Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 853: : Isn’t it enough to raise funds from you at that time?

"Mr. Chen, our Google offer is 3 billion U.S. dollars."

"Brin, we can't accept $3 billion."

"President Chen, I believe you also know the sincerity of our Google. 3 billion US dollars can be said to be the highest price among all companies in your company. Moreover, we can also leave 5 points of stock for your founding team. If Mr. Chen Still feel that the price is too low, so we can only say sorry."

Google once again offered to youtobe.

The price is the same as Chen Yu guessed, $3 billion.

"Brin, how is it?"

"Youtobe is thinking about it."

"Still thinking about it?"

"Yes, Peppa, let's not worry, I feel their hearts are moved."

There are two founders of Google.

One is called Brin and the other is called Page.

Well, Peppa Pig's Peppa.

The two established Googles have become the world's largest search engine company and have entered dozens of countries around the world.

However, although Google's business progress is very good, but Google is not without challenges.

As for the challenge of search engines, it has never been interrupted.

Such as Yahoo.

Yahoo withdrew Google’s cooperation and launched its own search engine.

Microsoft too, they have also entered the search business.

And there are some that seem to have not entered, and maybe they will enter in the future.

For example, Friends Network.

"Has Friendnet made an offer?"

I don't know if it's too sensitive to, Peppa asked again.


Brin shook his head: "There is no news on the market for the time being. I guess they are not interested in the video business."

"This is not necessarily true. Be careful."

As soon as Peppa spoke, news came out at noon that day.

Chen Yu, the founder of Huanyu Technology, went to Youtobe and offered $3.3 billion.

The news made Page and Brin extremely nervous.

"This guy finally got an offer."

Brin said bitterly.

Google has dealt with Huanyu Technology.

Moreover, Chen Yu also poached their CEO of Google China.

Although Chen Yu's search engine failed to steal their Google business, Google has always been very wary of Chen Yu.

In particular, after Chen Yu's investment in became popular in the United States, they became more and more worried.

This is why Google is so eager for youtobe.

"what should we do?"

"What can I do, I can only increase the price."

Gritting his teeth, Brin contacted Chen Shijun again with an offer of US$3.4 billion.

Backhand, Chen Yu offered 3.5 billion US dollars on this side.

Then Google offered 3.6 billion U.S. dollars, and Chen Yu directly raised the price to 3.9 billion U.S. dollars.

Google gritted its teeth at such a rate of price increase.

"Damn, this guy must be raising the price, it must be."

Peppa cursed.

How can there be such a price increase.

To be honest, with the current size of Youtobe, he is definitely not worth $3.9 billion.

In fact, $3 billion is considered an overestimation.

However, Chen Yu directly added 3.9 billion US dollars.

Recalling that Chen Yu had pitted a group of companies several times before, both felt that Chen Yu was raising the price.

But even if Chen Yu was seen through, the two of them were helpless.

Chen Yu's bid has always been spotted.

If Google gives up, they are really worried that Chen Yu will acquire Youtobe.

You know, Friends Network definitely has the strength to acquire Youtobe.

And has raised a lot of money before, but they have plenty of ammunition.

"Brin, tell Chen Shijun, 4 billion US dollars, this is our reserve price."

Gritting his teeth, Peppa said, "If Chen Yu raises the price again, we will give up."


Chen Shijun closes as soon as he sees it, with a perfect ending of US$4 billion.

After the two signed a formal transfer agreement, Chen Yu received a $300 million facilitation fee.

Add in the US$100 million prepared by Huanyu Portal, that is US$400 million, or about RMB 3 billion.

There are RMB 3 billion, which is enough to support the video business.


"Oh, it's a pity, the acquisition of yououtobe was not successful."

Chen Yu said to several major shareholders of

After knowing that Chen Yu came to the United States, a group of capitals who had previously invested in have contacted Chen Yu.

Although Chen Yu does not care about the specific business of, everyone knows that Chen Yu is in charge of

"Chen, it's nothing to be a pity. Google spent $4 billion to acquire Youtobe, which will also cause some trouble for their cash flow."

"Yes, besides, we can also build a video site similar to youtobe."

"Yahoo is said to be launching their video business soon, Chen, we should also act quickly."

For Chen Yu, all the capitals are quite satisfied.

Although Chen Yu always borrows money from, it is criticized, but this guy has always had a good vision.

"Mr. Days, you are right, we, Huanyu Technology, have already prepared the video business."

"Oh, Chen, you have already laid out. Great..."

The president of Mogen Chase Investment Department gave a thumbs up to Chen Yu.

After finishing talking, Deiss was a little strange: "Chen, why is Huanyu Technology?"

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Isn't it friends net?"

"Doesn't Friend Network also belong to Huanyu Technology?"


Dess was speechless by Chen Yu's words.

"Chen, I think we can put our business under the banner of, which will also have more advantages."

"No, this won't work."

Chen Yu shook his head: "I'm afraid that if we do a good job in the video business, your relevant departments will say that I have a monopoly."

"Monopoly? No, no, it's impossible, and it's impossible for the relevant departments to do this."

Dess kept waving his hands.

They have such strength.

"It's not impossible and it hasn't happened. Didn't your relevant department say that Microsoft is monopolizing it? It's worse to split Microsoft into two."

"This is the past, don't worry, it is impossible for us to exist."

"Mr. Days, I think we still have to avoid such troubles."

Chen Yu still insisted on his point of view.

Of course, this is not a question of persistence.

This is a matter of interest.

Although Friend Network is controlled by Chen Yu, he has already financed a lot of stocks in order to make money.

In other words, Friend Network is not entirely owned by Chen Yu.

If the new video business is placed on, even if the video business is enlarged, some other capital will also enjoy profit sharing. But if you start a new company, then all the benefits will be Chen Yu himself, or Huanyu Technology.

In this case, how could these top capitals not know.

When Chen Yu spoke, they understood.

In order to appease the capital, Chen Yu said: "Mr. Days, this is actually good. Although it looks good to put the video business on, but the video business is more expensive. If you don't make the video, it will be a waste of money. Everyone’s money is not good. It’s better to let Huanyu Technology launch the video service separately to see the effect."

"What if you start the video business?"

"It's also easy. Mr. Dyce, can't we do another financing at that time?"


"Mr. Days, what's wrong with you? Don't worry, if we really do the video business, I promise to notify you first."


At this moment, Dess waited to choke Chen Yu to death.


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