Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 858: : A New Theory: Fragmented Time

"Students, if you understand the theory of six degrees of segmentation, then you understand why the friend network can spread in the form of nuclear fission. This kind of plan to move the real social network to the Internet platform, he has made today's friend network... …"

At Stanford, computer professor "Larry" is teaching a group of students.

What he shared with a group of students today is Friends.

As currently the hottest social networking site, he has created too many miracles.

Although Larry has already analyzed the Friend Network comprehensively in this class, many students still feel unfulfilled.

"Well, classmates, I will share the topic about here today. If you are interested in, you can talk about it after class. As you all know, in fact, in the Internet field, there are many The tech tycoon emerges from your student group. Maybe you are the next tech madman..."

Larry did not directly say who these tycoons are.

But all the students know it.

There is Microsoft's Bill and Apple's Jobs.

And Larry's proud disciple Page.


Although Larry rarely mentions it, he has always been proud of having such a disciple.

At the same time, many students are also proud of having a Google founder from Stanford.

What makes them even more proud is that the founder of Google is still their brother.

Today, Larry’s proud disciple is said to be coming to visit him.

Immediately after class, Larry saw Peppa who had been waiting for him on the edge of the teaching building.

"Hey, Page."

"Teacher, long time no see, are you okay now?"

"Of course, very good."

Larry hugged Page and jokingly said, "Paige, you haven't returned to Stanford for a long time, so you won't forget your alma mater."

"How is it possible, teacher, Stanford is a place I will never forget. But, as you know, I have been busy lately."

"Well, I can see it."

Seeing that Page looked tired, Larry said: "Is it too much energy to acquire Youtobe, but I read your report and you have done a good job. Especially for the application of capital, Page, do It's not bad."

Larry's indescribable affection for Page.

It's not just Page who successfully founded Google.

What's more difficult and expensive is that Page can often defeat competitors with extremely flexible capital.

Just like this time the acquisition of yououtobe.

Everyone on the surface felt that Google’s purchase price was too high.

But as soon as the operation was changed hands, the valuation of Youtobe was directly doubled.

This is not what computer technology can achieve.

"Teacher, it's not because of this."

Shaking his head, Page said, "We have a strong competitor."


Larry thought for a while and said.

Speaking of competitors, Google's biggest competitor, that is Yahoo.

Yahoo is not only a rival to Google in the search field, but Yahoo has also recently entered the video field.

At the same time, the overall strength of Yahoo is higher than that of Google.

"Not Yahoo."

"Not Yahoo?"

Page's shaking his head surprised Larry.

He squeezed his chin: "Although Microsoft's technology is good, they don't have Internet genes, and the mandatory MSN instant messengers are going downhill. They are definitely not good at video. As for other things, the overall strength is not comparable. You Google, let alone any threat to you."

"Teacher, it is Huanyu Video, a subsidiary of Huanyu Technology recently established in North America."

This said, Larry understood.

Just now he was still analyzing the friends network of Huanyu Technology.

For this website, he once thought that it was a genius idea.

Even Larry believes that if Friendship is developing well, it may surpass Google in the future.

This is not impossible.

After all, Google is just a search tool.

The tools are advanced and backward, and the tools can also be easily replaced.

If there is any search engine more convenient in the future, it is not impossible to replace Google.

But, a website built in the real social domain, is like an instant messenger and a mobile phone number, which is difficult to replace.

However, he did not study Huanyu Video, and he did not know what website Huanyu Video was.

"Let's go, to my office."

Seeing Peppa's appearance, Larry knew that Peppa must be in trouble.

"Teacher, this is the website of Huanyu Video. The key to his core is here."

Pointing to the 15-second essence area, Page still has some incomprehensible words: "We have analyzed this section, and we agree that 15-second short videos are indeed innovative, and he has succeeded in getting more people Participated and turned viewers into video creators. However, the entire 15-second highlight video is mostly boring. I don’t know how so many people like to watch these videos."

"This is Huanyu Technology that has implanted the social genes of into the video."

Larry said nothing.

Page secretly praised.

