Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 924: : All netizens went to Ruimeng Internet Cafe

[Microsoft blocked Fantasy Westward Journey, is it suspected of monopoly? 】

  【Windows use authority to interrupt the operation of Fantasy Westward Journey. 】

  【Huanyu Technology has officially launched a war against Microsoft. 】

  【Ruimeng Internet Cafes announced that more than 1,000 Internet cafes across the country have all installed the Huanyu system. 】

  【Huanyu Technology, the strongest IT company in China. 】

  The competition between Huanyu Technology and Microsoft has actually happened before.

   But the previous contests were fairly routine.

   Although shameless moves were used on both sides, it still makes sense in business logic.

   This time, Microsoft adopted a monopoly method to block an online game.

   This is no longer normal business competition.

   This is the use of monopoly to conduct unfair competition.

   It is the first time that Microsoft has used such shameless means since its establishment.

   "Damn, I didn't expect Microsoft to be so shameless."

   "I always thought that Microsoft was awesome, and I regarded Microsoft as an idol company. Now I look at it and it's disgusting."

   "Support Huanyu Technology and Huanyu System."

   Why did Microsoft block Fantasy Westward Journey?

   seems to cut off the cash flow of Huanyu Technology, but there are experts in-depth analysis.

   This is a decision Microsoft had to make.

   Given the position of Huanyu Technology in the industry, if Microsoft does not do this, then he may not be able to maintain their market in China.

  In other words, the Huanyu system of Huanyu Technology is really possible to replace windows.

   "Huanyu Technology is good."

   "Before I always thought that Lenovo was the number one IT company in China, but now I think that Huanyu Technology is the one."

   "Years ago, I always dreamed of when there would be a Chinese operating system. Now, my dream has come true. Although it doesn't look like windows, it doesn't affect our normal operation anymore."

   This situation has also brought the popularity of Huanyu Technology to its peak.

   Even if the true strength of Huanyu Technology may not be the best in the country, but they can challenge Microsoft, which proves that Huanyu Technology is the best.

  Just ask.

   In addition to Huanyu Technology in China, who would dare to challenge Microsoft with such a real sword?

  Look at Lenovo.

  Although he has always been known as the big brother in the IT industry, he seems to be.

   But they only seem to be large in scale, but they really don’t have any core technology.

   Whether it is a processor or a motherboard, or a series of other computer components, these are all foreign.

   It is really necessary for some foreign giants to block them, and Lenovo will do it every minute.


   This is why Lenovo dare not even use Huanyu system and still use windows.

   And now, Huanyu Technology has actually challenged Microsoft for the second time.

  The first challenge was Microsoft's application.

   For the second time, the challenge was Microsoft's system.

   Compared to the first time, the second time is the most heavy and dangerous challenge.

   "I said why Fantasy Westward Journey can't go on, it turned out to be because of Microsoft's ban."

"Yeah, it's disgusting. In fact, Microsoft has blocked a Fantasy Westward Journey before. It's just that the last time Huanyu Technology was not ready to fight Microsoft, so it said maintenance. This time, Huanyu Technology finally has a hard time with them. I'm excited to think about it."

   "Don't get excited, although I agree with Huanyu Technology to challenge Microsoft. But Microsoft blocked Fantasy Westward Journey. Where can I go to play Fantasy Westward Journey?"

   "Stupid, doesn't the Ruimeng Internet cafes say that the Huanyu system is installed in more than 1,000 Internet cafes across the country? You can't just play in the Ruimeng Internet cafes."

   "Hey, this is a good idea."

   If you say that an average enterprise is killed by Microsoft, it is probably going to stop.

  Because they really can't do what they can do after being blocked by Microsoft.

   But Huanyu Technology is different.

   One is that the Huanyu system of Huanyu Technology has been built and it is not bad.

   Although it cannot be said that it will not affect the user's operation at all, if ordinary people play games and surf the Internet, they will not be affected at all.

