Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 691: : How much do you want to leave something to this world

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With 7 billion in deposits of Huanyu Technology, it is much easier to borrow another 3 billion.

Although Liu Yonghao had a good impression of Huanyu Technology before and tried to resist public opinion, he also prepared to lend Huanyu Technology.

But after all, this actually involves certain risks.

In fact, giving a loan to a business is the same as a loan to an individual to buy a house.

The bank that buys a house depends on your personal turnover.

As long as your personal turnover can satisfy the bank, then the bank will give you a loan to buy a house.

Huanyu Technology’s 7 billion deposits have already demonstrated their ability to repay.

This time, the loan of 3 billion yuan did not take much effort and was directly loaned by Huanyu Technology.

In addition to the previous 7 billion, a full 10 billion cash flow... Chen Yu's heart is incredibly confident.

With this 10 billion fund, he is so worried that he can't break into an e-commerce supermarket.


"Mr. Chen, how do you deal with your shares in Yongle?"

"Mr. Huang, what do you think?"

"I see what you mean, you can stay or not."

Guomei Electric, at this time Chen Xiao has joined Guomei.

Huang Guangyu, the chairman of Guomei, found Chen Xiao and mentioned Chen Xiao's original shares in Yongle either intentionally or unintentionally.

Chen Xiao naturally knew what Huang Guangyu meant.

But he also made up his mind.

The shares in Yongle that he currently owns remain boring. Since Yongle is going to be suppressed, his shares will naturally have to be sold.

Although there are some regrets, as long as Yongle is suppressed and brought back by himself, this is also a good deal.

Of course, it takes some effort in this, and in the future, after he takes over Chanting Music, he will have to fight against Guomei.

But isn't it more interesting?

Inwardly planning, Chen Xiao said calmly: "I plan to sell."

"Who is it sold to?"

"Definitely not sell to Chen Yu, I plan to sell to IDG."

"IDG is strong, and they invest in the company only to make money, and will not intervene in the company's affairs. It is the best for them."

Huang Guangyu nodded.

Regardless of whether Chen Xiao really wants to work for himself, since he wants to sell Yongle's shares, it means that he must follow himself at this stage and kill Yongle.

"Mr. Chen, you will be in Guomei from now on, so you will be very proud of our Yongle."

"What is Mr. Xiong said, Chen Yu, chairman of Yongle, is a master, I am not as good as him. I am also afraid that Chen Yu will bring Yongle and compete with Guomei."

"Anyway, I wish Mr. Chen all the best in Guomei."

IDG had contacted Chen Xiao before.

At this time, one is going to be sold and the other is to be bought, and the funds are ready to be in place, the contract is officially signed, and the shares are divided.

So far, Chen Xiao has nothing to do with Yongle.

However, even so, when Chen Xiaojiang split the shares, he also took away the backbone of Yongle.

These backbones have followed Chen Xiaoli before, and it can be said that they have made great contributions to Chen Xiaoli.

At this time Chen Xiao transferred to Guomei, and under the call of Chen Xiao, these backbones left with Chen Xiao.


Signed an agreement with IDG, Chen Xiaozheng was about to leave, but a voice sounded behind him.

"Mr. Chen, why don't you say hello to me when you sign with IDG."

The voice behind him was Chen Yu.

"Chen Yu, if I don't say hello, you have no right to intervene."

"Hehe, I mean, in fact, I really want to buy your shares, why don't you contact me directly?"

Chen Yu pretended to be a little depressed and said.


Chen Xiaolen smiled coldly: "In the future, Yongle has nothing to do with me. I think Mr. Chen should communicate more with Mr. Xiong from IDG."

"That's fine too."

Chen Yu nodded: "Mr. Xiong, I am very interested in your Yongle shares. How about transferring it to me?"

After this sentence was finished, the person in charge of IDG hadn't answered yet, but Chen Xiao was taken aback.

"Mr. Xiong, you..."

Although the person in charge of IDG didn't say anything, Chen Xiao seemed to understand something in such a spooky picture.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I didn't tell you in detail before. We bought your shares actually entrusted by Mr. Chen. Now that we have completed the equity delivery, we will transfer our shares to Huanyu Technology in a while. "


His chest was hot, and Chen Xiaozhi felt a mouthful of old blood about to spit out.

He didn't expect it.

He was cheated once by Chen Yu when he was in Yongle.

Now after leaving Yongle, Chen Yu was still pitted once.

If this is the case, then, plus his own shares, Chen Yu holds more than 70% of the equity.

This kind of equity can be said to completely control Yongle.

This gave Chen Xiao some bad feelings.

He felt that he might have nothing to do with Yongle for the rest of his life.

At this thought, Chen Xiao felt extremely hot in his chest.

"Chen Yu, are you so passionate about Yongle?"

Staring at Chen Yu, Chen Dao.

"Mr. Chen, it’s not my heart. The main reason is that you took away the backbone of Yongle. I want to set up another stall. Naturally, I have to tighten the control. Otherwise, you will return to Guomei to take us Yongle messed up, what should I do?"

"It's you who work with Bain Capital to calculate that I'm ahead."

"To put it this way, Mr. Chen first teamed up with Guomei to give me a fool."

"Okay, then you can run Yongle well."

Gritting his teeth, Chen Xiao has already decided.

This time, he will beat Yongle to the disabled.

Even if there is nothing to play Yongle, he will recreate a new Yongle after the big deal.


"Senior Zhang, this is the proof of my 75% equity interest in Yongle."

"This is my remaining RMB 5 billion. Dazhong Electric is currently valued at 4 billion. In order to show my sincerity to Dazhong, we have completed the acquisition of Dazhong at a premium of 25%."

