Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 769: : I want to engage in free SMS, do I agree?

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Chen Yu's prediction is not wrong.

Instant messaging is generally PC software, and the mobile version of instant messaging is just the mobile version of instant messaging software.

They are not fundamentally different.

However, the information is sent to the mobile phone SMS box on the PC.

This is not just a cross-platform issue.

Jiang Mingchao once felt that this function was not particularly difficult.

Of course, it is not very complicated to implement, all functions can be done in the laboratory.

However, when reality is obtained after the experiment, that's not the case.

Different regions, Internet cafes, and different communication environments may affect the quality of SMS sending.

A message posted on the PC may not be received.

It may be delayed.

Some are still delayed by a few hours or even days.

The last message from the mobile phone may not be received on the pc.

It is also possible to delay.

It is also possible to delay by a few hours or even days.

If this kind of function is put on the market as a selling point, it will not be a ghost.

However, the strength of mobile is not touted.

Even if they can't do it, they can find a helper.

For example, find the top, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and various universities for help.

But, do you think this is over?

Function is not the most difficult, although it is also very difficult.

But as long as you spend money, you can still find someone.

The key point is that when Fetion’s platform came out inside the mobile, the entire mobile interior exploded.

"Fetion is free to send text messages to mobile phones?"

"Does Jiang Mingchao want to die?"

"Doing this, how do we collect money for text messages?"

"If you want to do free SMS service, have you ever asked me?"

There are two most profitable businesses in mobile.

One is the call service, and the other is the SMS service.

Generally, the text message is a dime if there is no monthly subscription.

Even in the case of a monthly subscription, like the dynamic zone package, 300 pieces for 10 yuan.

Of course, there are other packages, but regardless of package or not, this proves that SMS is a very profitable business.

For people who don’t like to send text messages, this may not be a big deal.

However, for those young people, the profits of text messages sometimes even exceed the phone bill.

Especially students and young people.

As for those who fall in love, it's even more terrifying.

It’s hard to imagine that many students cost hundreds of yuan for their phone calls just for texting.

This was in 2005.

In 2020, in the future generations, a few hundred yuan a month's phone bill will be extremely terrifying.

Monternet is just a small part of mobile value-added services. How dare he make free texting software?

Who gave him such courage?

Of course, mobile insiders know that this is what the general manager Wang Jianzhou meant.

But general manager Wang Jianzhou is not alone.

The movement is not Wang Jianzhou's.

He is only responsible for moving.

How many forces and relationships there are in it, Wang Jianzhou can completely suppress it.

No, when Fetion was still developing, a series of discordant sounds appeared inside the mobile.

Of course, if Wang Jianzhou at the headquarters can still be suppressed.

At least no one dared to say it clearly.

So, in the branches of the provinces, how can that be suppressed?

On the bright side, the branches in the provinces are under the mobile management, but everyone knows that the local authorities have a huge influence on the mobile branches. Even if the mobile headquarters is to launch a policy, it must be implemented by local branches. You want to force it down, sorry, I won't cooperate, you can't do anything.

Not only did they not cooperate, but some of them passed directly...You come to bite me?


"Su Meili, long time no see."

"Who else should I call? It turned out to be our President Chen Da."

"Su Meili has said nothing, we are friends anyway."

Huanyu Technology and Mobile are about to fight, and Chen Yu called Su Yun from the mobile value-added service.

"Come less, just say something, I'm busy."

"Alright, Su Mei, you have been under pressure recently."

"Nonsense, don't you know that I am the busiest dog."

"No, I think the business of your value-added business department will drop by at least 20%."

"how do you know?"

After Su Yun finished speaking, she suddenly understood that Chen Yu was playing her words.

"Okay, you are arranging me."

"Do you want more sets?"

Chen Yu smiled and said, "I heard that you have set up an instant messenger, and you also want to use the function of sending text messages for free."

The news has been revealed.

The source was inquired by Li Biqing.

It is said that China Mobile has sought cooperation with Peking University for this function.

"As soon as his free texting function comes out, do you still want to engage in value-added services?"

"You don't care about our affairs. Besides, we pushed out instant messaging and got more."

"Really? I'm worried that not only will your instant messaging not work out, it will kill your mobile business."

"Tsk tusk, Chen Yu, Chen Yu, you are also bad, do you want to use me to trouble Monternet?"

"You can't even count as a little boss. If you look for you, you can't think of yourself too much."


This phone call from Chen Yu to Su Yun didn't pull Su Yun to move to engage in internal combat.

He doesn't need Chen Yu to go, he knows.

For their own interests, various departments and forces of the mobile will fight vigorously.

As for why Chen Yu wanted to make this call, he just thought it was a bit nasty.

If he could be there, Chen Yu would really like to see how they fight each other.

"Well, Su Mei, I will have dinner together when I have time, and we will talk next time."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Yu looked at the upgrade plan of version YY3.0 sent to him by Li Nan.

What cloud disk network, group data sharing, remote assistance...

At the same time, the YY mailbox has been upgraded, and various application scenarios of the YY space have been added It can be said that this version 3.0 is a huge upgrade.

This upgrade can catch up with the two versions.

It can be seen that Li Nan is still quite stressed.

In any case, to move is to move.

In addition, it has been confirmed that China Mobile will definitely launch a free SMS service, and Li Nan said that it is impossible without pressure.

"Li Nan, this upgrade is full of dry goods."

Put down the plan, Chen Yu said.

"There are a lot of dry goods, of course, it also made up for our previous shortcomings. Like the mailbox, our mailboxes were done in the same way. Now we have enhanced this one. I believe that there will be a user growth in the future mailbox. Considerable numbers."

"As for the YY group, group chat is now one of the most frequently used functions for everyone. It is imperative to increase the group function and give it more ways to play."

"As for the cloud network disk, although there are few users temporarily, it can attract the needs of many niche users."

Li Nan explained from time to time.

Chen Yu didn't agree with it, and reluctantly shook his head and said, "Li Nan, Mobile is really not that powerful, don't worry."

"Mr. Chen, don’t fool me. It’s easy to fight the situation and keep the situation difficult. Our market share has reached the limit. And even if a competitor attracts a user, this is an improvement for them. They have no market in themselves, so they can’t do it. We can't do it when we get up, but our market is so big, it must be solidly guarded."

"The idea is good, but the avenue is simple. In fact, the smaller the feature, the more likely it is to become a hit. I think this business is good. So, once the mobile instant messenger is on the market, we will launch this feature first."

On the document, Chen Yu took out his pen and circled a business.

This business is called: YY level.

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