   Another series of partners previously cultivated by Huanyu Technology has begun to take shape.

   is like Ruimeng Internet Cafe.

   At the beginning, this Internet cafe had only a few chains, but now it has grown to more than 1,000 chains across the country.

   Although more than 1,000 chains are still a small part of the entire domestic Internet cafe market, they can at least be maintained.

   Just as Fantasy Westward Journey was blocked on the windows side, it can also be played on the Huanyu system.

   There may not be many people online at the same time, but at least it will not die.

   Of course, this is the reason why Microsoft is so anxious to destroy Huanyu Technology.

   Huanyu Technology is already paving the way for their Huanyu system, and given them time, they can’t believe whether it can hold down Huanyu Technology.

   "Zou Tao, are you free?"

   "Mr. Chen, me?"

   "Look at what time it is, and you're still looking at the data in the background. Let me go outside with me."

   "Good, good."

  Although he nodded, Zou Tao still gave orders from his opponent before leaving the company with Chen Yu.

   "Zou Tao, can you be happy, so sad."

   Along the way, Zou Tao kept frowning, extremely serious.

   "Mr. Chen, I want to be happy too, but I can't be happy."

   Zou Tao said: "Mr. Chen, do you know how much the data for Fantasy Westward Journey dropped today?"

   "How much did you fall?"

   "It fell 95%, and only 150,000 people were online at the same time."


   Chen Yu nodded, but there was a pain in his heart.

   The number of 3 million people who are online at the same time in Fantasy Westward Journey has now fallen to 150,000, a drop of more than 95%.

   Such a decline, which one does not feel bad about being the boss.

   And even if 150,000 are online at the same time, it is the last move he placed before.

   such as those brought by Ruimeng Internet Cafes, as well as Huanyu Gaming Notebooks, Shenzhou Computers, and some Acer notebooks.

   Thinking of this, Chen Yu couldn't wait to interrupt Microsoft Bill Gaisi's dogleg.

   It's just that commercial battles are not as simple as real PK.

   Even if they interrupt Bill’s doglegs, they should block you or they have to block you.

   However, although my heart hurts, as the founder of Huanyu Technology, Chen Yu must take the lead.

   "I thought it fell a lot, aren't there 150,000 people online at the same time?"

   Chen Yu said with a smile: "Zou Tao, maybe you don't know that when we were playing games, we didn't even have 150,000 online at the same time."

not only that.

   In fact, there are a lot of games on the market, far from reaching 150,000 simultaneously online.

   Although Chen Yu said so, Zou Tao is still depressed.

   It's normal that some small companies can't reach 150,000 at the same time online, but what kind of company is Huanyu Technology?

   They are the NO1 on the Internet. As for games, they are the giants of online games.

   More than 3 million simultaneous online fell to 150,000 simultaneous online, who can stand this?

   "Zou Tao, don't comfort me."

   Zou Tao replied helplessly: "Moreover, these 150,000 are online at the same time, and this period of time will continue to drop."

  Zou Tao has a deep understanding of online games.

   Microsoft's move to block it is really not that Huanyu System can withstand it.

   "Really, I don't think so."

   Chen Yu shook his head: "Hey, there is Ruimeng Internet Cafe in front of you, let's go and see."

   With Zou Tao, Chen Yu walked to a Ruimeng Internet cafe opened near Huanyu Technology.

   "I'm going, so many people?"

  The people haven't arrived yet, but there is a crowd of people waiting at the entrance of Ruimeng Internet Cafe.

   "Man, what are you doing here?"

   "Wait for the machine."

   "I have no chance?"

   "Well, I haven't had a chance until 7 o'clock in the evening. We have been waiting for more than two hours.

   "Ruimeng Internet cafes are so popular?"

   "No, we are all here to play Fantasy Westward Journey, other Internet cafes can't play, we can only go to Ruimeng Internet cafe."

   Chen Yu stepped forward to ask, and a group of players said from time to time.

   This made Zou Tao's heart warm.

