Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 811: : Fighting for hegemony

China Television Products Exhibition.

This is China's annual TV product exhibition.

The main exhibition is the latest products and technologies of major domestic TV manufacturers.

Of course, because the domestic market is too large, a series of foreign TV manufacturers will also participate.

Some of these are like game exhibitions, electronic product exhibitions... on the one hand, it is to show strength, and on the other hand, it is also for publicity.

At the same time, the official organization of such exhibitions is also to promote the development of the industry.

This time the exhibition is held in Shenzhen.

Before the exhibition started, a series of TV manufacturers from around the world came to Shenzhen.

Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, Sanyo, Pioneer, Sharp, Samsung, LG, Philips...

And the domestic Skyworth, TCL, Hisense, Changhong, Konka.

Of course, there are some who don't seem to be TV companies, but Haier also sells well in the TV sector.

Basically it can be said.

This time the domestic TV product exhibition, all the famous ones in the TV circle came to participate.

Even some small TV manufacturers have come.

According to official reports, compared with last year, 40% more companies participated this year.

The reason why there are so many companies.

On the one hand, the domestic market is expanding rapidly.

On the other hand, experts believe that the TV industry is at a critically important point.

Major companies have invested heavily in this year for the future market layout.

Here, the tripartite forces are the representative.

One is Japan.

Today’s party focuses on LCD TVs and plasma TVs.

Both LCD TV and plasma technology are very powerful.

In particular, Panasonic's plasma technology is the best in the world.

Moreover, in the plasma area, Panasonic is currently almost a rival.

The second is South Korea.

This party is represented by Samsung and LG.

It can be seen from the previous investment that both have invested heavily in the LCD liquid crystal display.

Samsung in particular, it can almost be said that the investment in LCD screens is the largest.

The third is the domestic side.

The domestic side is not only represented by traditional CRT TVs, but also by BOE, which is represented by LCD liquid crystal displays. However, in general, the traditional CRT TV is still the main representative. Although in terms of technical strength, the domestic sector is not as good as South Korea, let alone Japan. But the domestic sector also has its own advantages, and that is the market.

What domestic TV manufacturers know best is the market, and they have also taken root. At the same time, although CRT technology is old, old technology also represents mature technology, which is deeply tested by the market. Instead of spending a lot of money on new technologies and new technologies, it is better to continue to cultivate tradition.

So here comes the problem.

In the end, the future market will continue to choose CRT, or will choose more technical LCD liquid crystal, or the most advanced PDP plasma. Although it is not possible to make an accurate forecast for the time being, through this China TV product exhibition, we may be able to see a trace of the future market.

In short, for various reasons, major TV manufacturers in the world have already arrived.

"Brothers, there will be a TV show in Shenzhen in a few days. Who wants to go?"

"I am I, I am going to visit."

"I don't know what new technology is there this time?"

Television has always been a representative of technology products.

At an annual exhibition, major TV manufacturers have launched a series of high-tech products.

For countless viewers who like technology, trendy, and fun, the China TV Show is a must-see.

Especially these companies are global high-tech companies.

Like Sony, Panasonic, Samsung... they are not just ordinary TV manufacturers.

They are also the world's top electronics manufacturers.

The series of technologies they bring may change the future at some point.

This is also the biggest attraction of this exhibition.

Of course, there are many people who are ready to watch the contest between major companies.

Such an exhibition is said to be an exhibition, but everyone knows that major companies are fighting in name.

Especially Samsung and Panasonic.

One side bet on the LCD liquid crystal, and the other side needed the plasma certificate.

Both are giants of global electronics companies.

Countless people are looking forward to the competition between these two companies when they come to the Shenzhen TV Product Show.

However, there are also people who are concerned about Huanyu Technology.

Because Huanyu Technology also participated.

Moreover, Huanyu Technology has a strong popularity on the Internet, and many people are also looking forward to Huanyu Technology.

However, as experts, they said that Huanyu Technology estimated that this time it was just to make up the number.

Although Huanyu Technology acquired BOE, BOE currently has only one Gen 4.5 line in operation.

Other investment in the 5th generation line, the 6th generation line is still under construction.

If you want to look at Huanyu Technology's mobile phone, or MP3, or notebook, perhaps Huanyu Technology will be exciting.

But when it comes to TV, there is not much to watch for the time being.

In fact, it is not only Huanyu Technology, but also a large number of domestic TV manufacturers and a large number of people in China who are not very interested.

Domestic companies are far inferior to international, not to mention that domestic companies are still engaged in CRT.

Although there is still a market for CRT TVs, for onlookers who like trendy and technology, domestic manufacturers have nothing to watch. Even, they still have some faint concerns. The international global giants are all deploying LCD and plasma. Why are domestic manufacturers still engaged in CRT?

In case CRT is abandoned by consumers, this is almost a disaster for domestic TV manufacturers.

Having said so much, in fact, what is said above is not important.

The party just needs to be onlookers.

As for the major TV manufacturers who came to the exhibition this time, they are doing a series of homework at this time.

The first is the research and analysis of major manufacturers, as well as inquiries about information.

Although Panasonic has the world's most advanced plasma technology this time, they know that plasma is expensive and there is still a long way to go to popularize the market. Although Samsung also knows that the popularization of plasma technology will take a certain amount of time, he also knows that LCD is not so easy to go.

Although domestic TV manufacturers stick to the CRT market, they also know that LCD and plasma are more technologically advanced.

But in the end, no one has absolute confidence in who the market will choose.

However, it is precisely that no one has absolute confidence, which makes a lot of manufacturers almost exhausted.

It is said that Panasonic will upgrade the technology of the first-generation plasma TV originally launched in Japan and release the 1.5-generation version.

Samsung may launch the largest LCD screen in history.

At home, there is no room for counterattack, and secret weapons are also hidden.

As for Huanyu Technology.

All right.

I haven't heard the news for the time being.


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