Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 864: : New mode: video + music

"Mr. Chen, Dess, invested by Mogen, has come to the company in recent days."

   "What are you doing here?"

   "It's okay, just say and have a look."

   "Oh, did you come today?"

   "No, right there."

   pointed to Dess sitting on the side of the office lobby, Li Xuelin felt helpless.

   "Hehe, Xuelin, Dess is not at ease about your work."

   Huanyu Video has raised a huge sum of money, and based on reason and reason, Dess, the representative of Mogen Investment, who led the investment, became one of the directors of Huanyu Investment. As a director, he naturally has the right to come to the company.


   Li Xuelin was a little embarrassed: "This is not about worrying about our work, but..."

   "Okay, stop talking, I know."

   Any more to say?

   Dess is not at ease, it is Chen Yu who is not ready to draw money to the domestic enterprise for blood transfusion.

   "In that case, let them rest assured."

   Chen Yu thought about it and said, "Xuelin, have you ever thought of adding music to our short video."

   "Mr. Chen, some original video users have already done this."

"I know."

   Chen Yu continued: "But this is only a small number of people, most people still don't know how to use it."

   Adding music to the video is not shooting technology, it is editing technology.

   Most people can shoot videos at most, but few people can edit.

   is not something ordinary people can learn, it's just that editing software is too complicated.

   "Chen, do you mean that we can open some tutorials and teach you how to edit videos?"

   "How troublesome it is to open a professor, the editing software popular on the market is too complicated, I mean, let's build such an editing software."

   "President Chen, I am afraid this is a bit complicated."

"What's complicated, you don’t want you to develop a professional one, you just need to develop a foolish one. For example, if you want to add music to a video, just give them a one-click addition. If you want to add text on it, you can also come Just one-click to add, we don’t need to edit into a powerful effect, but we only need the user to use it."

   This idea has something like WPS.

   WPS removed a series of complicated things, and kept the simplest and most commonly used settings.

   But WPS is still more complicated. As Internet software, it must be simple and then simple.

   For example, like the Mito Xiuxiu of later generations.

  No, Chen Yu means simpler than Mito Xiuxiu.

   As for the use of such editing software.

  , he can let more people participate in the video shooting.

  Second, he has unexpected effects.

   According to Chen Yu's meaning, Li Xuelin soon formed a video editing software team.

   With the current funding of Huanyu Video, he built a top team within a few days.

  , let alone a professional video editing software, it is more than enough to develop professional software.

   However, Chen Yu does not need them to develop professionally, he only needs to develop software that is simpler and easier to use.

   And, in order to cooperate with this video editing software, Chen Yu also spent a sum of money to purchase the exclusive rights to a series of music.


   "Teacher, I am very confused."


   "I haven't figured out what mode Huanyu Video uses until now."

   "Paige, don't be depressed, I will help you analyze it."

   Stanford, Page found his teacher, Professor Larry.

   This top scholar who once instructed Page to find out the theory of fragmented time, he has incomparable experience and knowledge.

   Although he has not made any Internet applications, he asked himself that he couldn't see through without any Internet applications.

"Thank you, teacher."

   After receiving the teacher’s comfort, Peppa felt better: "Teacher, look, we basically copied the entire model of Huanyu Video, but our video quality has always been inferior to them."

  Page demonstrated in front of the computer: "But obviously our traffic exceeds that of Huanyu Video."

   "This does seem to be troublesome."

   Larry also felt a little weird, and asked, "Do they have a stronger team in video operations?"

"not at all."

Page shook his head: "As far as we know, their video operations team is very average, and they don't have too many operations. At most, it is to spend a lot of money to engage in an event, but we also engage in such an event. The effect is not as good as they are. Judging by my research on them these days, these videos are all spontaneously appearing by users."

   "That is, their platform is perfectly built."

"But our platform is not worse than them, even better than them. From the overall view of video viewing, we view the total video volume more than Huanyu Video. But from the perspective of the overall quality and phenomenon-level video, we are far inferior. "

   "Are there any private surveys of users of Huanyu Video?"

   "We have investigated, but they can't tell the reason. Sometimes, the video is just like that."

   "Paige, let me help you research these days."

"Thank you, teacher."

   With anticipation, Page left Stanford.

   It's just that Peppa's expectation did not wait.

  Although Professor Larry is the top professor at Stanford, he is also the top professor in North America in computer science.

   However, Professor Larry is also completely lost in this field he has never touched before.

   These days, he has been researching, and has been watching videos.

   mode did not find anything, but Huanyu video fascinated him.

   Especially the videos of some hot girls, Professor Larry still likes to watch them.

   Until when Page came to Stanford again, Professor Larry had forgotten his research.

   As long as he has time now, he will directly edit the videos of those hot girls.

   And Professor Larry has a good salary. When he sees the sister paper he likes, he is generous, and he comes directly to give a reward.

   This also made Professor Larry loved by the big sisters for a while, and sent him private contact Teacher, where are you going? "

   "Oh, I have an important date."


   "Paige, what do you want to say?"


   Looking at the teacher as if he was 20 years younger, Page was even more confused.


   "Dace, come, let me show you a very interesting software."

   Huanyu video, Chen Yu invited Days to the office.

"what software?"

   "This, you try it."

   This is a software called Huanyu Editing.

   is the software that Chen Yu told Li Xuelin to do.

   The original function is very simple, and there is no complicated operation, the whole team can do it in one piece.

   "Yes, you shoot a video first, and then add a piece of music you are interested in here. In this way, we added background music to the video. Not bad, it worked."

   Actually, there is no need to give pointers. Dess will do it after a few glances.

   However, although the music was added successfully, Dess was a little puzzled: "Chen, what is the use of this software?"

   "It's useful."

   Speaking of usefulness, Chen Yu smiled with satisfaction: "As soon as this software is released, Dyss, you will know how worthwhile your previous investment in Universal Video is."

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