Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 644: : Make a game just for making money

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The benefits are obvious.

The biggest benefit is that it has activated countless users and turned them into online shopping users.

China's e-commerce model is either b2c or c2c, which is simple to say.

But the reason for not making money at the beginning was that there were too few online shopping users.

Once online shopping users increase, his profit is hard to imagine.

Stimulated by Hangzhou's official endorsement and various training slogans in reality, the number of registered users of Huanyu Department Store officially exceeded 30 million.

I have to say that this number is still extremely alarming.

Of course, as soon as the registered user base comes, the opening speed of Taobao department store owners has also soared by several percent.

The number of online stores on Taobao Department Store broke 200,000 in the last promotion.

This time, it has directly risen to 500,000.

Of course, these shops are not entirely Hangzhou merchants.

Although this promotion is mainly aimed at Hangzhou, the website is so big that other online shops in non-Hangzhou areas have also benefited a lot. Many non-Hangzhou online shop owners also participated in this promotion, and they were rewarded for a while.

It is precisely because of the gold absorption effect shown by Taobao Department Store that more and more small businessmen have joined the pace of online shopping.

However, such strong data also makes a series of competitors unable to sit still.

Joyo's CEO Wang Shutong went to Amazon headquarters with a resignation letter and a plan to enter the c2c business.

Wang Shutong has only one purpose.

Either he agreed to enter the b2c business, or he resigned and left Joyo.

Comprehensive consideration, Amazon agreed to Wang Shutong's plan to develop c2c business.

Yibo Shao of eBay took the data from the Huanyu Department Store Promotion Festival and applied to the eBay headquarters to increase capital investment.

As for Teacher Ma, he knows that he can't just sit and hold on at this moment.

Although they didn't see the data of Huanyu Department Store, the sales volume is real.

If he continues to hold on like this, Ma Yun is worried that he will not be able to hold on to the day when hope comes.

He also opened his three-inch tongue, went to excellence, and went to eBay again.

In the end, the three companies have reached a cooperation and will also engage in a nationwide promotion after Huanyu Department Store.

In addition, after absorbing the experience of Huanyu Technology in cooperation with local officials, they each used their own influence to cooperate with multiple local officials before the promotion.

have to say.

This trick really works.

Several inspection teams have been to Hangzhou before.

Deeply recognized the stimulation of e-commerce to the physical industry.

Although the amount of his transaction is not particularly large, because he sells small items, this is of great help to small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, it can also increase employment even more. In these places, officials want to cooperate with Huanyu Technology. After all, they are the leader and they are the first. However, Huanyu Technology has only one company, and it is not always able to give them resources.

In addition, although the three e-commerce companies are not as strong as Huanyu Technology, they still have some strength.

The three companies joined forces, but for a while, they made the momentum even bigger than the previous promotion of Huanyu Department Store.

However, for the three leagues, Chen Yu was relatively calm.

Although the three alliances do have some effects, and they also know that copying the operations of Huanyu Technology can indeed achieve good results.

But the three companies themselves are not particularly mature in the c2c model.

Joyo was originally doing b2c, and it was the first time it entered c2c. There must be a lot of problems.

EBay has been doing c2c, but eBay was instantly surpassed by Huanyu Department Store, not so much the strength of Huanyu Technology, it is better to say that Yi Yue lost to itself. Because Yiyue’s model is a fee-based system, which means that it costs money to open a store on eBay.

This asking for money is not only asking for money for opening a store, but also for raising money after the transaction. The same is true for recommending advertisements.

This method is simply slap in the face of the store, and then tell them that you are going to open a store with me.

As a result, eBay later died earlier than Excellence.

Not surprisingly, in 2006, eBay will be packaged and sold to t.

Although eBay seems to have plans to also learn the free model of Huanyu Department Store, at this time eBay is not eBay, but eBay.

As the headquarters of eBay, eBay can spend money to support eBay, but eBay must first maintain the same model as eBay.

This is not eBay's brain damage, because for this global e-commerce giant.

They will not change their business model because of a certain area.

In their philosophy, they will use their own business model to change the entire market.

There is nothing wrong with this concept.

In fact, many global multinational giants have succeeded.

As for the rest of Ali.

Ma Yun is a personal genius. He has done b2b and b2c, and now he has c2c business.

The other two Chen Yu didn't care much about it, but Teacher Ma had to be careful.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yu decided to go to Pearl City.

Pearl City is also in Guang Province, not far from the Shenzhen City.

I went to the Pearl City because the headquarters of a well-known company is there.

By land, there are more than 200 kilometers between the deep city and the Pearl City, but by sea, it will be 50 kilometers away.

Therefore, Chen Yu returned to Shenzhen City and planned to make arrangements before heading to the Pearl City.

The arrangement for returning to Shenzhen City is to prepare for Zou Tao to establish a new online game.

no way.

Although the development of Huanyu Technology's various businesses looks very good, it is not very profitable.

In the case of e-commerce, it is still losing money.

As for the mobile phone business, because of the investment in production lines, manufacturers, R&D, patents, etc., it is too big for a while, and it is not very profitable for the time being. The only advantage is that it seizes the market, which will be a big money field in the future.

In addition, there are chip plans that require money, and operating system plans also require money... Therefore, if you want to do so much business, you must have sufficient cash flow.

In this case, it is necessary to develop an online game.

"Zou Tao, do you have any ideas for another game?"

Come to Huanyu Games.

Huanyu Games is the former Huanyu Technology Game Department.

In order to develop independently, each department has also established a company separately, which is equivalent to a subsidiary of Huanyu Technology.

"Mr. Chen, we have held several seminars recently and have always wanted to make a game, but have never had a good idea."

Zou Tao shook his head helplessly.

"Don't make games if you don't have a good idea?"

Chen Yu smiled.

Of course he knows Zou Tao's mood.

There are already several games under Huanyu Technology.

There are 2D games, there are 3D games, there are also round games, and there are more competitive games.

There are also a series of YY mini games.

At the same time, in the 3D game Kyushu, it can be said that all the research and development capabilities of Huanyu Technology have been exhausted.

Basically a series of classic gameplay are reflected in Kyushu.

Therefore, after the emergence of in Kyushu, other series of games were not very successful.

This is just like the previous World of Warcraft.

Even though World of Warcraft is a game launched in 2005, people still think that the highest peak of online games is World of Warcraft.

"Mr. Chen, I said so, but I have no idea. I don't know what game I should make?"

Zou Tao also knows that Huanyu Games is a commercial game company.

If so, what will the company eat?

It's impossible to eat these old books every day.

Although it seems that you can eat it very well even if you eat it.

"Since you don't know what kind of game to make, then you can make a game just for making money."

Chen Yu had already thought about Zou Tao, and said with a smile.

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