Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 624: : It’s time to do another one with Teacher Ma

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"What is the origin of this Huanyu Technology?"

"The three big bosses say hello in person?"

"Is there any background failure?"

Some other business leaders who were onlookers couldn't help but marvel.

They know it.

Don't look at the three big guys who seemed to just say hello to Chen Yu, and didn't say anything too detailed.

But saying hello in person like this, it is obvious that the three big brothers attach great importance to Chen Yu.

Especially Liu Yonghao handed Chen Yu's personal business card.

It can be said that if you have a relationship with Liu Yonghao, you won't have to worry about the company's payment in the future.

However, Chen Yu didn't think much about it.

When he wanted to come, the most important thing for the three big men to build a relationship with him was to say hello to facilitate future cooperation.

In fact, there is indeed cooperation.

Haier Electric and Gree Air Conditioners are selling well online, and the two parties have also achieved good results in cooperation.

As for the Minsheng Bank founded by Liu Yonghao, although there are not many business contacts for the time being. But after thinking about it, Liu Yonghao definitely believes that in the future, Huanyu Technology will inevitably have a relationship with Minsheng Bank, such as engaging in loans. However, Chen Yu really had no idea.

For the time being, Huanyu Technology is not short of money and naturally does not need loans.

However, after putting the business card away, Chen Yu moved inwardly.

Although Huanyu Technology does not need loans for the time being, they can buy shares of Minsheng Bank.

Previous life Shi Yuzhu frantically bought the shares of Minsheng Bank in the secondary market, making a huge profit for a while.

Of course, Chen Yu had the idea of ​​buying shares of Minsheng Bank, not to make money.

Although it is feasible to make money through stock trading, it is much slower than he started to engage in the Internet and engage in smart phones.

His idea, however, is to protect the company in the future.

In the future, payment through the whole country will inevitably reach cooperation with banks, and even the interests of banks will be involved.

If you can participate in the Minsheng Bank at this time, it will be much more convenient for you in the future.

Secretly remembering this, Chen Yu and Dong Minzhu went to the cafe on the third floor.

"The weather has gotten hot recently, Mr. Dong, your air conditioners are going to sell again."

"Chen is polite. Air conditioners are greatly affected by the seasons. Air conditioners are basically unavailable in spring and autumn. They can only sell in summer and winter a year. Air conditioners are also affected by regions. For example, heating is not needed in winter in the north. Air conditioning. It’s better for Mr. Chen’s Internet and mobile phone business. It is not affected by the season or region. You need your company’s products at any time and any place."

"You can't say that. Although air conditioners are affected by seasons and regions, they are a necessity. Generally speaking, a family does not only buy one type of air conditioner, but one for the living room and one for several bedrooms. A family needs at least four or five air conditioners. In addition, there are more high-end central air conditioners. I believe that in the future, Gree Electric will only sell air conditioners, and it will also make more money than all companies that sell electricity."

This is also why Gree Air Conditioners only sold air conditioners in the previous life, but they are better than a series of companies that sell everything.

Nothing else, just because a family doesn't know how many air conditioners are at all times.

Unlike TV, one TV at home is enough.

The era of smart phones in the future will not even require a TV.

"Chen always doesn't know the difficulties of our air-conditioning industry, such as central air-conditioning. Take a look, what kind of air-conditioning does this hotel use?"

Looking up, the Siemens brand was hung on it.

Chen Yu was a little embarrassed: "The market is more competitive."

"Not just big, but very big."

Dong Mingzhu said seriously: "Although our Gree air conditioner has achieved the first place in the country, the high-end air conditioner is still controlled by Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, especially these central air conditioners. This time I asked Mr. Chen to ask Mr. Chen. Give pointers a lot."

"Mr. Dong was joking."

Chen Yu laughed blankly.

What can he point out?

You know that Miss Dong in front of you is one of the best salesmen in China.

Even if Gree Electric does not win the market in the high-end brand segment, Gree Electric will also be able to drive out this series of brands in the next few years.

Speaking of which, in the home appliance sector, Gree Electric really deserves the pride of the Chinese people.

"President Dong, I don't know anything about air conditioning."

Where can Chen Yu give advice to Miss Dong.

Of course, if Miss Dong comes over to make a mobile phone, she can really give some pointers.

But now that I think about it, Miss Dong has no idea to make a mobile phone.

Naturally, products such as Gree mobile phones in the previous life certainly did not appear so soon.

"Mr Chen is humble."

