Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 748: : Even Buffett is interested in

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The market has always been the eight-two law.

When most of the market is occupied by oligarchs, even if other competitors enter, they will not make much waves.

Not to mention, the current IP traffic of is 5 times that of Facebook.

Maybe Facebook still has considerable value now.

But at this time, as long as they are discerning investors, they will set their sights on Friends.

"Everyone, started a brand new financing, and it was initiated by If we miss this opportunity, we may not be able to encounter such an excellent website in our lifetime."

"Before we missed Yahoo, we missed Google, this time, we can't miss friends."

"But now is extremely popular, and the valuation is probably..."

How to discuss whether an Internet company is worth investing in. The most critical indicator is to look at IP traffic.

Once the IP traffic reaches a certain level, he can lead an era.

Although in the eyes of many people, IP traffic and whether it can be profitable are two different things.

But it's okay.

As long as the IP goes up, he has a way to make money.

Of course, the only thing that worries them is the valuation of

Two weeks ago, Mogan gave a valuation of $10 billion.

Well, at that time, it lost 1 billion dollars.

Now everyone knows, this is a joke.

As for now, 30 billion US dollars or more than 30 billion US dollars, no one is sure.

Because, in the news they know, dozens of the world's top financial giants are interested in them.

And it was Deiss, the president of Mogen's investment department, who reached the headquarters of in the first time.

The last time he was rumored to be a joke in the industry, this time, Dess must win the friends network.

"Hello, I am Dess of Mogen Investment Department. I have made an appointment with Mr. Chen before."

"Mr. Days, President Chen hasn't arrived at the company yet, you can go to the lounge and wait."


Dess nodded and walked to the Friendnet Lounge.

Of course, if it is a general enterprise, Days will leave directly.

They Mogen wants to invest in your business, and your boss is still late. For such a company, Mogen will never invest.

In fact, almost none of the founders of the companies that Mogan wanted to invest in before dared to be late.

As for why Chen Yu was late, Dess also knew that he did it on purpose.

But even if it was intentional, Dyce knew he could not leave now.

"Huh, Dess, are you the first?"

"Mi Jie, are you here too?"

"Hehe, your magic roots can come, why can't Goldman Sachs come?"

"Humph, but it's useless if you come here. will be led by our magic root."

"It doesn't matter who leads the investment, it depends on whose offer is higher."

Goldman Sachs Investment President Mi Jie said disdainfully.

Although the overall strength of Mogen is stronger than their Gaosheng, but it is not much stronger.

Besides, Mogen and had some conflicts before, and they took advantage of this opportunity.

However, to say so, but Friends Network is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

In the end, whoever leads the vote depends on whose offer is higher. will definitely choose the one with the highest offer.

As he was talking, at this moment, there was another person in the lounge: "So lively?"


Dess and Jamie turned around and recognized that it was Blackstone Capital.

Both of them sank in their hearts.

Although this company is not better than them in general, this company has always been generous.

As long as the companies they look at, even Mogen and Goldman Sachs may not be able to compete.

"Don't look at me. We, Blackstone, don't have the strength to win the Friends Network. I only want to take 5 points."

"Five points, when did your Blackstone's appetite become so small?"

"It's not that our appetite has become smaller, but the two may not know how many venture capitals will come over today?"

"How many?"

The representative of Blackstone Capital stretched out a finger.



"Oh My God……"

Dyce and Jamie screamed horribly.

You know, those who can come here today are not ordinary enterprises.

Not even some ordinary financial companies.

Companies that can be interested in have the least capital of 10 billion U.S. dollars.

Higher ones are even more terrifying, with hundreds of billions of dollars.

If you talk about the funds at their disposal, some are in the trillions of dollars.

Although they can't say that they can get trillions of dollars.

But this represents their strength.

It is said that even Berkshire is interested in Friends Network.

Maybe you don’t know what kind of company Berkshire is?

But you must know Buffett.

Yes, Berkshire is a financial insurance investment company founded by Buffett.

The two guessed right.

After a while, the Berkshire representative really arrived.

"Damn, they are here."

Dess cried out inwardly.

The stock gods have all sent representatives, and this battle has to be fought.

Of course, it was not just Berkshire who was present, but also a series of other investment companies.

Tiger Fund, Sequoia Capital, IDG, Deyizhi Bank, Bank of America Securities... etc.

Most of this is American capital, but some are big names in other countries.

Some are not even specialized in the investment industry themselves, such as Wal-Mart.

Do you think Wal-Mart is just a supermarket?

Indeed, their main business is indeed a supermarket.

But everyone knows that the biggest advantage of supermarkets is cash flow.

They have terrifying cash flow.

With so much cash flow, is it possible to deposit this money in the bank?

No no no.

Even if Wal-Mart is not a professional investment company, they will use this amount of money to invest.

For example, now, they have taken a fancy to

Do you think companies like Wal-Mart are gone?

Not really.

In addition to Wal-Mart, you will also see other companies that have nothing to do with investment and finance.

Like BMW, they ran over.

Yes, it is the BMW company that makes cars.

As for whether they are here to join in the fun or really want to invest, who knows.

But look at this battle.

Many business representatives have a tight heart.

With so many companies, the valuation of today is not simple.

"35 billion dollars, or 38 billion dollars?"

"I estimate that it will be more than 38 billion U.S. dollars."

"I feel so too."

In the past, many financial giants just put $30 billion on but seeing a series of giants appeared, no one had a quote below $35 billion in their hearts.

And in actual operation, they feel that today's valuation may be even higher.

"The 38 billion U.S. dollars is on the low side, and today it will definitely reach 40 billion U.S. dollars."

"40 billion U.S. dollars, do you really dare to think? The primary market is 40 billion U.S. dollars. If it goes public this year, it will definitely exceed 1,000 U.S. dollars. This may be the largest IPO in North America."

"So, since you can think that it will break hundreds of billions of dollars after going public, why can't others think of it? What's more, look at the previous wave and who is it?"

Pointing to the front, a representative of a financial company whispered.

Following the fingers, many people looked forward.

Those who know have already named the company they represent.

"Microsoft, Microsoft is here."

"And Intel, Intel also wants to invest in"

"Well, Google is here too."

Everyone was a little excited.

They understand.

These giants in the IT industry have all come, which is enough to prove the weight of

You know, there is a fairly common law in the financial world.

That is between the major giants. Although they are competitors, most of them hold each other's shares.

Microsoft has shares in Google, and Google also has shares in Intel.

As for why it would do this?

It's actually simple.

Everyone is so awesome, I can't destroy you, and you can't destroy me.

For the future and to buy insurance for yourself, buying each other’s stocks is the most appropriate strategy.

Even if my own company goes bankrupt, but I have some stocks in other companies, I can make a comeback.

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