"As a result, Dazhong and Yongle joined forces, and this has become the third major domestic appliance supermarket giant after Guomagnesium and Suning."

After completing the equity delivery of Chen Xiao, Chen Yu visited Zhang Dazhong again.

In order to show the strength of Huanyu Technology, and to prove that it has indeed raised 10 billion in this period of time.

Chen Yu put a series of proofs on the table.

Although Zhang Dazhong has not decided on Chen Yu's so-called acquisition.

However, when Chen Yu completed the delivery of Chen Xiao's equity and he actually raised 10 billion in cash, Zhang Dazhong was incredible.

But it is this incredible, which proves the strength of Huanyu Technology.

They can raise so much money in such a short time, even if it is Huang Guangyu, Zhang Jundong may not be able to.

If you really want to say it, it's not a bad idea to be acquired by Chen Yu.

But despite this, Zhang Dazhong still did not consider it well.

"Chen Yu, do you think it is worth spending 10 billion on holding Yongle and Dazhong?"


Chen Yu nodded.

"Why, you guys do the Internet."

"Although we do the Internet, we also do business. Furthermore, I think that although the Internet seems to be somewhat virtual, the foundation of the Internet is physical. Without physical support, there would be no Internet, especially e-commerce."

E-commerce is not an ordinary Internet, it has inextricable relationships with the physical industry.

Of course, more importantly, Chen Yu needs Yongle and Dazhong to perfect his after-sales service.

You know, whether it was Huanyu Mall or Huanyu Department Store, logistics, warehouses, and after-sales were not enough.

And this is based on cooperation with other home appliance supermarkets.

Although Chen Yu was able to slowly establish his own after-sales system, it took too much time.

At this time, if funds can be used to solve the after-sales problem, the domestic e-commerce can definitely mature 5 years in advance.

And in this way, Chen Yu could have nothing to do and move the market to the world to compete with the global e-commerce hegemon.

"Then you think you can defeat Huang Guangyu, Zhang Jundong?"

"Under the current model, it is more difficult, but if you change the model, it may not be necessary."

"Change the model, such as e-commerce?"

"This is just one aspect. E-commerce is just another development of physical sales. But there are many possibilities for the future development of home appliances."

For example, smart home appliances.

Smart home appliances in previous lives have begun to rise, but they have not yet become popular.

The reason is that the major traditional home appliance giants have not followed up.

Only relying on the promotion of traditional home appliance manufacturers is too small.

If home appliance supermarkets enter, smart home appliances will see explosive growth.

"Many possibilities?"

Zhang Dazhongsi locked up.

After a while, Zhang Dazhong shook his head: "I'm old, I can't keep up with the thinking of your young people."

Subsequently, Zhang Dazhong did not talk about the home appliances.

Zhang Dazhong didn't say anything, and Chen Yu didn't continue to ask.

Maybe Zhang Dazhong hasn't thought about it at this time.

More likely, Zhang Dazhong has more considerations.

He knows that this kind of thing is in a hurry.

"Senior Zhang, if I disturb you, I'll go back first."

"Okay, go slowly."

In the afternoon, Chen Yu was about to leave.

Before leaving, Zhang Dazhong thought of something and asked: "Chen Yu, you have realized the freedom of wealth a long time ago and made so much money. What are you doing?"


Chen Yu didn't know how to say it, so he asked, "Senior Zhang, you have also made a lot of money. Basically, you can't spend the rest of your life. What are you doing?"

"I didn't think about it. When I was young, I made a sound amplifier, and then opened a sound shop. Then I switched to the seller's electricity. I don't know why I want to sell the electricity, probably because I am familiar with home appliances. As for the money I have made now, although I can't spend it all, I can't just give it to others."

"Hahaha, Senior Zhang, you are too straightforward."

Chen Yu laughed.

Chen Yu also liked Zhang Dazhong's frank report.

Compared with Huang Guangyu, Chen Xiao, Chen Yu prefers dealing with Zhang Dazhong.

As for Huang Guangyu and Chen Xiao, playing with them is too wasteful, and you have to beware of them all the time, which is a headache.

This is why Chen Yu wants to invite Zhang Dazhong.

"Then I'll be more straightforward."

It is easy to answer Zhang Dazhong's question.

It's just that Chen Yu has been too embarrassed to say before.

But because Zhang Dazhong was so frank, Chen Yu stopped pretending, and said, “I like money very much. Although it is considered free of accounting, I don’t mind adding a few more zeros to my account. Of course, this is just One of the reasons. Another reason is that I just don’t like others to pinch my neck."

"Pinch your neck?"

Zhang Dazhong smiled and said, "Who would dare to choke your neck?"

"That's too much, too many people can pinch my neck."

Thinking about the past life, pinching the neck has become a hatred in the hearts of Chinese people.

Although it seems a little less now, it's just not yet time.

Once the situation is urgent, when it is time to pinch you, it will appear every minute.

"Looking at you, there seems to be another reason. Let's talk..."

I found that Chen Yu wanted to say something but Zhang Dazhong continued to ask.

"For this reason, I am a little embarrassed to say."

"Young man, what's the embarrassment."

"It's mainly arrogance and ignorance."

"At your age, no matter how arrogant or ignorant you are, you can understand."


Chen Yu looked at Zhang Dazhong.

Zhang Dazhong gave Chen Yu a warm look in response.

"I don't know how to say it."

Looking at Zhang Dazhong, Chen Yu was a little embarrassed: "Let’s take the previous real estate as an example. It seems that when I came here some time ago, it was still a wasteland. But now, he has been acquired by the developer. Let’s build a real estate project. I think, now that I have come to this world, after I have enough food and drink, I have to bring something to the world. Not to mention how great it is, at least it’s good to leave something... "

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