Dong Minzhu took a sip of tea and said, “I visited your company’s mobile phone store a few days ago. It’s really good. I didn’t expect that your company would be able to compete with so many mobile phone supermarkets. The performance is so good. In this area, our Gree air conditioner is far inferior to your company."

"Mr. Dong may not know, we can't help it. At the beginning, our sales channels were cut off and we had to build our own sales channels."

"I don't think it's just because of this."

Dong Minzhu looked directly at Chen Yu.

"Well, this is just the fuse. The real reason is that we don't want to be pressured by dealers."

There is actually nothing to hide about this matter.

Not just them, including all manufacturing industries, have the problem of being pressured by dealers.

Your product is going to be sold.

First, you must first give it to the dealer, and then the dealer will pay you back after the product is sold out.

This payment is not about selling one unit and giving you money back, but a certain period of time.

At present, all major mobile phone supermarkets and home appliance supermarkets have paid back more than 3 months, which is still the fastest.

Usually half a year.

Some are even 9 months to 12 months.

Such a long payment cycle is simply a nightmare for the manufacturing industry.

In this way, almost a series of manufacturing companies seem to sell their products all over the country, but their lives are in a tight life.

But no way.

Now it is a market controlled by dealers. Although many companies want to get rid of dealers, they are unsuccessful.

Even Lenovo can't get rid of it.

"We were also pressured by dealers with a lot of money."

When it comes to suppressing money, Dong Minzhu frowns incomparably.

Fortunately, some small dealers say that Gree air-conditioning can be stronger and shorten the payment cycle.

But for some big dealers, you have nothing to do with them.

For example, like Gome, Suning... these major home appliance interlocking supermarkets, Gree Electric has nothing to do.

"The payback cycle has moved for more than half a year. This not only affects our cash flow, but also affects our research and development capabilities... Even in terms of advertising, we can't spend so much money."

With that said, Dong Minzhu glanced at Siemens.

Although Dong Minzhu believes that Siemens' air conditioning technology is better than them.

But Dong Minzhu has absolute confidence.

As long as they have sufficient funds, she can definitely suppress these European, American, Japanese, and Korean brands.

"If this is the case, I can talk to Mr. Dong about my experience."

If you talk about how to sell air conditioners, Chen Yu naturally has no experience.

But to talk about self-built sales channels, because I have walked over and over again, I have some insights.

Immediately, Chen Yu shared his experience in self-built sales channels with Dong Minzhu in detail.

Of course, this is not Chen Yu committing the second crime, sharing the business secrets of Huanyu Technology with others.

There is no competition between Huanyu Technology and Gree Electric.

In addition, the model of Huanyu Technology may not be suitable for Gree Electric.

Even if the model of Huanyu Technology is spoken out, it is difficult for others to imitate.

Moreover, Huanyu Technology has an e-commerce platform and will have more cooperation with Gree Electric in the future.

Gree Electric has also greatly helped Huanyu Technology.

This turned out the experience, but it can be used for Dong Minzhu's reference.

More importantly, if Gree Electric suppresses some electronic giants such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, this can be regarded as helping them Huanyu Technology on the other hand. You know, people like Siemens, Toshiba, and Samsung are not only engaged in air conditioners, they also engage in color TVs, refrigerators, mobile phones, computers, and all electronic products.

They are also very profitable in mobile electronic products.

This would also make a lot of money in the air-conditioning air and electricity.

Then, in the future, Chen Yu and their companies do not know that the competition will reach the end of the year of the monkey.

The enemy who helps the enemy also helps oneself.

Sure enough, Chen Yu turned his empirical talk and gained Dong Minzhu's incomparable favor.

Dong Minzhu thought that Chen Yu would only be polite with her, but he didn't expect to say so many dry goods.

Although Chen Yu is talking about the experience of mobile phones, there are also lessons to be learned in the air conditioner.

With such experience, coupled with his own research on the air conditioner, Dong Minzhu already has a general plan in mind.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

This thank you is not just lip service.

It was not enough, but Dong Minzhu personally offered tea to Chen Yu, and then said: "Mr. Chen, I have this love. If there is anything we need to help Gree Electric in the future, just speak up."

"President Dong is polite."

Chen Yu said so, but his heart was overjoyed.

This turn can reap such an ally, and it will be even more powerful when it comes to fighting with other companies in the future.

For example, Taobao with Teacher Ma...


Thinking of Taobao, Chen Yu's eyes lit up.

After putting Taobao on for so long, it's time to fight with them again.

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