Sure enough, the teacher is awesome, you can tell at a glance.

"Yes, we thought so later."

"In that case, Peppa, what doubts do you have?"

"Teacher, we have analyzed the social attributes of these videos. However, according to our survey, a considerable number of users spend 1-2 hours on these 15-second short videos. Don’t you think it’s weird? It is It is impossible for him to spend more than this long time on Friend’s website."

1-2 hours, such a time can be said to be quite scary.

If you compare them with Google, users spend less than 1 minute on Google on average.

Just finished the search, and then turned off the Google search engine.

Although the time spent on video sites will indeed increase a lot, it is not so scary.

"What you said is really true."

When Page said so, Larry also attached great importance to it.

He felt that this was an example he hadn't encountered before.

"Paige, I can't give my judgment right now."

"I have to experience it for a few days."

Larry seemed a little excited.

He felt that he had encountered a subject of great interest.

He seemed to have never encountered this subject before.

He is even more attractive than the six-degree segmentation theory of Friends.

A few days later.

After turning over the research on Huanyu Video, Larry finally discovered the mystery.

"Paige, I found out, I found out."

Excited, Larry called Page.

"Teacher, what did you find?"

Page was also a little excited.

Although the entire company said it would quickly imitate the model of Huanyu Video.

However, before figuring out their model, Page absolutely dare not move.


If you haven't figured out other people's patterns before, even if you imitate, you may still draw tiger dogs.

This is not the most serious.

The most serious is.

If the imitation fails, their first mover advantage will be surpassed by Huanyu Video in one fell swoop.

This is a very sad thing.

A website they bought at a high price was accidentally surpassed by a newly established website.

What kind of experience is this?

Page has never had this experience.

But he knew that this kind of experience must be very bad.

"Fragmentation, this is fragmentation."


Page was taken aback: "Teacher, what do you mean by fragmentation?"

"Very simple, I ask you, what were you doing when you were 18 to 22?"

"Go to school at Stanford."

"Then there is nothing else but school?"


Page didn't know what the teacher meant, but Larry continued: "When you are in school, don't you eat, drink, sleep, go shopping, don't you go out to play?"

"Teacher, what do you mean?"

"I'm talking about fragmented time. Going back to our question just now, it looks like you are going to school at the age of 18-22, but you actually did a lot of things while you were going to school. These many things are actually fragmented time. . He is not a complete time, but this fragmented time is still extremely abundant."

"Teacher, can it be easier?"

"Of course you can. Just like you go to work today, what will you do during work breaks?"

"I will have a cup of coffee."

"Can you watch a 15-second short video while drinking coffee?"


"So apart from your off work time, can you also watch these short videos when you go home and rest? Not to mention the work rest time, even if it is working time, if there is nothing to do at the moment, can I do it? How many 15-second video clips?"

In fact, the fragmentation time is not less than the normal time.

It's just that many people can't use this time Many times, most people spend this fragmented time in various places.

For example, find someone to chat, have a cup of coffee, read the newspaper, walk for a few minutes... etc.

But if there is a website that collects these fragmented time together at this time, then you will spend most of your fragmented time on these short videos. After all, compared to other more boring things, it's obviously easier to scan short videos... And, from time to time, you can also show some hot girls. Isn't this a cool thing?

"Oh My God……"

Page was stunned by the teacher's guidance.

He finally understood why Huanyu Video could explode like this.

It can be said that the fragmented time theory is more classic than the six-degree segmentation theory.

At the same time, applying this theory to events in reality is even more explosive.

This is a perfect business model.

Suddenly, Page seemed to remember that he had seen this pattern before.

This reminded him of the electronic display advertising in his office building.


Page had always found these advertisements before, but he didn't know that such advertisements actually used fragmented time.

These electronic screen advertisements in office buildings used the few minutes that everyone waited for the elevator, but they created a brand-new business model.

Moreover, this business model is very successful.

It is said that Focus Media that came up with this model is about to go public.

What he didn't even expect was.

Putting this kind of brand new theory on the Internet, he would be so bursting.


Genius remembers this site address in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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