Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 662: : The computer version of the application store

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"Open payment, is there any more ways to make the system compatible?"

Leaving Shenzhou, Chen Yu returned to Huanyu Technology.

At the first moment, Chen Yu called Li Kaifu who was in charge of the Huanyu system.

"Mr. Chen, we have stepped up time to communicate with major software and hardware manufacturers, striving for more software and hardware to support our Huanyu system."

Just to say so, but looking at Li Kaifu's expression, Chen Yu knows that the effect is not very good.

This is conceivable.

Some big hardware and software manufacturers don't want to make them compatible, they will be compatible with you.

Like the major PC giants, they have also reached a series of cooperation with Microsoft.

Because it is beneficial to both parties.

Microsoft needs these large software and hardware companies to build their windows ecosystem.

And these large hardware and software vendors also need to cooperate with Microsoft to consolidate their market.

In this, it is not only a problem of mutual compatibility, but also a huge chain of interests problem.

Just like why the netbook can be launched.

In this, it is not only Huanyu Technology that can make money.

Shenzhou Computer also makes money.

In addition, VIA Electronics and a series of electronic component suppliers can also make money.

However, although the current Huanyu Technology seems to have great potential, for the time being, the software and hardware manufacturers have not yet felt particularly great.

"Have you contacted some small hardware and software vendors?"

Large software and hardware manufacturers have cooperation with Microsoft, and they will not easily be compatible with Huanyu systems. Chen Yu thought of those small software and hardware manufacturers.

It's just that Li Kaifu's answer also made Chen Yu frown.

"Those small software and hardware manufacturers are more actively compatible with us, but there are too many small software manufacturers, and it takes time. Moreover, some software and hardware manufacturers have developed our version before, but the effect of launching is not very good. ?"

"This is also a problem."

Large hardware and software vendors have their advantages.

Just like fsh software, when others come, they directly find fsh to download.

Even if there is software with similar functions as fsh, but others don't know, they won't download you.

This is also true in the instant messaging section.

Everyone knows YY, so download YY directly when you come.

Even if there is a msn like YY, sorry, I don't know, I won't download you.

Fortunately, Huanyu Technology meets the basic network requirements of a series of consumers.

Otherwise, the netbook will not be launched.

Only the basic requirements are met, and the entire ecosystem must be established.

And this establishment speeds up the time.

If it can't be established, netbooks can only be popular for a few years at most.

A few years later, when consumers mature, they will not have much demand for netbooks.

Because, at that time, they needed more professional notebooks.

"Open payment, you have another meeting to discuss it, and see if there is anything else you can move forward."

Chen Yu has a headache.

It is really not so easy to compete with Huanyu Technology.

"Chen Yu, do you have any ideas?"

"Old Wu, you treat me as a god, how can it be so fast."

"I mainly want to tell you that I have received another bad news here."

Li Kaifu didn't have much options for the time being, and Chen Yu also had a headache.

At this time, Wu Haijun called again.

"What bad news?"

"It is said that Microsoft may take measures to reduce prices for netbooks."


Chen Yu was a little surprised: "Microsoft is quite poisonous."

Previously, Chen Yu predicted that Microsoft would not immediately start working on the Huanyu system for the time being.

Unexpectedly, Microsoft moved so fast.

However, this also shows how powerful Microsoft is.

Whenever there is any trouble in the market, as long as it threatens his core position, he will kill you in the cradle.

If Windows reduces the price to a reasonable level, the cost of other computer manufacturers can also be greatly reduced.

The ecosystem created by windows, then, their first choice is back to Microsoft's embrace.

"However, this is a good thing. It proves that our netbooks have great potential."

Chen Yu said with a smile.

It's just that this smile is also a wry smile.

"You can still laugh."

"Otherwise, can I still cry."

Chen Yu comforted himself.

"You have a big heart, yes, I'll tell you the news, and I will figure it out by myself."

"Hey, Old Wu, do you have any idea?"

"We only do computers, not systems, don't ask me, I don't know."

Looking at Wu Haijun who hung up the phone, Chen Yushan smiled.

Just about to turn off the mobile phone, Chen Yu remembered that his Huanyu mobile phone also had a mobile phone system.

Of course, this system is only a feature phone system for the time being, it is not a smart phone system yet.

This reminds Chen Yu of the development history of previous smart phone systems.

Chen Yu had an idea.

Refer to the history of mobile phone system development, and maybe you can find ideas.

There are two camps of smartphones in the previous life, one is Apple and the other is Android.

Apple is not the first mobile phone manufacturer to launch a smartphone.

Smart phones have long existed.

At that time, Nokia had smart phones.

However, Apple is the first company to introduce touch and smart phones to the world.

Because of the huge sales of Apple's mobile phones, a series of iPhone mobile phone software has also continued to emerge.

As for Android.

Because it is open source and free, it has been supported by countless manufacturers around the world.

In this way, a series of software and hardware are also matched with Android.

So, how can consumers use these matching software and hardware for the first time?

The answer is the application store.

There are some differences between mobile phone operating systems and computer operating systems.

Almost most of the mobile application software, they are all downloaded in the application store.

Even if the user knows to download from the official website of some manufacturer through the browser, they will also download it in the application store.

As for why?

Because it is convenient.

To enter the application store, you only need to click, and a series of software will be downloaded.

However, currently there is no such application mall on Huanyu mobile phones.

It's not that Huanyu doesn't want to do it, but it can't be done now.

The main reason is that traffic is precious to everyone, and it takes one month to open a 50M gprs package.

Even if they create an application mall, there are dozens of megabytes of downloads in it, and they won't download it.

Instead, these applications are built-in directly before leaving the factory, so that users are more convenient.

Moreover, in the era of feature phones, there is no particular demand for various applications.

At this time, you can call, send text messages, go online, and chat about YY, and see if you can.

It's just that there is no app store on the mobile phone, so can it be opened on the computer?

This allowed Chen Yu to find an idea at once.


Build an application store on your computer.

If the consumer is looking for any application, go directly to the application store, won’t they just download it?

If system vendors can create a good promotion environment, they will work closely with you.

"Yes, just engage in the application mall."

Thinking of this, Chen Yu was a little excited.

However, he calmed himself down and rethought the feasibility of the application mall.

This function actually has some software housekeeper functions like the previous 360.

Software Manager can not only delete and clean up all kinds of software, but also download and update all kinds of software.

Since having this software housekeeper, 360 Security Guard has become a traffic portal for many software.

Many software companies cooperate with 360.

Because everyone knows that through 360, users can download software more conveniently.

However, Chen Yu did not want to adopt the method of the previous 360 software housekeeper.

Because 360 ​​Software Manager looks good, but in fact the operation is still a bit complicated.

For example, he needs to install 360.

After installation he still needs to click on 360, and then click on the software manager.

Don't look at him just a few more steps.

For those professional computer users, this is of course nothing.

But for those computer novices, this is a problem.

Why not make a desktop shortcut of application software directly on the desktop?

In this way, it can be downloaded directly, which is much more convenient than 360.

Don't look at this, it's just a few operations missing.

The idea of ​​saving user operations like this is also a huge attraction for consumers who are proficient in using computers.

In particular, consumers are very lazy. If they can buy things on the side, they will never go further.

With fewer steps, he doesn't want to use more complicated operations.

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