Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 896: : Squeeze the throat of chip manufacturing

"Well, Sister Hui, I treat you as a friend, and you want to sleep with my boyfriend."

"Who told you to lie to me. You don't know. When you knew that your boyfriend was the founder of Huanyu Technology, you almost scared me to death. No, you have to pay for my mental damage and personal expenses, otherwise, I will give it away. No, I You have to call Chen Yu."

Excited, Li Hui called Chen Yu.

"Mr Chen, hello."

"Sister Hui, what's the situation?"

"What do you say?"

"I have no idea."

"Give me back, Chen Dong, our chairman of Huanyu Technology. You can make me miserable."

"Sister Hui, I didn't hide it from you."

Chen Yu was not surprised when he received Li Hui's call.

"Didn't you say that you are the rich second generation?"

"You said it."

"Didn't you say that your family operates a hot pot restaurant?"

"My house is indeed open."

"Why are you exactly the same as Lu Xue said."


"Anyway, I don't care. You and Lu Xue lied to me together, so how come you have to compensate."

"What compensation?"

"For example, do you still lack a girlfriend?"


To be worse, Chen Yu has to spray water.

"Chen Yu, be more serious, I'm serious."

"Sister Hui, what kind of compensation is this? Actually, you have made a lot of money?"

"You are hiding from me, how can I make money?"

"Think about it, after you hug the thighs of Huanyu Technology, you will be a rich woman from Peking University. Since you are a rich woman, what boyfriend do you still lack, so you can take care of ten or eight. What do you think?"

"My God, Chen Yu, your thoughts are really bad."

"Is it too small, or more packages, change one every day, don't repeat the sample every day, it's enough to stimulate."


After being turned back by Chen Yu, Chen Hui became mad with anger: "Lu Xue, your boyfriend is so shameless."


"Chen, can invite Professor Wang Ren to join, I am more confident in our lithography machine research."

"Gong Lin is polite. I have stayed in school for decades. Perhaps I have more experience in theory, but the practice is still far worse than that of Mr. Lin."

"Where, Professor Wang, every one of your papers in the field of optics, I must read."

"Gong Lin, your wet lithography theory is also very innovative. If it succeeds, it may change the current pattern in the field of lithography machines."

Huanyu Technology, Chen Yu, Lin Benqian, Wang Ren, Zhang Rujing, Li Biqing, Wu Kai, He Tingbo...and others are all together.

Everyone was very happy to be able to dig Wang Ren.

In order to better lay out the chip business, by taking advantage of the opportunity for Wang Ren, Chen Yu also called all the people in charge of the semiconductor business of Huanyu Technology.

"Don't be polite to each other. Both Mr. Lin and Professor Wang are experts in the field of optics. In the future, for the lithography machine, you have to support each other."

Chen Yu smiled and interrupted the mutual courtesy of the two, and then said: "Today I will meet Professor Wang Ren, and secondly, I also want to invite everyone to sit down and talk about the chip, what else do we have done enough? of."

"Dean, you come first."

Chen Yu has always respected Dean Li Biqing, and was the first to let Li Biqing speak.

"I am in a semi-retired state, and I don't have any important suggestions, but regarding the semiconductor talents, I think the company has a lot to explore and absorb the best talents from all over the world."

"I agree with this too."

He Tingbo also nodded: "We started late in the semiconductor sector. Although we seem to be able to develop well now, we still have a big gap with the giants. To close this gap, we only rely on us. No, we have to have a series of top talents from all over the world to join us."

"In addition to talents, we have to beware of competition from many opponents. Not only TSMC, asml in the Netherlands, Nikon and Canon in Japan, but also Samsung. We have to guard against these."

Zhang Rujing took the call.

Center International has developed well recently, but this does not guarantee that it will continue to develop so well in the future.

Making chips is not only a problem of lithography machines, but also chip manufacturing is also a huge challenge.

"Well, these opponents are very strong, we can't take it lightly."

Chen Yu still took this into consideration.

Then Lin Benjian also said: "The lithography machine may have to burn a lot of money in the future, Mr. Chen, I don't know whether this will have an impact on the company."

"Gong Lin, don't worry, I will guarantee you the money in this area."

There was a friend website before, and then Chen Yu made a Huanyu video. These two websites are both terrifying gold-sucking monsters.

With these two websites, Chen Yu is not afraid of lack of funds.


Now Huanyu Technology's ability to make money is also reflected.

Especially in terms of hardware, mobile phones aside, the profitability of the 4th generation of Pears is also quite high.

This can in turn support the semiconductor business of Universal Technology.

"Mr. Chen, I think..."

After Li Biqing's first suggestion, the others also opened the chatterbox.

Everyone is a big player in semiconductors, and they are all top in the industry.

They used to have many series of ideas, but the previous ideas were just ideas and could not be implemented at all.

This is also the depressed generation of many scientific researchers.

However, they sighed fortunately that they met Huanyu Technology.

Although Huanyu Technology is currently inferior to those world-class giants, he has already begun to take shape.

More importantly, the founder of Huanyu Technology can turn their vision into reality.

They wanted to build chips that belonged to the Chinese, and Chen Yu directly dropped the money.

They said they wanted to engage in chip processing business, and Huanyu Technology took a stake in Center International.

They found it difficult to sell the chips, and Chen Yu started the business of mobile phones and computers.

Even for the lithography machine business they hadn't thought about for the time being, Chen Yu tried countless ways to make the impossible become a reality.

This is replaced by some other companies, perhaps they can only bury these ideas in their stomachs for the rest of their lives.

This night, everyone talked very late.

Before I knew it, the sky was already shining slightly.

When he saw some light appeared outside the window, Chen Yu patted his thigh, and said with some shame: "It's dawn, my fault, my fault, let everyone sit here with me for one night. Special. It’s the dean, a lot of age... Today we’re here. From now on, we stipulate that if we want to get together, it must end after 12 o’clock But for Chen Yu, no one blames it, but Li Biqing is He laughed and said: "Chen Yu, I am really retired as the dean. Look at me, even if I didn't sleep tonight, wouldn't I be in good spirits? "

"Dean, you are old and strong."

Chen Yu directed Li Biqing's thumb up: "That's OK, that's it for today."

Chen Yu declared it over.

Although everyone felt a little tired in their bodies, their hearts were still extremely excited.

This evening, Chen Yu talked a lot with them.

There are semiconductors as well as electronic technology. When we talk about it later, we are all boring and imagine the future.

In Chen Yu's depiction, they seemed to see an extremely powerful country emerging before their eyes.

And what they don't know is.

It was precisely this night that he had a profound impact not only on China but also on the world.


On the side of Huanyu Technology, we will vigorously lay out the other side of the semiconductor business.

However, Zhang Zhongmou, the founder of TSMC, once again set his sights on Universal Technology.

After Universal Technology entered the semiconductor business, Zhang Zhongmou had a hunch that Universal Technology would become their biggest competitor to TSMC in the future. But what Zhang Zhongmou didn't expect was that such competition would come so quickly.

The competition here is not just the center of investment in Huanyu Technology.

At the same time, he includes the lithography machine business invested by Huanyu Technology.

Lithography machine business and chip manufacturing business are integrated.

Without a lithography machine, you can't make a chip.

Although TSMC does not build lithography machines, they only need to buy asml lithography machines.

However, Huanyu Technology has laid out the most upstream business of chip manufacturing.

Once they succeed, they can pinch the chip manufacturing throat.

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