Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 745: : Valuation tripled

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads!

"Weiqi, how many IP streams have Friend Network reached?"

"Our 1.5 times."


Zach pressed his temples to make himself more comfortable.

He really couldn't believe it.

Friends Wang, who started a long time behind them, came to the top and caught up with them.

Not only has caught up with them, but now has completely surpassed them.

If it's just over, it's fine.

You know, the data he got last month was only 1.3 times the amount of their Facebook.

But within a month, the IP flow of Friends Network has skyrocketed by 20%.

"Damn stealing food."

Zach naturally knew that everything in this was because of stealing vegetables.

Without stealing food, even if is more powerful, it will only tie them at best.

In other words, is slightly better than them.

But the two are actually about the same strength.

But now, a discerning person can see the pros and cons of the two websites.

Facebook is already in the second camp of social networks.

In the first camp, stands out.

"Zach, traffic is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that **** has reported a valuation of 10 billion U.S. dollars to If they succeed in financing, even if only gives up 10 points of shares. , They can get 1 billion U.S. dollars, 1 billion U.S. dollars, which is very stressful for us."

Although the Internet emphasizes creativity and technology, it is often capital.

Everyone knows that the Internet is a bottomless pit.

If there is no financial support, even the most powerful project will be finished.

The domestic penguins were so good at the time, and they still had the first mover advantage.

Why is it still finished in the end.

Except for Chen Yu to open the listing from time to time, but to be honest, Chen Yu defeated Penguin is fundamentally funded.

Because Huanyu Technology has online game support, it can provide a steady stream of funds for instant messaging. But on the Penguin side, a penny stumped the hero. After several financial crises, the development has been slow. In the end, under the continuous encroachment of Huanyu Technology, the penguin was over.

Of course, Facebook can also raise funds.

But after several financings on Facebook, a lot of money was spent.

Although the third round and the fourth round can still be played now...but at this time, everyone is most concerned about

Even if the funds are actually raised now, the funds raised will definitely not exceed

The current market valuation for is US$10 billion.

The valuation of Facebook is less than $3 billion.

The distance between the two is not so different, but the valuation has no comparative value at all.

This is normal.

The winner takes all.

For companies occupying the first and major markets in the market, his valuation is much higher than that of the second and third camps.

Even the second, third and all other markets combined are no better than the companies occupying the first market.

"When can our farm be developed?"

"It's already working overtime."

"Can you be faster, you know that time is too precious for us now."

"Zach, give me two weeks."

Student Zac, Weiqi, who is also the vice president of Facebook, said solemnly.

"It's all on you."

Zach nodded.

However, although the two-week period is short, it will come soon. But Zach didn't want to wait any longer.

In fact, he had decided to wait a while before, but the explosion of Friends Net taught him how to be a man in minutes.

Stealing food is really crazy and crazy.

In just a few days, countless users have become players who steal food.

Moreover, there are many aunts and uncles in it.

If in normal times, you can't even think that these aunts and uncles will play games.

Because they don’t even use computers.


Friends of the network is to break the countless cognition of Zach.

He knew that Facebook could only die if he waited.

Even if they are imitating a farm game that steals vegetables, if there is no other preparation, they are extremely dangerous.

At this time, Zach was in contact with ****.

He wants to fully explain the current situation on Facebook with ****.

Elaboration is not to pull investment.

Although he really wants to invest in ****.

But he knew that for the time being, **** would not consider them.

Zach just wanted to add a bit of chaos to the friend's network.

for example.

Zach wanted to have a chat with the **** side, he felt that the friends network is not worth 10 billion US dollars.

As for the so-called food stealing game, there is no technical content at all, and they are also doing it.

If you don't believe it, you don't want to wait for two weeks before their farm game is launched and take a look.

I have to say that the young and promising Zach still has some tactics.

Although he was at a disadvantage, he turned to the ****, which really slightly affected the judgment of ****.

Of course, this judgment is not that **** is not interested in

They are also interested in Friends Network.

But they feel that if Facebook is there, they can drop the price by the way.

And when the **** contacted Chen Yu again, Chen Yu also discovered this.

"9 billion?"

Chen Yu was a little surprised.

Morgan’s offer was 10 billion US dollars last time, but now it’s 9 billion?

"Mr. Chen, sorry, we re-evaluated We believe that although still has a lot of potential, his growth rate is too fast and too fast."

"For you, isn't it better to be faster?"

"This is true to some extent, but fast also means risk. What's more, you have a competitor."

"You mean Facebook?"

"We have also studied Facebook. They have a similar model to yours. And, as far as we know, they are working hard to develop a game that imitates your company's stealing food. I know this is plagiarism, but the Internet is really good for plagiarism. There are not too many criteria for judging. If they really develop a game like stealing food, how should you deal with it?"

"Then why don't you wait any longer?"

Chen Yu was not angry.

This is how business is done.

He will not ask for **** investment, of course, he will not drive away ****.

It is normal for them to bargain.

In fact, Chen Yu did not accept their $10 billion offer at this time.

Since they want to bargain, it's okay, so wait for a while.

They have been waiting for so long anyway.

It is also good to wait for a while and shock them for a while.

"We think so too."

****The president of the investment department "Days" nodded.

Although is worth the investment, it is indeed necessary to be cautious for such a large sum of money.

"Okay, Mr. Dyce, goodbye."


"You're welcome. By the way, Mr. Days, remind you. Two weeks later, the valuation of may not be 10 billion US dollars."

"How much is that?"

"30 billion U.S. dollars."

"Mr. Chen, you are really joking."

Dyce smiled and left.

In two weeks, the valuation rose by 20 billion US dollars. Isn't this a joke?

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