Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 831: : Create a real payment channel

"This can't work. I rely on you to check the traffic. What kind of online shop do I open?"

"Yo, my classmate Lu is quite ambitious."

Chen Yu didn't insist.

He just talked about this kind of traffic.

"By the way, since you have opened an online store, give us some advice on our website."

"Speaking of opinions, there are really."

Lu Xue turned around and said solemnly: "First, can your website give the seller the authority to decorate the shop."

"How did you think of this?"

"The online store is actually the same as the real merchants. Huanyu Mall is okay, but all Huanyu Department Store stores appear to be the same. When others look at it, they think they are the same store. If the seller is given certain rights to make web pages, then we can do it. The personalized decoration of the store is more meaningful for future publicity and promotion, including brand building."

"This suggestion is good."

Chen Yu nodded and took note: "What else?"

"There is also the credit history of the seller, whether it is possible to do the credit history of the buyer. Now there are more online shopping, especially the seven-day unreasonable return you stipulated, and other settings to ensure the interests of consumers. Although The overall direction is correct, but there have also been many maliciously photographed and maliciously returned consumers. At the same time, there have also been some woolen groups. If the credit records of consumers can be recorded, this will not only be great for sellers, but also for the platform. the benefits of."

"Not bad."

Chen Yu's eyes lit up.

He just said casually just now, but he didn't expect Lu Xue to really put forward a lot of opinions.

But it is.

In her previous life, Lu Xue was a female academic tyrant, and later she became a female president.

However, after Chen Yu was reborn, Chen Yu ignored the side of Lu Xue's female academic domineering.

Unexpectedly, after entering Peking University, Lu Xue's abilities gradually showed.

Even if I just opened an online shop, the few suggestions made are very good.

"What you said is very good. Consumers also need to establish a credit system. Sellers have credit, and buyers should have credit, so that we can build a more harmonious and smooth online shopping platform."

In fact, the foundation of e-commerce is credit.

For example, PayPass guarantee business.

This is the trust of consumers on the platform.

Without this level of trust, large-scale electronic transactions cannot be formed.

He will be like early online games, scammers rampant, you have no binding force at all.

At that time, Zhang Jianming was selling things online, and his first transaction let him know what sinister arena is.

In order to allow consumers to purchase goods online with greater confidence, Huanyu Mall and Huanyu Department Store have always established a stricter credit system for platforms and sellers. Including the need to deposit a security deposit, identity verification, seven days no reason to return... etc. Now with the development of e-commerce, the consumer credit system has to keep up.

This reminds Chen Yu of the Sesame Credit that Ali started later.

The system can comprehensively evaluate the user's consumption behavior, identity nature, personal connections, good behavior... etc.

Finally, a credit system recognized by everyone in the country was established.

Thinking of Zhima Credit, Chen Yu couldn't help but think of his own PayPass.

Although Alipay has been established, the current function of Alipay is still the role of third-party guarantees. But in fact, as a payment channel and payment tool, Alipay can have more other functions. For example, the transfer function.

The function of this transfer is not to withdraw cash from the PayTong account.

It is the mutual transfer function of Paypay to other bank accounts and to Paypay’s own accounts.

In terms of the previous situation, it is not suitable to launch these functions.

But looking at it now, it has been possible to launch Alipay separately to create a truly independent payment tool.

Just thinking about it, at this moment, Lu Xue said: "Right, there is one more thing, that is, can PayTong be able to open in-station transfers."

"I go……"

Chen Yu was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that, Lu Xue also thought of this.

"Why, can't it? I feel that every transfer is very troublesome. If you enable in-station transfer, it will be much more convenient."

Seeing Chen Yu looking at herself with a bewildered face, Lu Xue was a little embarrassed: "Well, I'm just commenting. I also know that finance may be more troublesome."


Chen Yu was a little embarrassed.

This is simply talent.

"Student Lu, come to work at our Huanyu Technology."


"What, are you not interested in our Huanyu Technology?"

"No, it's not..."

Lu Xue kept shaking her head: "But well, how come you want me to work in your company?"

"I think you have a good vision in e-commerce, really."

Chen Yu said seriously.


Lu Xue hesitated, after thinking about it for a while, she still said: "I haven't considered going to work now, besides, I have to go to school. Moreover, I am also very interested in opening a shop online. If I go to work at Huanyu Technology, that's not it. No freedom?"

"Why don't I have any freedom? I give you my position, so I have all the freedom."

"That's not good, I don't have that great ability."

Lu Xue refused to say.

"Don't think about it?"

"I don't have this idea for the time being."

"Also, wait until you graduate."

Without further persuasion, Chen Yu planned how to separate Alipay.


"Zhizhong, how about it, has the song order system come out?"

"Mr. Li, it's done."

Jin Zhizhong nodded, took out a document and said, "Mr. Li, this is the design of our Samsung song ordering system. We are ready in all aspects and we will wait for mass production."

"How long does it take for mass production?"

"Three months later."

"Too long."

Li Jae Rong shook his head.

Samsung has been under great pressure recently.

The reason for the pressure is that the sales of Huanyu Super TVs are steadily increasing.

As for the reason.

In addition to Huanyu Technology’s own sales channels, a more important reason is Huanyu’s KTV song order system.

Many friends who didn't change their TVs before, just because they saw Huanyu KTV's VOD system, they chose Huanyu Super TV for a while.

In itself, the sales of Shanghai Huanyu Super TV are far ahead, and at this time Samsung and Panasonic have been thrown out of sight. At present, when a lot of industry experts analyze the high-end TV, they basically only use the super TV of Huanyu Technology as an analysis and evaluation. As for Samsung and Panasonic, they are all embarrassed to analyze.

What is there to analyze.

Even if one-tenth of the sales of others cannot be reached, you are ashamed to say that they are high-end TVs.

"Zhizhong, I will give you half a month."

"Half a month, President Li...this."

Jin Zhizhong shook his head.

In half a month, let alone mass production, the production line may not be able to be installed.

"I mean, in half a month, 200 prototypes will be produced first."

Of course, Li Zaiyong knew that mass production would not be possible in half a However, now he can't wait.

At present, dozens of KTV companies have purchased the KTV VOD system of Huanyu Technology.

If they don't follow up Samsung, they will be too far behind.

Even if mass production is temporarily unavailable, a KTV will be supported first.

"Yes, President Li."

It is naturally impossible to achieve mass production within half a month.

But 200 prototypes were produced in half a month. With Samsung's capabilities, this is not difficult at all.

As for you would say that the production line has not been installed yet.

What does it matter?

The production prototype does not need a production line at all, and they can assemble it manually.

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