Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 758: : It's nice to be rich

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In terms of the scale of Huanyu Technology, of course, it far exceeds 18 billion, and it also far exceeds 26 billion.

But scale is scale, and it is almost impossible to generate 18 billion in cash flow.

But how did this 18 billion come from?

Is it really robbing the bank?

However, whether he robbed the bank or not, Wang Dongsheng was extremely excited.

With this 18 billion, they have greatly shortened the distance with Samsung.

Especially for the 5th generation production line, you should know that Samsung now only launches the 6th generation.

As long as they continue to invest, they may not be able to compete with Samsung.


"Mr. Chen, our investment is too big."

Zhang Jianming has some disapproval of Chen Yu's investment: "26 billion cash now, we can completely double the expansion of our home appliance supermarket."

"Home appliance supermarkets can expand slowly. This is not anxious, but we have to start the display business as early as possible."

The display business and chips are equally important industries.

Even, to some extent, he surpasses the chip.

In terms of application, mobile phones need display screens, computers need display screens, and notebooks also need display screens.

Similarly, color TVs also need display screens.

Especially in the future, color TVs will be transferred to LCD TVs. Almost a TV screen is equivalent to 80% of the price of the entire TV.

In addition, a screen is also required for security monitoring.

It can be said that the application of the display screen is extremely wide.

He can not only create huge value, but also huge employment.

Moreover, to be honest, it is not enough to just open another 4.5-generation production line and one fifth-generation production line.

Now South Korea has started to engage in 6 generations.

These companies not only lead the Chinese people, but also have a greater say in the development of future technology.

Just like now, why will it enter the liquid crystal field in the future?

This is not a bet.

Although Wang Dongsheng judged that there will be an unprecedented market for LCD screens in the future, this is actually a prediction.

But the real players, they are not predictions, but they dominate the market.

I want to engage in liquid crystal, so the future market will be the world of liquid crystal.

I want to engage in plasma, and the future will be the world of plasma.

I don't want to engage in LCD in the future, so I will engage in LED.

In the future, I don't want to engage in leds, so I will engage in OLEDs.

In the future, I don’t want to engage in oled, I will engage in amoled...

Don't think that this is an advanced technology replacing backward technology.

Not necessarily so.

Just like plasma and LCD, LCD is actually a worse technology.

Plasma is better than LCD in terms of brightness, contrast, visibility, and color.

At the same time, many people believe that LCDs are better for protecting eyes.

In fact it is not.

On the contrary, LCD has a more harmful effect on the eyes.

But why did the market choose LCD instead of plasma.

This is not the choice of the market.

It is a contest between the giants behind it.

LCD manufacturers represented by Samsung have beaten plasma display manufacturers to a halt, so far.

As it is now.

When LCD is being launched by Samsung, a lot of domestic appliance manufacturers think that the CRT market is still very big.

Even at this moment, Changhong, TCL is also going to buy the crt production line that has been eliminated from Europe and the United States.

But when they produced crt TVs on a large scale, the explosion of LCD liquid crystals made them miserable.

This is the lesson of blood.

Not only did the Chinese fail to master advanced technology, they could not compete with the international giants.

Even in the judgment of the market, it only relies on gambling and guessing.

It is precisely because of this lesson that Chen Yu not only wants to enter the display business, but also becomes an industry standard setter.

Of course, there is still a long way to go.

But no matter how far the road is, it will be taken step by step.

The display business is the first step.

As for the second step, it is a color TV.

In the electronics field, in addition to mobile phones, the most important thing is color TV.

And in the future, color TV will be further upgraded and transformed into a more high-tech product under the development of the Internet.

This is also of great help to building the electronic industry chain of Huanyu Technology.

"Brother Jian, this is the case for the display business first. By the way, what do you think about our entry into the color TV business?"


Zhang Jianming almost sprayed water.

I just talked about the display business, how come it has become a color TV now.

Did Chen Yu's brain circuit change too fast?

"Mr. Chen, why suddenly think of color TV."

"It's normal. Color TVs also need display screens, and we happen to be working on display screens."


This seems to make sense.

Zhang Jianming had some headaches and didn't know how to dissuade Chen Yu.

"Mr. Chen, do you mean that we launch a color TV that belongs to our Huanyu brand?"


"But we don't have the technology in this area."

