Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 669: :【Tianwen】Chip

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"Ting Bo, how is the chip we designed based on the arm architecture done?"

Huanyu Technology Chip R&D Department has two projects.

One is the research and development of chips with completely independent architecture, and this one is currently the most difficult.

The other is an arm chip for empirical research.

"Chen, our design has been completed."

He Tingbo took out the chip plan: "This is our chip design plan."

"let me see."

Chen Yu naturally couldn't understand the chip design drawing, but the chip scheme can still be seen in general.

Of course, this plan is actually based on Chen Yu's idea before.

The overall preference is for multimedia.

That is, various multimedia settings are integrated in the chip.

In this way, mobile phone manufacturers can directly take the chip, no longer need to carry out more debugging.

This doesn't have much technology, he is just an idea.

But this idea is not something others can think of.


After reading the plan, Chen Yu nodded in satisfaction.

"Then, next, you will do your best to study our self-architected chips."

A lot of money has been spent on the autonomous structure, but the task is tight and difficult, and it has only now entered 30%.

However, Chen Yu was not in a hurry.

He still has time.

As long as he has a firm foothold in semiconductor chips in recent years, it will be much easier to launch chips with a completely autonomous architecture in the future.


"Mr. Zhang, why don't you find Chen Yu from Huanyu Technology?"

"What can Huanyu Technology do?"

Zhang Rujing has a big head now.

This is the biggest crisis he has encountered since he founded Center International.

He knows that if the crisis is not resolved this time, Center International may not be over, but there will never be a chance to catch up with Taiwan Basic Power.

When the assistant mentioned Chen Yu, Zhang Rujing shook his head subconsciously.

Although Huanyu Technology has recently crossed a lot of boundaries, it has also entered the mobile phone market, and even has cooperation with VIA Electronics.

But after all, Huanyu Technology still does the Internet.

Although the Internet is very innovative, it doesn't actually have any technology.

But the semiconductor industry relies on the accumulation of technology.

Taiwan-based Electric Power's sharp price cuts rely on their technology.

However, it is a pity that Center International's 0.25 micron technology has only just been developed, let alone a price reduction, even if it is normal production, their cost is also much more expensive than Taiji Electric.

However, Zhang Rujing did not think of Chen Yu, but Chen Yu came to Center International.

"Mr. Zhang, it seems that Chen Yu is here."

"he came?"

"He just arrived."

Assistant Qiu Ciyun put down the phone.

Although Zhang Rujing didn't think that Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology could do anything.

But as Chen Yu, a major shareholder of the Center International, Zhang Rujing did not dare to neglect.

"Mr. Zhang, I have to say sorry to you. If it weren't for me, you might not have been targeted by Zhang Zhong."

Chen Yu and Zhang Rujing have met several times.

It's just that Chen Yu didn't talk with Zhang Rujing a few times before, and he was not particularly familiar with it.

"Mr. Chen's words are out of the way."

Zhang Rujing shook his head and said, "Zhang Zhongmou spent a lot of effort to organize this round. Even if I don't go to Taiwan, we are not much better now."

Zhang Rujing was not angry because he was invited to Taiwan by Zhang Zhongmou.

The technology of Center International is far worse than that of Taiwan-based Power. Taiwan-based Power has a series of methods to compete with Center International.

"I think so too."

Chen Yu also nodded.

After that, the two parties sat down, and Chen Yu got into the topic after a little politeness.

"Mr. Zhang, I discussed with VIA before I came, and prepared to hand over the VIA c4 chip to the center international foundry."

Previously, VIA’s chips were manufactured by Taiwan-based Power.

As for why it was not handed over to Center International, it is entirely because VIA has cooperated well with Taiji Power before.

Although VIA and Huanyu Technology are a cooperative relationship, VIA and Center International are not a cooperative relationship.

This time, Chen Yu was able to transfer the foundry business of c4 chips to Central International, which is considered to be a price.

Zhang Rujing can also see this.

Regardless of whether VIA is cooperating with Huanyu Technology, VIA is still a Taiwanese company in the final analysis.

