clarified first.

He has only joined Google from Microsoft for less than a year, and even if he wants to leave, he cannot be so fast.

Moreover, Google's prospects are much better than that of Huanyu Technology, and it is impossible for him to join Huanyu Technology.

"Mr. Li seems very confident."

"I just made a certain plan for my future."

"What if the future happens beyond your plan?"

"Then I will still proceed according to my plan."

"But if you find that your planning is wrong."


Li Kaifu shook his head.

Chen Yu was not in a hurry to argue with Li Kaifu.

Since I saw Li Kaifu today, there is time behind.

"Mr. Li, your Google market share has dropped a lot recently."

Chen Yu handed Li Kaifu a glass of water.


Li Kaifu took a sip and put down the cup.

He naturally knew the purpose of Chen Yu's words.

The domestic search engine market, Baidu, Yisou, and Google.

At present, Baidu has the highest market share, followed by Easy Search, and Google again.

However, the market share of Easy Search has been increasing recently, and the reason is the emergence of Easy Search browser.

Bundle the browser through 360, and then bundle the Internet navigation through the browser.

Then the built-in easy search for Internet navigation.

I have to say that this style of play is really beautiful.

Although this operation is shameless, it has to be said to be very useful.

Therefore, with the emergence of Easy Search browser, the market shares of Baidu and Google are declining.

Among them, Google fell the most.

After all, it was the latest to enter the domestic search engine market.

In addition, Google is a foreign company, and he is naturally resisted by the Chinese.

But even so, Li Kaifu didn’t care about it. He thought about it and said, “Although our market share has dropped a bit, it’s only temporary. The Easy Search browser is good, but the technology is average. Of course it depends on the binding. A certain market can be obtained, but as the market matures, users will return to the embrace of Google."

Chen Yu also understood what Li Kaifu meant.

Google currently has a 15% market share.

Although this market share is not much, Google has not promoted it much.

This 15% share is entirely used spontaneously by some old users.

The reason for using it is that they believe that Google’s search engine is more professional than Yisou, and even more professional than Baidu.

"And what I want to tell Mr. Chen is that Google is ready to launch its own browser software."

"Google Chrome?"

"If everything is normal, it should be this name."

"This will be a good browser."

Chen Yu smiled bitterly.

Google is indeed a very powerful Internet company.

Not only their search engine, but also a series of their products.

For example, Google Chrome.

Chen Yu, who knows the history, knows that within the next 10 years, Google Chrome will replace IE and become the browser with the largest market share in the world. The reason why they are so powerful is that their browsers are incredibly fast and safe. But fast and safe are not easy to do. There are countless technologies involved.

As long as users grow up, they are more likely to share Google products.

At this point, Huanyu Technology is far behind.

Huanyu Technology can obtain the market through binding, but it does have a big gap with Google in terms of technology.

However, this is only the first confrontation.

If it was just this, how could Chen Yu dig Li Kaifu.

In the same way, it is impossible for Li Kaifu to switch to Huanyu Technology just because of this one.

"Let's talk about the operating system, Mr. Li worked at Microsoft before."


"What do you think of Microsoft?"

"If there are no accidents, Microsoft's operating system will still monopolize the world for 30 years."

"Is it impossible for other operating systems to appear?"

"Almost impossible."

"But the Apple system hasn't appeared."

"Apple will also install Microsoft Windows in the future."

"It seems that Mr. Li is very confident in Microsoft."

"Microsoft is a very powerful company. Of course, I also think Huanyu Technology is very good. Especially your recent operations on mobile phones are simply too classic."

Li Kaifu is extremely confident.

Especially when it comes to his expertise, he is always scouting.

Chen Yu listened carefully and expressed his appreciation.

Li Kaifu is indeed an individual talent.

"Mr. Li paid attention to our mobile phone?"


With that said, Li Kaifu took out a mobile phone from his bag: "Look."

This phone is the latest mid-range phone launched by Huanyu Technology.

"I didn't expect that President Chen would use Internet thinking to operate mobile phones. But I have to say that this kind of thinking is very good. Lenovo, Nokia, Motorola and other companies have all been beaten up. However, I suggest that Mr. Chen replace it as soon as possible. Your YY has developed all the versions, otherwise, Microsoft MSN may challenge you."


Chen Yu naturally took this into consideration.

However, he continued: "What does Li always think of the mobile phone market in the future?"

"This is a huge market."

"Compared to the computer market?"

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Li Kaifu is a little puzzled: "Are you saying that the mobile phone market will surpass the computer market?"

"You can say that, or you can ask another question. Do you think the mobile phone is important or the computer is important?"

"Of course it's a computer."

Almost subconsciously, Li Kaifu said.

"I do not think so."

Chen Yu shook his head: "I think mobile phones are more important than computers."


Li Kaifu also shook his head: "Although the mobile phone market is huge, mobile phones are just a communication tool."


Chen Yu took the Huanyu mobile phone that Li Kaifu had just handed over, and then logged into YY with this mobile phone: "Look, our mobile phone can not only communicate, but also the Internet."

"Well, you can indeed go online."

Although Li Kaifu nodded, he still said, "But this kind of Internet experience is not very good, and it is definitely not as good as a computer."

"Although the present is not as good as the computer, the future may not necessarily be."

After that, Chen Yu did not continue to entangle the question of who is more important than the mobile phone or the computer.

Who is more important? No one can imagine that era when smart phones do not appear in the future.

Chen Yu's purpose here is only to dig out Li Kaifu.

While still operating this phone, Chen Yu pointed to the screen and said: "Mr. Li, whether mobile phones are more important or computers are important in the future? This does not need to be argued. But are you sure that mobile Internet access will also be a major trend in the future."

"This can be expected."

"Since mobile Internet access is a major trend in the future, is there a big market for search engines on mobile phones?"


With this, Li Kaifu was suddenly a little surprised.

He hadn't thought about this indeed. "

Li Kaifu nodded and confirmed: "Chen's vision is really good. I have overlooked this market before. From the current point of view, there will be more and more opportunities for mobile phones to use search engines in the future."

If this is the case, then Google must pay attention to the mobile phone market.

At least in the area of ​​PC search, mobile search can't be lost either.

"But, Mr. Li, you also know that it’s not easy to operate on your mobile phone. If you enter Google’s URL on your mobile phone, I’m afraid it will be more troublesome."

"It really is."

This is why Li Kaifu believes that mobile phones cannot surpass computers.

Although the market for mobile phones is huge, mobile phones have many operating restrictions after all.

Once the operation is restricted, his Internet experience is not very good.

And this is just going online.

If you have to deal with some more complicated things, mobile phones are even more impossible, you can only use computers.

But Chen Yu knew.

With the emergence of smart phones in the future, he will replace more than 99% of operations on computers.

As for using the Google search engine on mobile phones.

This is also very convenient.

For example, you can get him a mobile version of the Google search engine client.

Of course, at this time, no one has such a mobile app-style idea.

But it is also simple.

Let's have a more crude one.

Install a browser on the phone.

Chen Yu took this phone to a secret web page.

Then, Chen Yu downloaded a mobile browser.

In addition, Chen Yu set 2345 website navigation as the homepage on this browser.

All operations are over.

Finally, Chen Yu returned the phone to Li Kaifu: "Mr. Li, take a look at this."

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