"The technology of color TV is very simple, just like mobile phones, even simpler than mobile phone technology. Didn't we have no technology to make mobile phones back then, but we didn't do it?"


Zhang Jianming was speechless.

This is indeed true.

Huanyu Technology did not have any mobile phone technology at the time, but it has developed all the way to the present.

Moreover, the current Huanyu mobile phones also lead the trend.

"Stop this, I have decided that the Furi color TV is good, I heard that it is about to go bankrupt. You can communicate with them to see if they have the intention to sell it to us."

"Good, good."

It really couldn't keep up with Chen Yu's brain circuit. Now that Chen Yu had decided, Zhang Jianming had to do it.

A few days later.

Chen Yu and Zhang Jianming came to Furi Electronics.

Furi Color TV is one of Furi Electronics' businesses.

At that time, Furi Color TV was the core business of Furi Electronics, and based on this business, Furi Electronics was successfully listed in 1999. But after going public, they couldn't stand the competition from Changhong, TCL... these old brand color TV manufacturers almost went bankrupt.

Furi Electronics paid great attention to the arrival of Chen Yu and his entourage from Huanyu Technology. When Chen Yu and the others got off the plane, Furi Electronics' chairman came to greet him personally.

"Mr. Chen, this is our Furi color TV. At that time, our Furi color TV was a joint venture with Japan. It can be said to be the most advanced technology in China. The market believes that our color TV is almost comparable to imported color TVs."

"Liu Zhihong", chairman of Furi Electronics, is the director of the Social Economic Development Zone, and is named Furi Electronics' chairman.

The reason why Furi Electronics is a state-owned enterprise.

But state-owned enterprises return to state-owned enterprises, and state-owned enterprises will also go bankrupt due to poor management.

Liu Zhihong also introduced capital, but it is a pity that market competition is too bad, and the first three waves of capital have lost money in it.

So far, Furi Electronics has no capital daring to patronize.

Just when Furi Electronics was about to sell its own shell (other companies listed on Furi Electronics Resource Shell), but unexpectedly, Chen Yu from Huanyu Technology suddenly visited.

This surprised and delighted Liu Zhihong.

He has no experience in how to manage Furi Electronics, but he still has his own vision.

Huanyu Technology is a powerful company. If they sell the color TV business to them, some losses can be recovered.

After going through the discussion, both parties were very satisfied.

Furi Electronics wants to sell one, and Huanyu Electronics wants to buy one. There is no problem.

The problem is the price.

Of course, it is not that Chen Yu thinks the price is too high, it is really too low.

Liu Zhihong actually quoted a price of 1 billion yuan.

Although the industry judges that Furi Electronics is not worth 1 billion yuan at all, just look at the land of the plant ~ ~ and I don't know how many times it can increase in ten years.

"The price of 1 billion is okay, but how long will the entire process take?"

"Mr. Chen, this is the case. Because we are a state-owned enterprise, we still need to review some of the things that should be reviewed. At the same time, we need to complete some procedures. I estimate that we can complete all the delivery in about half a year."

"Half a year, it's too long."

Chen Yu frowned.

"No way, these programs must go..."

"We add 100 million."

Chen Yu did not listen to Liu Zhihong's nonsense and directly increased the price by 100 million.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, we are three months, no, two months... Mr. Chen, one month, one month to help you get this program down."

"What about the worker?"

"Most of them are fired."

"Get all the workers back."

"Mr. Chen, this is a bit difficult, after all, many people don't know where they went."

"1.2 billion."

Chen Yu added another 100 million.

Liu Zhihong's eyes brightened, and he vowed to say: "Mr. Chen, I promise to get them all back."

"Okay, Director Liu, I will send someone to sign the purchase contract with your company and transfer the deposit to your account. Happy cooperation..."

"Happy cooperation."

Extremely excited, Liu Zhihong shook Chen Yu's hands.

For him, the problem that had troubled him for a year was finally solved.

Not only was it resolved, but he also overfulfilled the task and sold 200 million yuan more.

This is a political achievement, which is of great benefit to his future prospects.

However, compared with Liu Zhihong, the extra RMB 200 million Chen Yu did not even frown.

But with such a smooth acquisition of the color TV business of Furi Electronics, Chen Yu also had to sigh: "It's nice to have money..."

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