Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 855: : How come there is a video of the aunt dancing?

"Brin, Chen Shijun is really leaving?"



"It's not a pity. Although Chen Shijun has left, most of Youtobe's management are still there."

After Google took over youtobe, it didn't make too many changes.

Everything is still operated according to the original Youtobe management side.

But the addition of Google still brings great benefits to youtobe.

Not only in terms of flow, but also in terms of capital.

However, although the scale of youtobe has reached nearly 70%, the competition is significantly more intense.

A series of companies including Yahoo, Microsoft, and AOL have launched their own video services.

After sighing that Chen Shijun completely left yououtobe, Brin and Page studied these competitors.

"Chen Shijun leave and leave. Let's not discuss it. Let's talk about Microsoft's MSN video and Yahoo video."

"MSN Video Network and AOL Video are not our rivals for the time being, but Yahoo should be careful."

"I also think that Yahoo has dug a lot of our internet celebrities."

Brin also nodded: "And they have portals and search engines to support, but our Youtobe advantage is relatively large, and at the same time they have not accumulated enough in the content area, and there is not much threat to us for the time being."

"Where is Huanyu Technology, is there any action on their Friends Network?"

" seems to have no plans to enter the video business."


Page shook his head: "It's not right here. It's impossible for to not enter the video section."

The reason why Chen Yu could raise the price before was that the two agreed that would definitely enter the video business.

So even if they knew that Chen Yu was raising the price, they had to take yououtobe.

Otherwise, yououtobe will fall into the hands of Friends, and the consequences will be hard to imagine.

It's just that now it is a little strange, why Friend Network hasn't launched a video service?

You know, the traffic of their friends network is not much lower than that of Google.

In terms of user stickiness, the stickiness of Friend Network is undoubtedly higher than that of Google.

Normally, the video service launched by is more lethal than the video service launched by Yahoo.

After investigating, the two still found the answer.

It's not that Friends Network did not enter the video field, but that Huanyu Technology changed its approach.

They launched a separate website called Huanyu Video.

This website is separated from Friend Network and does not belong to Friend Network.

"I didn't use such a good resource, but I started a new website?"

"Does Huanyu Technology overestimate its own strength?"

Both of them have some coercion.

If it were them, they would definitely use the advantages of to launch video services.

Just like they will use Google's advantage to launch a video business.

Although their Google Video did not work, it did develop very rapidly in the beginning.

But if you build a brand new website, although Google can secretly support the new website, it is naturally more troublesome to operate because it is not the same company. Moreover, Google is a listed company and cannot secretly convey benefits or anything.

However, although extremely surprised, the two also knew what was going on.

It is nothing more than that Huanyu Technology does not want to share the benefits with other capitals of

"Heh, Huanyu Technology has a good idea, do they think they can really make a video website a success?"

Brin said with a cold snort.

"Don't underestimate Huanyu Technology, study their website first."


The two dared not be careless.

No matter what Huanyu Technology does, both of them are very wary of Huanyu Technology.

Especially the dominance of Huanyu Technology in China proves the power of Huanyu Technology.

Although Huanyu Technology is slightly weak in the global Internet field, this weakness is also relatively limited.

If develops for a few years, it may not be a giant on par with Google.

"Page, what's the use of these short videos of about 15 seconds?"

The layout of Huanyu Video Network is similar to that of other video sites.

The website has launched a number of original video sites, and also added video categories.

Game commentary, news commentary, life video... these.

These are not very involved in youtobe before.

Moreover, in order to improve the treatment of original video users, they not only subsidized these video users, they also introduced a reward function.

This feature makes Brin and Page feel very good.

Through this kind of rewarding original video users can not only get more income, but also accumulate more die-hard fans.

Regarding this, both of them tacitly agreed, and after a while they decided to copy this feature.

Besides this feature, Huanyu Video doesn't have too many highlights.

Although they added video classification.

But Huanyu video can increase, can't yououtobe?

In terms of original users and browsing users, who is better than their yououtobe?

There are nearly 100,000 videos every day, which brings a steady stream of all kinds of videos to youtobe.

Before yououtobe, although it used to focus on funny videos, it was just to attract users.

Nowadays, they can diversify their development and try their best to capture users of all classes in one go.

However, despite this analysis, a 15-second video in Huanyu Video makes them extremely strange This setting should be said to be the biggest difference between Huanyu Video and them.

At first they thought this 15-second video was the most essential part, but later they saw that it was not.

15 seconds is a short video of 15 seconds.

He is not very good and not very attractive.

He also doesn't have many characteristics.

There are many boring videos posted.

He looked like a messy video from a child.

He doesn't have any very clear pictures, no editing, and some of them don't even sound very good.

In short, it is this kind of video that has nothing to watch, and it is promoted by them.

"Brin, do you think these short 15-second videos look good?"

"It doesn't seem to be very good-looking."

"Then why do such videos become their key promotion channel?"

"This... who knows."

Brin smacked his lips and watched a few more videos.

The same as the previous judgment.

It's really boring, there is nothing to watch.

You see, they even recommend the video of the aunt dancing.

Brin admired how these aunts would have the idea of ​​recording videos.

Do these aunts think they are beautiful?

Or, do these aunts feel that they have no charm in dancing?

Even if it depends on dancing.

Can you have a hot body?

However, Brin admires Huanyu Technology even more.

These spam videos turned out to be regarded as treasures by them, and they are highly recommended.

There are also a series of comments below, and I have brushed a lot, which is really hard.


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