Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 604: : Gentlemen's revenge, from morning till night

"Do you want to replace the original mobile phone operating system?"

Looking at this command prompt, even if you don’t know the technology anymore, you will know that Huanyu Technology has been pitted at this moment.

It turns out that what Huanyu Technology uploaded is not the so-called mobile version of Easy Search input method, but a mobile operating system.

In other words.

You want Huanyu Technology's Easy Search Input Method, which is fine too.

But you must install their mobile operating system.

"Chen Yu, what do you mean?"

"President Yang, what's the situation?"

"Chen Yu, don't pretend to be a fool, you know what you do."

"I do not know."

After receiving a call from Yang Yuanqing, Chen Yu responded with a smile.

"Is it necessary to bully people like this?"


Chen Yu pretended to be extremely surprised and said, "Mr. Yang, who do you say bullies?"

"Anything else, it's your Huanyu Technology."

"Mr. Yang, did you make a mistake."

Chen Yu sneered and said, "Mr. Yang, since you talked about bullying, let's take a good look."

"Okay, how do you stroke it?"

"Dual card dual standby technology was invented by us. You say you want it, let's sell it to you. Later on our mobile version of YY, you also said you want it, then I will install it for you. Now our easy search The input method, you guys also said that you want... Mr. Yang, I was thinking, is this you bullying people too much, or am I bullying people too much?"


With this, Yang Yuanqing's face blushed.

Speaking of which, in this contest, they really lost their old face.

Not only is the market competition inferior to Chen Yu, but he doesn't even need face.

After all, Huanyu Technology just doesn't want to give you Easy Search input method. You just want it. If they don't bind something, it would be stupid.

Where there is one and the other again, what do you want, what will be given to you?

"But you promised before."

"Yes, I promised. My input method is for you. As long as you install it, the input method will definitely be available."

"Why are you still binding the operating system?"

"This is a weird question. It’s Mr. Yang, how would you do it? Okay, Mr. Yang, that’s it, you think about it yourself. We can’t unconditionally come up with our Easy Search input method. How do you choose? up to you."

You're welcome, Chen Yu hung up the phone.

Chen Yu is really big-bodied.

How is that possible.

The gentleman takes revenge from morning till night.

Besides, let alone revenge, Chen Yu is thinking about making mobile phone products this day, and what he wants to grab is the market of these mobile phone companies. Since he wants to grab the market of these mobile phone companies, how can he be polite. As for why the patent authorization and the unconditional sharing of the mobile phone YY before, it was because I wanted to pull a group of younger brothers to follow me.

And since you have chosen to be a kid, you should have the consciousness of being a kid.

Either brainlessly follow the operation of Huanyu Technology.

Or, you can find another backer by yourself, don't bother me if it's okay.

In Chen Yu's place, Yang Yuanqing almost vomited blood.

Think about when he dignified the vice president of Lenovo, when he suffered such a big loss.

"Huh, I want to use your operating system and dream."

Yang Yuanqing was extremely angry.

Although he was jealous of Yisou input method, Yang Yuanqing knew the importance of mobile phone operating systems.

If this is installed with Huanyu Technology's mobile phone operating system, they might be caught in their hands in the future.

In any case, they will not install Huanyu Technology's operating system.

Of course, Chen Yu has no opinion on this.

You don't want to install it, but Chen Yu believes that some companies will want to install it.

For example, the first company to follow up is Backgammon.

It's not surprising that BBK followed up.

Although BBK and Huanyu Technology are separated, they have worked closely together back then.

Then came Huawei and Dopod.

The two companies have recently cooperated closely with Huanyu Technology.

Perhaps this may not be the operating system they really want to use Environmental Protection Technology.

But this is a delay.

Try using the system of Universal Technology first, and it will not be too late to replace it in the future.

After all, the user's stickiness to the mobile phone system is not as strong as that of windows, even if a mobile phone operating system is replaced, the user will not feel anything.

Of course, in addition to them, there are also some small and medium-sized mobile phone companies.

They are not big or small, and although they also know the importance of operating systems, they know better that only if they survive can they have the right to choose. With such fierce competition in the market now, it is very difficult for them to survive for small and medium-sized mobile phone companies. Instead of this, it is better to hug the thighs of Huanyu Technology.

Even if they use their operating system, at least they don't need too much consideration in terms of system and software.

After all, many SMEs do not have much strength to develop mobile operating systems.

Although some companies have developed it, their mobile phone operating systems have very general functions.

Of course, Huanyu Technology's mobile phone operating system is not necessarily very good, but the comparison between the two is at least better than theirs.

Comprehensive considerations, for the easy search input method, for future mobile phone YY version update, they chose the mobile phone operating system developed by Huanyu Technology.

Chen Yu is extremely excited about the choice of these mobile phone companies.

Although Chen Yu knows that there are many people who are forced or helpless to choose their operating system.

But it's okay.

Regardless of forced or other reasons, as long as they choose their own operating system, Chen Yu is confident that they will continue to use it.

As long as they have been using their own operating system, their future will be their strongest ecology.

This is much stronger than shouting slogans, casting names and so on.

As for the future they want to change, it can't be helped by them.

Once they use Huanyu Technology's operating system, Chen Yu will make them want to change but dare not change it.


"Dual card dual standby, mobile version YY, mobile version of easy search input method, mobile operating system."

Looking at the recent operations of Huanyu Technology, Li Kaifu, the president of Google China, admired it very much.

Since the last time Chen Yu and Li Kaifu met, Li Kaifu has been thinking about the mobile phone market that Chen Yu said.

Of course, he still believes that mobile phones are definitely inferior to PC computers.

But it is not important.

The important thing is Even if mobile phones are not as good as PC computers, they will be a huge market.

Moreover, this market may also affect the current Internet business in the PC field.

Just like their Google.

Google is a very powerful search engine company.

Their strength is naturally much stronger than Huanyu Technology.

But if they follow Huanyu's style of play, their Google may not be Huanyu's opponent.

In an instant, Li Kaifu became a little excited.

But he still forced himself to calm down.

He has to confirm.

Chen Yu's recent play style is crooked, or deliberately.

Just about to call Chen Yu.

No, Li Kaifu's phone rang.

At first glance, it was Chen Yu.

That's right.

Although waiting for Li Kaifu to come, Chen Yu would not be so stupid to let Li Kaifu contact him.

Some awesome people like them are quite reserved after all.

In that case, Chen Yu took the initiative to call.

"Mr. Li, how are you thinking about it?"

"Mr. Chen, how do you know I'm thinking about it?"

"Hehe, we have so many operations in Huanyu Technology recently, it's impossible for President Li to not pay attention."

"Mr. Chen, you are very discerning, yes, I am really following you. However, I have to confirm. Is this Mr. Chen asking me to engage in search engines in the past, or something else?"


Hearing this, Chen Yu laughed loudly: "On the search engine side, I have Wang Xiaochuan on it. Asking Mr. Li to come over is unnecessary."

"Then what does President Chen want me to do?"

"operating system."

"Mobile phone operating system?"

"No, there is a PC."


Inwardly, Li Kaifu did not expect that Huanyu Technology had the ambition to attack the PC operating system.

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