Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 665: : Various application play methods

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the rebirth of the network hegemony!

Is it fast?

This is a buzzword in previous lives.

However, Chen Yu did not expect that fast broadcast would appear in this way.

When a piece of software called "Quick Broadcast" suddenly appeared in the Huanyu System App Store, Chen Yu was blinded.

However, after downloading and experiencing a fast broadcast, Chen Yu knew that this fast broadcast would definitely be popular.

As for a reason.

That is.

It's still the original familiar voice, or the original familiar taste.

How could he not be popular with such a fast broadcast.

Chen Yu, who was a **** fan of fast broadcasting in his previous life, was naturally the first to support.

He not only downloaded and supported it himself.

And he also took advantage of his own authority a little bit, and gave him a small recommendation resource.

Don't thank me, I'm **.

Of course, it's not just fast broadcasting.

After the release of innovative products such as application malls that reduce dimensionality and combat, a series of software and hardware manufacturers have heard the news one after another.

Like a browser.

In the past, few companies were willing to do it for browsers.

It's not that they don't want to do it, but they know it's useless to do it.

The reason why Huanyu browsers can be used is entirely because they have 360 ​​forced binding.

But with the App Store, that's another matter.

As long as you can make a browser, then your browser can be included in the application mall of Huanyu system.

Even if you can't challenge the status of IE and Universal Browser for a while.

But it doesn't matter, the application store has already pushed the software to the user's eyes.

Now on the user's side, he only needs one click, and you can download and install it.


The download and installation in the App Store is no longer the installation of double-clicking and then the next step after the previous download.

Although this kind of installation is also very simple, wouldn't it be easier to download and install automatically with one click?

Of course, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is.

The application mall is indeed the same as their previous predictions.

As long as they put the software in front of users, users will download them.

Don't ask why.

Because it is also very convenient for users to download.

Moreover, they also want to try other similar browsers.

It's like using a smart phone to enter the app store. How about a series of software that you want to try?

What kind of exploration, appointments, Momo, chatting, making friends, pat... They are all tested in this way.

There are also various live broadcast software from previous lives, which is also very fun.

This is the difference in the way of thinking, the unexpected effect it produces.

Of course, it's not just the browser.

A software company had the idea of ​​an input method.

You may ask, Huanyu Technology's input method is already very good.

Sorry, they want to challenge.

As for how to challenge, it's too simple.

They successfully developed a universal input method.

This input method can not only type pinyin, but also can type Wubi, at the same time, it can also double-pin, and supports fuzzy input, and it can also be handwritten. As for how to write by hand, just use the mouse to write by hand.

Although there is no input method of Huanyu Technology in the Lenovo vocabulary, this software immediately attracted the likes of many netizens as soon as it was launched.

In just a few days, Chen Yu did not expect that Huanyu App Store included more than 2,000 applications.

Although on the whole, some of these application software are only small software for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, even if it is a small software, but because he has made up for the ecological gap of the entire system, he has quickly gained the love of countless netizens.

In addition, in other categories, a series of software also appeared one after another.

Such as graphics processing software.

The most professional software for graphics processing before is PS.

But at this moment, there is no PS on the Huanyu system.

That's okay. At this time, there is a replacement PS, Meitu Xiuxiu.


"Open payment, you said, will Microsoft imitate our app store idea?"

Chen Yu approached Li Kaifu and expressed his concerns.


Li Kaifu nodded: "There is no difficulty in applying mall technology in itself, he is just an idea. However, they may not be able to develop so smoothly?"

"How to say?"

"One reason is that the windows system itself is very mature. Its rules of the game have already been formulated, and all parties have allocated their own interests on this basis. If Microsoft launches their application system, it means re-enacting the rules of the game. This also means that the interests of these hardware and software vendors will also be redistributed."

"So, if Microsoft launches the App Store, will it suffer resistance from a lot of hardware and software vendors?"

"Boycott should not be possible, after all, they have to rely on Microsoft for food. However, if Microsoft also engages in our application store, then he will attract more hardware and software manufacturers to try to join our Huanyu system camp."

Sure enough, it is Microsoft's global vice president.

For Microsoft's understanding, Li Kaifu is extremely confident.

When there was only one system before, Microsoft could play it whatever it wanted.

Even if other hardware and software vendors complain, you are useless.

But this time there is another one, even if this side is not so strong for the time being, but it can be a spare tire.

At least if it's over at Microsoft, there will be some remediation on this side.

Otherwise, the eggs are placed in the same basket, which is really dangerous.

However, although the launch of Huanyu App Store is good, it is not without problems.

For example, Huanyu Technology has suffered some business losses.

Like input method, browser, word processing software and so on.

But it doesn't matter.

The entry of more software can enrich the ecology of the global system.

Besides, it is also good to put a certain amount of pressure on the various application software of Huanyu Technology.

Of course, as Huanyu Technology that has developed an application mall, while Huanyu Technology has included a series of software entries, Chen Yu also conveyed the different ways of thinking among software developers.

For example, in the application store, does the store have to be all application software?

Could it be another form.

For example, it is a URL shortcut.

What should I say?

It's actually simple.

Generally, before everyone has to go online, that is to open the browser and enter the URL.

This is in the eyes of many people, and that's how he operates it.

Maybe before there are new innovations, everyone doesn't think there is any problem with this kind of operation.

But what if there is a URL shortcut on the desktop?

Of course In the past, in fact, every major website had one-click operation of website shortcuts.

But in many cases, everyone doesn't use it much.

But now, a portal website has written a URL shortcut and uploaded it to the Huanyu App Store.

However, it is different from general URL shortcuts.

This shortcut is different from the previous shortcut with the browser logo.

This shortcut is a new desktop icon, which makes people feel like a new application.

But when you open this application, then you will jump to the Huanyu portal the first time.

That's right.

This desktop application was created by Li Xuelin, who is in charge of Universal Portal.

In another way of thinking, even the website has a new Pk battlefield.

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