Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 915: : Virus attack

"Chen Yu, your move is really a blockbuster."

   After Chen Yu’s notification of the good news, the heads of a group of subsidiaries were extremely serious and returned to the companies to discuss future strategies. However, Li Biqing, who had been in semi-retirement, came to Chen Yu’s office.

   "It's not a blockbuster either."

   Chen Yu shook his head: "I also want to force their potential."

   "Is the potential so compelling?"

   "Otherwise, it is not challenging to find an opponent with no strength at all."

   "Then your challenge is too big."


   Chen Yu spread his hands: "Dean, we have some advantages in sending to people first. Otherwise, waiting for Microsoft to attack us will be even more detrimental to us."

   "This is true."

   Li Biqing agrees with Chen Yu's point of view.

   There must be a big battle between Huanyu Technology and Microsoft.

   just didn't play before, that's because Microsoft felt it was not yet time.

   Although the Huanyu system has appeared before, it is only a niche market, and the Huanyu system has not entered foreign countries.

   So Microsoft also wants to let it go to see the situation.

   But in fact, Microsoft absolutely knows the ambition of Huanyu Technology, as long as they want to fight, they can compete with Huanyu Technology at any time.

   Instead of passive defense, it is better to attack directly.

   "But, Chen Yu, are you sure?"

   "Twenty percent."

   stretched out two fingers.

   Chen Yu also had no chance of winning in his heart.

   But even if there is no chance of winning, Chen Yu must fight.

   "It’s pretty good to have a 20% chance of winning."

   Li Biqing sighed and said nothing more.


Time flies.

   In a blink of an eye, a week passed.

  According to the previous agreement, Acer notebooks will officially be equipped with the Huanyu system.

   Although this one is not large.

   However, when the first Acer notebook equipped with the Huanyu system appeared on the market, the entire market was completely exploded.

   [Huanyu teamed up with Acer, and the operating system is fighting again. 】

  【The Huanyu system is coming, are you ready? 】

  【Worldwide System ows, who do you support? 】

  【Huanyu Technology challenges the strongest IT overlord in history. 】

   It should be said that before, Huanyu Technology was certainly a well-known Internet technology company.

   However, no matter how famous he is, he can't compare to Microsoft.

   Although Huanyu Technology has launched its own Huanyu system before, many people think that this is not an opponent of Microsoft.

but now.

   No one thought that Huanyu Technology would join hands with Acer.

   "I'm stubborn, I didn't expect that Huanyu Technology has teamed up with Acer, and this is stealing Microsoft's hometown."

   "Yes, I didn't expect Huanyu Technology to have such an operation. Microsoft probably vomited blood."

   "Although I know that Huanyu Technology may not be able to compete with Microsoft, I am a fan of Huanyu Technology from now on."

   "I always thought Lenovo was awesome, but when I look at it now, Lenovo is horrifying."

   "In the future, let the position of the domestic IT big brother be given to Huanyu Technology."

   Public opinion has always had a certain influence.

   Microsoft has not responded yet, but Huanyu Technology has made a lot of fans.

   However, the science and technology battle has always been the last one who has the best means.

   Although Huanyu Technology has caused a lot of domestic fans to beat the blood, many industry insiders believe that the future situation is not optimistic for Huanyu Technology.

   As for the reason.

   Ordinary people know it.

   Windows has monopolized the world, even if Huanyu system does well, it cannot be his opponent.

   In addition, Huanyu Technology has too many businesses built on windows.

   As soon as Windows launches a killer move on Huanyu Technology's business, Huanyu Technology may directly cut it in half.

   These are not two opponents of the same level at all.

   Even if two people are of the same level, but one party knows your fatal flaws, anyone can give you a fatal blow.


   "Chen, this is our plan for instant messaging."

   "Chen, this is our game business plan."

   "Chen, this is our plan for overseas business."

   "Mr. Chen, this is..."

   Although the person in charge of each subsidiary was shocked by Chen Yu's heavy news before that.

   But in the IT industry for so many years, they are not vegetarian.

   Especially in the past two years, the overseas business and electronic business of Huanyu Technology have penetrated abroad, which has also motivated the heads of a group of subsidiaries.

   Microsoft may be very powerful, but it is not invincible.

   Even if it is invincible, Huanyu Technology may not have the power to challenge.



   Chen Yu took over the plans and strategies of each business, and nodded while watching.

   Although Chen Yu may not be satisfied with some of these plans, it is already very good to be able to make such a complete plan in such a short period of time.

   More importantly, Chen Yu saw their fighting spirit.

   Regardless of whether you can win against Microsoft, if you have this fighting spirit, you will be worthless if you lose.

   What's more, Huanyu Technology may not lose.

  The Huanyu system doesn't have much market in the first place. If he can grab any share, it is a victory.

   Only, although the subsidiaries of Huanyu Technology are ready for this big battle.

   But a few days later, there was no response from Microsoft.

   "Li Nan, how is your situation there?"

   "The data is all normal."

   "Zou Tao, where is your side?"

"everything is normal."

   "Wang Chang, did Microsoft engage in our overseas business."

   "No...Microsoft is still one of the shareholders of our overseas business, and it is impossible for them to come to our business."

   Microsoft had invested in

   As for why they vote, this is also normal.

   One is that is indeed very promising, and investment can also make money. Why not invest?

   The other one is also a strategic investment. In case it goes down by itself, the invested company can continue to live if it makes money.

   This is like Yahoo.

   Yahoo is going to go bankrupt in the future, but it is still worth more than 40 billion US dollars because of its investment in Alibaba.

there's still one.

  Invest a certain amount of shares in the early In the future, there may be a chance to control this company backhand.

   Although, this probability is not high.

   "What about the browser?"

   "There is nothing unusual."

   "What about the office software business?"

"everything is normal."


   Chen Yu frowned.

   The less Microsoft moved, the more Chen Yu felt abnormal.

   You need to know that with Microsoft's strength, he can make a move casually, and he has to keep Huanyu Technology busy.

   But he was so good, he was so safe to defend himself and didn't move anything.

   Although Microsoft is afraid of the pressure on them from the upper part of the country, does it not engage in small actions?

   When did Microsoft become so kind?

   Chen Yu doesn't believe it.

  Don't say it's Microsoft, neither of them Huanyu Technology is such a good bird.

   "Check, what's going on at Microsoft?"

   The more there was no movement, the more worried Chen Yu was.

   This kind of unknown fear is more maddening than a fight with a real sword and a gun.

   But I don’t need Chen Yu to check it.


   News came from the front: [The Huanyu system has been attacked by an unknown virus. It is said that about 100,000 units have been infected. 】

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