Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 884: : Win the "trend front line"

"Trend frontline?"

Chen Yu of the brand said, and the two frowned.

Compared with some brands such as Meite and Semir, the trend front line is undoubtedly much weaker.

"Chen Yu, is this brand too weak?"

Li Hui said.

"Weakness has advantages for weakness."

It’s not that the better the goods in this world, the better they sell.

The better-selling commodities are precisely the ones that most cater to market demand.

"You need to know the difference between you and a series of clothing brands of other Huanyu Mall. You can't fight with them at all. Only by misaligned competition can you survive in this market. For example, the fashion frontline is a clothing brand, although its popularity is not very special. It is big, but it can be regarded as a brand, and its price in the physical market is not low. If you put it on the e-commerce platform and sell it at a low price, it will definitely attract many people."

"Of course, this is not the point. The point is the positioning of the trend front line. He is targeting young people. And the e-commerce shoppers are young people. This age is between 20-30 years old, and they don’t like it if they are over 30 years old. Buy it online. So, you can also see. Although there are some big-name clothing in Huanyu Mall, such as Rimula, Septwolves, etc., they are not selling very well. Those who can afford the money, they absolutely I will experience it in person."

"In addition, the trend frontline style is the most numerous clothing brands. At the same time, his style also follows his name. It represents the trend, represents the youth, and represents the lifestyle of the young people, which also coincides with the e-commerce platform users. As long as it is operated well, the sales of this brand can even exceed those of the top brands."

For e-commerce, Chen Yu has countless understandings.

This understanding is not only based on decades of experience in the previous life, but also supported by a series of data on the Huanyu e-commerce platform.

With a top-level expert like Chen Yu as a consultant for them, this business is not impossible.

"OK, set the trend frontline."

If Lu Xue was still hesitating before.

But after Chen Yu flipped through the explanation, Lu Xue and Li Hui made a decision.

However, when they were preparing to go to the trend frontline headquarters to discuss the issue of agency, the two had some entanglements.

"Lu Xue, are you sure?"


Lu Xue shook his head: "The main reason is that our strength is somewhat weak, and they may not be willing to act as an agent for us."

"It's not necessarily."

Chen Yu shook his head: "There can be no money on the front line of the trend without wanting to make it."

"But if they ask, why do they represent our small studio for the front-line brand?"

Li Hui asked her inner question.

If you can't answer these questions yourself, how can you win his brand.

"It's very simple. At present, the frontline of the trend has not delegated their brand to a certain e-commerce company, why can't it give it a try?"

"You didn't give a positive answer to this answer. It's still the same question. Even if they want to try, why don't they find a stronger e-commerce team?"

"Since they were not prepared to do the e-commerce sector before, it proves that they still have concerns about the e-commerce sector. In that case, if it is to try, what to do with such a large formation, it is better to try it on a small scale."


Li Hui slapped his face, Chen Yu's answer was simply a textbook answer.

"There is another question, then they will say, our e-commerce sales will affect their sales strength, what should we do?"

Lu Xue also asked at this time.

"It's also very simple, let alone your small scale, it is impossible to affect their physical sales. Even if the scale is larger, he can't affect it."


"It's still a problem of customer groups. Those who like to shop online will not be interested in physical stores. But those who like to buy clothes in entities don't like to shop online."

"The answer is perfect."

Li Hui's applause became louder.

"The last question, what if they just don't want to try in e-commerce?"

This is the key.

If the frontline of the trend just doesn't want to be an e-commerce business, what you say is useless.

"It's easier."

"How can it be easier?"

“Brands on the front line of trends are currently second-tier. From the perspective of their development in the physical sector, it is very difficult for them to enter the first-tier. Even, they will never be able to enter the first-tier. However, e-commerce can give them a chance. Why can’t the Trend Frontline try? Successful attempts will be of great benefit to Trend Frontline. Even if it fails, there will be no loss...not only did there not be any loss, they also did a business with us.”

"Chen Yu, you can become a shareholder of our studio."

At this moment, Li Hui has been completely conquered by Chen Yu.

She didn't expect that the several extremely difficult questions he had always thought were so simple on Chen Yu's side.

Moreover, Chen Yu's answer.

Don't say it is the front line of the trend, change to a brand as long as you follow Chen Yu's ideas, you can also get them.

Unable to help himself, Li Hui sent out an invitation to Chen Yu.

It was only Li Hui's invitation, but Chen Yu directly ignored it.

"Sister Hui, do you think I can afford your small studio?"

These words made Lu Xue laugh out loud.

She knew it.

Chen Yu is totally joking, not to look down on his studio.

More, Chen Yu is still for himself.

It's just that this sentence made Li Hui extremely annoyed: "I rely on, Chen Yu, I thought you were a good second-generation rich, but I didn't expect it to be more and more arrogant."

However, it is said that, but Li Hui also has to admit that with Chen Yu's hot pot chain store, he has nothing to do with their studio? Not to mention asking him to buy shares, even if it is to give him shares for nothing, he doesn't have to.

"Okay, okay, Sister Hui, Chen Yu doesn't mean that. He actually doesn't have much time to take care of our business. However, Sister Hui, haven't you said that, but we are people who want to maintain financial independence. We rely on men. Unreliable. In the future, we will work hard to make money, become rich women, and let others hold our thighs."

"Right, right, or what our family Xueer said is right. In the future, we will work hard to make money and try to raise a few little white faces."

"Well, I want to raise a few too."

"Student Lu, do you think my face is pale?"

Chen Yu leaned his face up and said with a wink at Lu Xue.

"You, it's okay... But, it's up to you to behave in the future. If you don't behave well, then change a little white face."


The studio burst into laughter.

The problem was solved perfectly, and the two did not delay, but they quickly reached the front line of the trend.

They want to win the trend frontline brand at the first time.

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