What VIA trusts most is Taiwan Power, not Center International.

Chen Yuneng took a lot of effort to hand over the c4 chip business to himself.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Zhang Rujing thanked him politely, but still said with a wry smile: "This time Taiwan-based Power's price cut is really too harsh. The c4 chip is handed over to our foundry, and it will not have much effect."

Although the netbook seems to be developing well, it also looks like it.

Currently, only Huanyu Technology and Shenzhou Computer are using c4 chips.

Overall, this amount is also very small.

Even if the foundry business is handed over to Center International, Center International will continue to support it soon.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, we have mobile phone chips in addition to pc chips."

Naturally, Chen Yu knows that this business is not big, even if it is given to Center International, at most, they can only support it for a period of time.

What he brought today is not a pc chip, but a mobile phone chip.

The largest share of PC chips is controlled by Intel and AMD. Even if Huanyu Technology can enter, it can only divide the market.

Moreover, there will be countless rounds of battle with them in the future, which is too difficult.

But in the face of the extremely scary mobile phone market, it is completely different.

However, apparently Zhang Rujing did not know what mobile phone chips Huanyu Technology had, and asked some doubts: "Mobile phone chips?"

"Mr. Chen, your company's mobile phone chips use Philips and Infineon chips."

"We used theirs before, but we recently designed one ourselves."

"Design it yourself?"

"This is our chip design, Mr. Zhang, you are an expert in the chip industry, and you can give us some suggestions."

Chen Yu took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Zhang Rujing.

"Let me see……"

Zhang Rujing inserted the USB flash drive into the computer.

Although he said to look, Zhang Rujing was not very optimistic in his heart.

He certainly knows that many companies in China want to make chips, and many companies have already taken action.

For example, Lenovo, they have designed a chip before.

But things like chips are not something you can do if you want to.

The first is design. Generally speaking, due to domestic technology, it is difficult for you to outperform others even in chip design.

Of course, this also depends on the authorization of the arm company.

Generally, domestic companies can get the arm authorization structure is relatively low-level.

Can you imagine how high-level chips you can design in such a low-level architecture?

"God asks?"

Seeing the words [Tianwen] on the chip design drawing, Zhang Rujing was even more puzzled.

Obviously, Tianwen is the name of this chip.

But this is too arrogant.

Just designing a chip, directly named Tianwen.

At this moment, Zhang Rujing didn't have much idea about this chip.

Ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

An excellent chip will not become awesome because you take such an awesome name.

Sure enough, this is in fact.

When Zhang Rujing took a closer look at this chip called "Tianwen", Zhang Rujing found that this is a very common and common chip.

Well, it's actually not that bad, but it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

There are not too many shortcomings, and there are also no bright spots.

Taking Zhang Rujing's decades of experience in the semiconductor industry, he feels that even if such a chip is made, not many people use it.

However, although he is not optimistic about the chip designed by Chen Yu.

But the design that Chen Yu made gave Zhang Rujing a little idea. Why didn't he design one?

Generally speaking, those who do chip foundry also have strong chip design capabilities.

But why don't chip foundries design themselves?

It's not that they don't have this ability, but Zhang Rujing understands that there is a special skill in the art industry.

They only need to do a good job in chip foundry.

Others do the chip design.

Taiwan-based Power used a drastic price cut to force Zhang Rujing to exhaust all its methods.

Instead of, it is better to work hard and design a chip by yourself.

But even though he thinks so, Zhang Rujing also knows that this trick is estimated to be suspended.

They do have the ability to design their own chips, but no matter how strong their technology is, the chips they design can be comparable to Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, or Infineon?

If this can be compared, then Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Infineon and other companies have nothing to eat.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Rujing has some desperate thoughts.

He suddenly felt that his chip foundry business had stopped.

"Huh, what is this?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Rujing's face became extremely ugly.

At this moment, he didn't even have the thought of looking at the [Tianwen] design drawings.

However, when Zhang Rujing was about to close the design drawings, Zhang Rujing discovered a very interesting design.

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