Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 814: : I am not a TV, I am a super TV

It is naturally impossible to grab people.

However, after being attracted by Huanyu Electronics, a large number of TV manufacturers were naturally dissatisfied.

So, following the crowd, they also pretended to be ordinary spectators and came to the Huanyu Electronics exhibition area.

The same as ordinary people.

Although Huanyu Electronics has made some messy things, I have to say that these things are really attractive.

For example, those young ladies on the stage dance in bikinis.

Not to mention other things, it's very comfortable just to look seductive.

And there is not only the young lady at the scene.

After these little sisters, there are a series of real people.

This also boosted the popularity of Huanyu Electronics on the other hand.

Do you think this is over?

No no no.

After that, Huanyu Electronics invited several celebrities to come.

All of a sudden.

In the entire exhibition area, all the limelight was robbed by Huanyu Electronics.

"These guys."

The heads of major TV manufacturers scolded.

At this product exhibition, they were given a lively lesson by Huanyu Electronics.

This kind of warm-up promotion method is simply too memorable.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Huanyu Technology was born on the Internet.

Because Huanyu Technology engages in online games, propaganda, and game competitions, many times it will conduct such a warm-up.

Unexpectedly, Huanyu Technology is the operation of the online game side, and it has also moved to the TV product exhibition.

I have to say that if this trick continues, several major TV manufacturers will be somewhat confused.

I don’t know if the product is strong or not, but at least it attracts the popularity.

If the product can have such a bright spot, it is really a strong competitor.

"Mr. Liu, what shall we do?"

"Calm down, let's talk about it after reading it."

Although these bells and whistles can indeed attract popularity, the person in charge of major TV manufacturers knows that to really win consumers, they rely on these useless products, and rely on real products. And they also inquired that Huanyu Technology does not actually have much technology in the TV sector. Just like this product exhibition, they have not announced the product for a long time, which is also a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

"That should be the TV of Universal Technology."

"It doesn't look like the screen is big, it's only 45 inches at most."

"I heard that Huanyu Electronics does not have a large screen, so it can only choose to cooperate with Samsung. However, Samsung does not provide them with the largest screen, and is only willing to come up with a 45-inch screen."

Many people in charge discuss from time to time.

They really look forward to seeing everyone disappointed when they introduce the product.

Finally, after a series of programs, Universal TV entered the theme and began to introduce their products.

At this time, three Huanyu TVs were placed in the center of the booth.

However, these three TVs are still covered with red cloth for the time being.

Everyone doesn't know what kind of TV will be under the red cloth.

"It's going to be revealed."

"I hope Huanyu TV can make people's eyes shine."

"I don't know, but I hope it's not too big."

Although the previous activities are indeed exciting, they have also attracted popularity.

But after all, the name of Huanyu Electronics is not known, and there is no product that can be obtained before.

In addition, Huanyu Electronics acquired a Furi color TV that is about to go bankrupt, and the technology is very general.

It is basically impossible to produce a product that shocks others at this time.

After all, electronic manufacturing is no better than the Internet.

As long as there is an idea on the Internet, maybe it can attract many people.

But electronic manufacturing is not just about thinking about it, and he can make products that are sensational.

However, Huanyu Electronics is destined to break people's impression of domestic electronics companies this time.

After the chief designer of Huanyu TV, Wang Chao, unveiled the red cloth, the audience wowed and made a sensation.

Even the heads of these major TV manufacturers are stunned right now.

Although it was similar to what they heard.

The screen size of Huanyu TV is indeed not particularly large, only 45 inches.

But even at 45 inches, his aura is not at all lost to the Panasonic plasma TV.

Similarly, it is not lost to Samsung's 60-inch large-screen LCD TV.

All right.

It should not be said to be imposing.

Because the style is different.

The main focus of Panasonic plasma TV is ultra-clear and color.

Samsung's main focus is super-large size.

As for Huanyu TV, although I don’t know what they are focusing on, at a glance, you will find that this is an extremely sophisticated product with an extremely technological sense.

First of all, just the appearance, Huanyu TV does not lose the products of any TV manufacturer.

Even, to some extent, they think it is more than that.


The heads of major manufacturers were extremely shocked.

They didn't expect it.

Huanyu Electronics is able to make such an amazing product.

Although they have not conducted a careful study, from the outside, they believe that the design of Huanyu TV far exceeds their products. Not as good as others, just the screen. Although the screens are the same, even their screens are worse and smaller than theirs. But what about it, Huanyu TV used their superb hands to design a masterpiece.

"I must study it carefully when I go back."

At this point, they had picked up the camera and took crazy pictures.

This design is really wonderful.

His design ideas and concepts seem to be several generations higher than them.

if not like this.

So, a 45-inch LCD TV is absolutely impossible to produce more than their 50-inch, 60-inch effect.

"Mr. Chen, our TV is so beautiful."

"Look, the crowds of spectators look silly."

Because Zhang Jianming has not been involved in the Huanyu TV project, this is the first time he has seen Huanyu TV.

Like everyone else, Zhang Jianming was shocked by his own TV.

But Chen Yu smiled slightly and said something calmly.

"This is just the beginning."

What is the design of Huanyu TV?

According to Chen Yu's philosophy, Chen Yu can produce a TV that is more sophisticated and technologically more sophisticated than the current Huanyu TV.

However, the product is slowly updated.

To make such an ultimate product all at once, wouldn't it raise the eyes of other manufacturers?

"Chen, what else can you tell me first?"

"Let's go ahead."

Such things are not fun to disclose.

Under Wang Chao's operation, three Huanyu TVs were turned on for the first different from other TVs.

After Huanyu TV was turned on, it entered a video immediately.

"Hey, it's very creative to play the video when you turn it on."

Many people are a little surprised.

The person in charge of other manufacturers is also on the lookout.

They know that this is more than just creativity.

What he brings is a full range of design ideas.

This is because when all TVs are turned on, they either enter the TV station or enter the set display video.

For example, in order to show my TV, I will make a video in it.

But this video is not the same as the one produced by Huanyu TV when it is turned on.

Their video is used for display. When the user buys it home, he does not have this video.

But from the operation of Huanyu Technology, it seems that this video appears as soon as it is turned on.

Even if the user buys it back, you must watch this video when you turn it on.

"Can sing, play games, talk, and even speak..."

This video is an advertisement to show you Universal TV.

In the video, you can see users karaoke at Huanyu TV.

Similarly, you can also see the user holding the handle while playing the game.

As for talking.


Ring TV can also speak.

And the voice...

As long as you hold the remote control and say a word to the remote control, everything is fine.

"Fuck... I'm not dreaming."

"What kind of TV is this?"

"Is it really possible?"

Haven't waited for the user to scream.

At the end of this video, a sentence flashed: "I am not a TV, I am a super TV."


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