Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 703: : Make money from the rich

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"Playing games can still be paid?"

"I'm stubborn, how is this salary paid?"

"Nima, I have to study it."

After playing games for so many years, many players have never heard of paying players.

You said it's okay to pay a salary at work, but still pay a salary when playing games?

The first time I hear it, I will feel a bit of a pull.

It’s awesome if you don’t charge the game company, and I want the game company to pay you a salary.

However, after they read the announcement and studied it carefully, they found that it seemed to be true.

According to the announcement.

As long as you upgrade with a trumpet, you can get reputation points.

Reputation points are cashed out through how long you have been online and how many levels you have upgraded to with your trumpet.

The longer you are online, the more trumpets you have, and the more you earn.

So can wages be exchanged for RMB?


There is a redemption in the system. You only need to submit your ID and name to complete the review, and he can send the salary to your account.

The salary is received once a month.

Receive one month's salary on the 1st of each month.

When seeing such a setting, almost all players went crazy.

"My grass, this game has a future."

"Paying the wages honestly, I will play this game in the future."

"Although it seems that the salary is not a lot, but it is estimated that you will not be able to play games in the future."

Are you still worried that you will be abused if you don't recharge the game?

Although in general, the non-recharge is definitely not as good as the recharge.

But if you have a lot of time, you can also earn wages by doing a lot of tasks.

Through salary, you can also buy equipment and rare materials in the system to PK with those RMB players.

This method is based on the previous life journey that Chen Yu referred to.

However, Zhengtu’s wages are not real wages.

Their wages can only be used in the game and cannot be exchanged for money.

Chen Yu has never liked this behavior of selling dog meat.

Since you want to play, then play the big one.

Send real money to the players, so that the players can truly experience the feeling of paying a salary while playing the game.

Of course, Chen Yu is not a so-called charity expert in doing this.

He also made games to make money.

One reason for paying salaries is to take care of ordinary players, and the other is to attract more players.

Moreover, Chen Yu is not so in vain about this salary.

In the game settings, you can claim wages, but certain handling fees and taxes must be deducted.

This player naturally understands it.

However, if you don’t withdraw it and spend your wages in the game, there will be no deduction for handling fees and taxes at all.

In other words, your salary is actually the same as other people's money.

You can also buy the material in the game, and you can also buy the equipment in the game.

If it is extracted, part of it will definitely be deducted.

And once you spend money to buy, then you rise to the case of a RMB player.

It was mentioned before.

This game is for RMB players.

As long as you spend money and top up, you will get an unparalleled sense of refreshment.

Previously, it was okay for ordinary players not to charge, but as soon as this payroll came out, they would instantly be captured by the game's settings.

Once they have experienced the excitement brought by the renminbi.

So, in the future, even if the game doesn't pay him a salary, he will fill up the money to make himself stronger.

All right.

In fact, paying wages by playing games is not really paying wages.

His deep meaning is to further turn ordinary players into RMB players.

As for your insistence, if you are killed and don't charge up the money, you can just get your salary.

That's okay.

The entire game is so big, Huanyu Technology also allows some such people to exist.

But human nature is playful, likes to compare, like to compete.

As long as you really experience the excitement brought by the RMB, you can never be indifferent.


"Playing games to pay, Chen Yu is a genius."

Shanda Chen Danian was stunned.

In fact, like Zhu Jun, he played a bit after coming out of the battle.

Although this game is very cool and fun, he does not approve of the notion of serving RMB players.

He thinks, don't look at the current battle looks very hot.

Once the ordinary players inside have been abused for a long time, they will definitely leave.

But now it seems that it is not easy for ordinary players inside to leave.

And not only is it not easy for them to leave, on the contrary, they will call other people to play together.

As for the reason.

too easy.

Do you see the task of playing games and paying wages?

Bring more trumpets to get more wages.

It’s hard to take this game one after another without the need for Huanyu Technology to do much promotion.

Moreover, this game is not just that the official will pay you.

Those local tyrants will also pay you wages.

You ask why those local tyrants pay you wages?

It's also simple.

For example, when participating in a national war, each participant in a national war will be paid 10 yuan.

Regardless of 10 yuan, the players will be beaten every minute when the 10 yuan is out.

For these 10 yuan, even if they died thousands of times during the national war, they were extremely happy.

"For years, now I know that Huanyu Technology is not easy anymore."

Chen Tianqiao smiled bitterly.

Clearly arranging RMB players with ordinary players is the horror of Huanyu Technology.

Of course, arranging ordinary players here is not actually for ordinary players.

They arranged for ordinary players to turn these ordinary players into RMB players.

Therefore, all of their overall purpose is still to serve the RMB players.

As now, Fatty Wang has recharged hundreds of thousands of renminbi since he entered the campaign.

Hundreds of thousands of renminbi are placed in other games, which is an amazing number.

It is impossible for the average player to recharge so much.

But during the battle, I'm sorry, if hundreds of thousands go down, you are just a little brother.

As for the reason.

There is a saying in the battle, there is no strongest, only stronger.

A lot of other games have the highest level of equipment, and the attributes also have the highest attributes and so on.

For example, the Dragon Sabre in the legend, his attack power is 0-35.

He cannot be 0-36, or 0-37.

Perhaps the best dragon slaying knife has, but this probability is too low and too low.

But when it comes to fighting, it's different.

Take equipment as an example.

Looking at a piece of equipment not only depends on its attributes, but also its color.

Red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, each color represents a grade.

Do you think this is gone?

Even if it is the same color, he has several grades.

Whiteboard outfit, enhanced outfit, exquisite outfit, flawless outfit, perfect outfit, myth outfit, epic outfit, saint outfit, **** outfit...

Even if it is inside the gods, the attributes are not exactly the same.

As long as the money is dropped, there is no absolute upper limit to the attributes.

So many levels.

Can you imagine how much money you have to spend if you want to spend money?

Just like now, Fatty Wang was vomiting blood because of this equipment.

"Chen Yu, give me a set of equipment."

"Fat brother, you want me to brush it. Didn't you smash hundreds of thousands into it yourself?"

"You are wrong, I have already smashed 1 million."

"One million, not bad."

"It's a good yarn, he's meowing, someone from other countries smashed 5 million."

"Then you smashed it too, you are not without money."

"Brother, your heart is too dark, don't you want me to spend 5 million fat brother."


Chen Yu answered it for granted.

If you don't make money from these wealthy people, then he would drink Northwest Wind.

Rich people like Fatty Chen Yu likes it the most.

The more they top up, the more Chen Yu earns.

Of course, Chen Yu is not afraid that they will not recharge.

Although it looks like a lot of millions, but this is only for ordinary people.

But for local tyrants like Fatty Wang, millions are still trivial.

Besides, local tyrants like Fatty Wang don't know how many in the campaign.

There were hundreds of people who Chen Yu knew.

Some of these are coal mine bosses, some are celebrities, and some are executives of listed companies.

Some themselves are group bosses.

It is generally impossible for these people to compete with each other in reality.

But in a virtual game world, these people who knew each other began to compete for their strength.

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