Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 871: : Is this selling diamonds or selling electronic products?

Deep City, Geweilan Hotel.

At this time, the major media have surrounded this place.

"I don't know what innovation the 4th generation of Lizi has this time?"

"Yes, I am also looking forward to it. Although Huanyu Technology dare not say that the domestic technology is the strongest, it is the most creative."

"No, from the first generation of pears to the fourth generation of pears today, each generation is so impressive."

"Hey, Editor-in-Chief Han, aren't you from the Science and Technology Newspaper? You know a lot about electronic technology, right? Let's analyze and analyze. What innovations will the 4th generation of Lizi have?"

"This is too high to look at me, if I know the 4th generation of Lizi's innovation, what kind of editor I am still doing, I will go to Huanyu Technology to work."


Everyone laughed.

Think about it too.

The reason why the 4th generation of Lizi is so amazing is that it is impossible for others to think about it.

If you can think of it, then you are awesome.

However, it is not just the domestic media.

Similarly, there are some media from abroad.

Although the Pear 4th generation conference has not started yet, the scale, the specifications, and the attention of people from all over the world are attracted. This group of reporters from foreign media was amazed. When did the technology companies on this side of China actually get such treatment? You know, in the past, this was only exclusive to companies like IBm, Microsoft, Intel...

But it is also so much attention, which also proves the charm of the 4th generation of Lizi.

"Does anyone go to watch the press conference live?"

"What conference?"

"Pear 4th generation conference."

"I want to go too, but I don't have a ticket."

"Tickets are available, but the scalpers have already scrambled the tickets for the 4th generation conference of Lizi to 10,000 yuan."

"Nima, do you want to be so scary?"

"Tell you, there is still a price and no market. Even if it is 10,000 yuan, no one will sell it to you."

The 4th generation press conference of Pears is no better than a concert.

He does not issue tickets to all the public.

Their ticket is an invitation mechanism.

People who can be invited are absolutely extraordinary.

Even ordinary people are well-known technology bloggers, or any electronic expert.

It is said that an electronic guru with 5 million fans received the invitation and was moved to cry.

As for why we cry.

In addition to the gold content of this ticket, it also lies in the additional attributes of this ticket.

In addition to this ticket to visit the Pear 4th generation conference this time, this ticket can also enjoy the benefits of a free night at the Gweilan Hotel. You know, although Geweilan is a five-star hotel in Shencheng, the service inside is definitely super five-star treatment. And, in this hotel not only can you stay for free, you can also enjoy all the services in the hotel for free.

The infinity swimming pool on the top floor.

The most professional spa in the city.

A chef from France.

And a bird's eye view of the entire deep city at night.

Countless people dream of staying at the Gwilan Hotel for one night.

It's just because the price of Gweilan Hotel is too expensive, some so-called celebrities have even started the idea of ​​joining together.

Ah, what do you say they are doing in a group?

Let’s talk about what it feels like to be a high-end social life circle.

Then, the photos were taken, and then sent to the major blog forums and YY space.

"Grass, say Huanyu Technology, why are you introducing Geweilan Hotel to me?"

"Nima, it's because the Huanyu Technology Geweilan Hotel is so powerful, it makes this press conference even more impressive."

"Well, what you said, this press conference is really awesome."

How can you afford this money if you are not awesome.

If there is no sensational innovation in the 4th generation of Lizi, how dare they be such a local tyrant.

You know, just this press conference, it is said that Huanyu Technology has smashed tens of millions into it.


"Yifei, how about my suit?"


"Where's the tie?

, The color is right? "

"no problem."

"Is the hairstyle messy?"

"My God, I said Wu Kai, you have held a lot of press conferences, are you so excited?"

Backstage at the press conference, Zhou Yifei glanced at Wu Kai with contempt.

"Sister Yifei, don't you know how exploding our pear 4th generation is."

"You know the explosion, I don't know. Or, I can develop the conference for you?"

"Don't don't... Mr. Chen told me, it's me."

"Look at you, hurry up, the press conference will start soon."

"Okay, I'll adjust it again."

After taking three deep breaths, Wu Kai finally calmed down.


At 7 o'clock in the evening, the Lizi Technology Conference officially began.

Of course, it is the beginning, but this is not a simple press conference. The hot spot is still needed.

But this time the hot field is not an ordinary hot field.

This time, Huanyu Technology invited half of the stars of the entertainment industry.

"No way, so many stars."

"Oh my god, how much does it cost a celebrity?"

"Let's tell you, Huanyu Technology didn't actually spend much money?"


"Why? The 4th generation of Lizi is the world's top mp3, although he is now more than just mp3, besides, Huanyu Technology also owns Huanyu Music Network. Several celebrities dare not give face."

Everyone understood this.

It seems that Universal Technology is an Internet company or an electronics company.

But in fact, even in the entire entertainment industry, they have considerable weight.

It's just that ordinary people can't think of this relationship, and think that Huanyu Technology has spent a lot of money to invite these stars.

At the end of 20 minutes, the stars left the stage.

Although these stars are all first-line, but they know that today's protagonist is not them.

Like other audience members, they returned to the auditorium.

Of course, in fact, they are also extremely looking forward to what kind of surprises the 4th generation of Lizi will give them.


"The vice president of Huanyu Technology has come out."

Wu Kai slowly entered from the backstage.

Before the introduction of the product, countless applause from the audience was already coming.

Some excited fans yelled: "Lizi 4th generation, Lizi 4th generation."

Such a sound quickly evoked the atmosphere of the audience, and some other audience members also yelled.

"Everyone, I am under a lot of pressure like this."

Wu Kai waved his hand to calm everyone down: "I'm thinking, if this press conference is messed up by me, I shouldn't be crippled by you to Ko?"

Laugh at the scene.

"Well, in order not to be Ko, it's time to perform real skills."

Although I was a little nervous before going on stage, when he walked to the booth, Wu Kai quickly entered the role.

Everyone held their breath, looking forward to that moment.

According to the experience of the last press conference, everyone felt that the lights would be turned off again.

But Wu Kai probably saw the people's thoughts, but said: "Everyone, don't be nervous, this time we won't turn off the lights."


In the center of the booth an automatic lifting cabinet slowly rises.

On the lifting cabinet, there is a smart bracelet.

At this time, the projector in the hotel is projecting this smart bracelet onto the big screen.

Unlike the 3rd generation of Pears, the electronic display of this smart bracelet has been significantly enlarged.

And his electronic display screen seems to have something magical.

Although it hasn't been turned on, the screen is like a black gem, exuding a charming light.


"My grass, Huanyu Technology sells diamonds or electronic products."

"I seem to be blinded by the flash."

Wu Kai did not introduce a word.

But everyone knows that this smart bracelet is the 4th generation of Pear.

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