Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 606: : Game geek "Shi Yuzhu"

However, although the operating system was handed over to Li Kaifu, Chen Yu also confessed a few words in particular.

"Manager Li, I don't have much technology, but many products are actually interlinked. Therefore, in the next period of time, there are some problems that Manager Li has to pay attention to."

"Chen, you say."

"The first point is that although our Linux system serves netbooks, netbooks also need to establish their own ecology. Therefore, before launching our linux, some essential hardware must be resolved in advance. If some manufacturers do not cooperate , Then we will research and develop ourselves. If we can’t do it ourselves, we will spend money to find someone to find a way to develop the driver. You don’t need to consider the capital, and you can directly report to the financial account.”

This is for the hardware.

For example, the operating system supports multimedia hardware.

If a series of multimedia does not support this system, it is useless to develop it.

Li Kaifu nodded from time to time.

But I secretly said in my heart, it doesn't matter what technology does not understand, it doesn't matter if you have a vision, it doesn't matter whether you need technology or not.

In fact, at Microsoft, Bill Gates's technology is also very general.

But his vision is undoubtedly the most powerful of Microsoft.

"The second point is that the operating logic must be simple and easy to use. My suggestion is to model anti-windows. If you have been at Microsoft, you are an expert in this area. As for the infringement problem, there is no need to worry about this, the company will solve it."

"Mr. Chen, I really have a lot of experience in this area."

Li Kaifu said with great confidence.

He is in charge of technology at Microsoft, and he is also the head of the global technology research office.

Microsoft's technology has always been not as powerful as possible, but as simple and easy to use as possible.

Li Kaifu is also a true biography of Microsoft.

Of course, there is a third point.

The first point is the hardware.

The second point is human-computer interaction.

Then the third point is the application, which also refers to the software.

This does not require much effort from Kai Li. With Huanyu Technology, he can solve most of the Internet application software ecosystem.

As for you asking why?

Still ask?

Now everyone is going online to talk about YY, watch the news, listen to music, and play games?

For these, Huanyu Technology can provide you with a 24-hour online game to be crazy.

However, despite saying that, Huanyu Technology will also use its relationship to influence other Internet companies.

Not to mention the establishment of the entire global Internet ecology, at least to establish a small ecology of its own in the country, there should be no big problem.

When it comes to the ecology of Internet software applications, it is impossible for Chen Yu to only do domestic work.

Immediately, Li Kaifu settled down, and Chen Yu went to the instant messaging department.

Chen Yu's ambitions are not just for the domestic Internet.

Of course, whether it is for his own ambitions or to build a larger application software ecosystem, Chen Yu must enter the global Internet field.

But when it comes to entering the global Internet field, this is not so easy.

The area of ​​instant messaging has long been deployed abroad. They have ICQ, MSN, and a series of other software. Even if YY is inserted into it, there is not much chance.

As for search engines, it goes without saying.

Technology is the weakness of Huanyu Technology. Besides, Google is already up.

The portal is also impossible.

Others Yahoo, AOL... etc., the Huanyu portal was completely exploded.

As for e-commerce, Amazon is also very strong at the moment, and they have extended their hands to China. At present, they have acquired Joyo, and they can be regarded as one of Chen Yu's competitors. Although Chen Yu's e-commerce has pushed Teacher Ma back a step, he hasn't expanded the market yet and naturally has no conditions to enter the world.

After much deliberation, there is only one social product that is most suitable for entering the global Internet market.

"Li Nan, how's the progress of the YY blog you've been working on recently?"

"Chen, look, this is the YY blog we have recently developed."

After opening the YY blog that has been successfully produced in the background, Li Nan introduced to Chen Yu.

"Chen, look, this is a diary, this is a photo album, this is a message board... and so on."

One by one introduction, Chen Yu felt very familiar.


After turning over the introduction, Chen Yu nodded: "It's okay overall, but the name can't be called YY Blog, it feels a bit nondescript."

Before, Chen Yu asked Li Nan to think about whether there is an entry point between blog and YY.

Li Nan had a good idea and came up with such a product.

But the name is too bad, Chen Yu suggested: "It's better to call YY space directly."

That's right.

The so-called YY blog created by Li Nan is actually similar to the previous Qzone.

However, although a blog is similar to a space and has many functions the same, it is actually quite different.

The target population of blogs is not the same as the target population of instant messaging.

Blogs are good at writing blog posts, expressing their meanings to the outside world, and also have the function of self-media platforms.

But space is not.

YY Space is more of a platform for instant messaging users to show themselves.

This platform can write diaries, upload photos, leave messages...Although it looks similar to a blog, it is actually completely different. YY Space is just to show your personality. For example, the space layout inside, you can DIY your own space in the YY space, and you can create a variety of different styles.

After all, he is actually similar to the YY show, except that he is a bigger YY show.

"YY space, good name."

When Li Nan heard it, he instantly understood that this name is much better than YY blog.

Of course, Li Nan does not necessarily call this product YY blog.

He actually thought about several names.

Such as YY House, YY Dream Field... etc.

But as soon as the YY space came out, he felt much better than the few names he had thought before.

Space is more individual than "home" than "dream field".

And this product in itself is to let everyone show their individuality.

If such a space competes with blog posts, it is a completely failed product.

"Hurry up and launch it. By the way, are there other competitors in the domestic segment?"



Chen Yu was a little strange.

Unexpectedly, YY space even has similar competitors.

You know, the positioning of YY space is different from that of blogs.

Therefore, YY space and blog are not competitors.

The two can develop simultaneously, and no matter how much the two develop, they will not affect each other.

"Mr. Chen may not have noticed that this website has not been long since its establishment, but it has developed rapidly."

"What is your name?"

"Net 51."


Chen Yu remembered this.

In the past life, the biggest competitor of Qzone in the early days was

Even at that time, Qzone was inspired by ~ and then Qzone was launched.

All right.

What inspired.

In fact, QQ Zone is the product of the model anti-51 network.

It's just a pity that although Net 51 did develop well at the beginning, it was defeated by Penguin in the end.

However, Chen Yu remembered that the 51 nets in the previous life appeared in 2005, but he did not expect it also appeared in 2004.

But it's normal to think about it.

The domestic Internet has a variable of its own, and it is normal for some things to appear early.

"Are there any information on Net 51?"


"Mr. Chen, this is the information of 51 Net."

As Li Nan, head of the instant messaging department of Huanyu Technology, he has experienced a lot of battles over the years.

Although the YY family is now dominating, Li Nan is still careless and will pay attention to changes in the entire market from time to time.

He noticed the 51 nets when they first came out.

Not long ago, they also held a meeting, the focus is to study this 51 network.

Chen Yu picked up the information, ready to take a look.

" CEO: Shi Yuzhu?"

Chen Yumeng was forced.

He didn't expect that Shi Yuzhu would also enter the 51 network ahead of schedule.

You know, in the previous 51 Nets, only Shi Yuzhu invested in them halfway.

At that time, their idea was that could bring them more gamers.

But unfortunately, with the failure of 51 Net, Shi Yuzhu's shareholding didn't make much difference.

However, despite this, Shi Yuzhu, a gaming geek, still occupies a pivotal position in domestic online games.

"Make arrangements, I want to see this Shi Yuzhu."

If it is someone else, Chen Yu is not particularly interested.

But speaking of Shi Yuzhu, Chen Yu really wanted to meet him.

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