   Although Fantasy Westward Journey has been blocked, there are still countless people trying various ways for their game.

   For example, they ran to Ruimeng Internet Cafe.

   "How about, Zou Tao, we are not completely hopeless."

   pointed at the group of people in front, Chen Yu said.

   It is undoubtedly wise to invest in Ruimeng Internet cafes.

   If it were not for the lack of funds, Chen Yu would want to buy shares in all Internet cafes across the country.

   If Chen Yu really bought shares in all Internet cafes across the country, then Chen Yu would be afraid of their Microsoft wool.

   It’s just that there are hundreds of thousands of Internet cafes across the country, and we will have to rush towards 1 million Internet cafes in a few years.

   No matter how rich Huanyu Technology is, there is not so much money.

   Say it again.

   Some Internet cafes don’t want you to buy shares, and some have never thought of you to buy shares.

   Many small Internet cafes are private and do not plan to buy shares with others.

   Besides, you have no control over a certain amount of shares, and you have no right to speak.

   However, judging from the situation of Ruimeng Internet cafes today, Chen Yu has yet another idea.

   "Zou Tao, let's go to another Internet cafe."

   took Zou Tao and Chen Yu to some other Internet cafes.

   Compared with Ruimeng Internet cafes, other Internet cafes are undoubtedly much deserted.

  The reason, of course, is that many players have gone to Ruimeng Internet cafes.

   There are so many people playing games. Many people go to Ruimeng, but other Internet cafes are naturally less.

   "Boss, what's the matter, the flow of people today is not so good."

   Chen Yu asked the owner of the Internet cafe to buy a bottle of drink, and then asked.

   "No way, Microsoft blocked Fantasy Westward Journey, making it impossible to play Fantasy Westward Journey on Windows."

   "Have you all gone to Ruimeng Internet Cafe?"

   "I don't know this either."

  The owner of the Internet cafe is also a human being.

   Naturally he would not tell Chen Yu that everyone went to Ruimeng.

   If this is said, it’s not doing business for others.

   Seeing the owner of the Internet cafe shaking his head, Chen Yule was over.

He didn’t know what the owner of the Internet cafe meant, and then he said: "Boss, don’t mind, I don’t have any other opinions. I also like to play Fantasy Westward Journey, but if your Internet cafes have not been able to play Fantasy Westward Journey, what shall we do in the future? ?"

   "Well... we have no choice but to see if Microsoft will unblock Fantasy Westward Journey."

   "I guess, the competition between Microsoft and Huanyu Technology will not stop in a few years. I think, boss, do you also install Huanyu system on the machine of your Internet cafe?"

   "This can't work."


   "If our computer is installed with the Huanyu system, then some other non-huanyu games will not be able to play."

   "This is true."

   Chen Yu nodded.

  The application of Huanyu system supports Huanyu system as well as windows system.

   So you can play the games of Huanyu Technology in windows, and you can also switch to Huanyu system.

   But not all companies will do this.

   In order to save trouble and reduce development time, many game companies will only develop online games in windows version.

   It’s like why Apple’s computers can’t play online games?

   It's not that you can't play on Apple computers, but that no one develops online games on Apple systems.

   The current Huanyu system is the same.

  A series of games of Huanyu Technology support Huanyu system.

   But some other game companies’ games don’t support it.

However, even though Chen Yu nodded, Chen Yu still said, "Boss, I think you have to find a way? You know, there are so many people who play Fantasy Westward Journey. If your Internet cafes can't play, then we can only go to other places. After playing, I heard that Ruimeng Internet cafes can play, you won't force us to go to Ruimeng Internet cafes."


   At this time, the owner of the Internet cafe is also very entangled.

   They can also engage in the Huanyu system, but if they engage in the Huanyu system, it is a big trouble that other games cannot be played.

   Don’t engage in the Huanyu system. Obviously, these players who play Fantasy Westward Journey will definitely not come to them?

   You know, Fantasy Westward Journey has more than 3 million online at the same time, and the number of registrations is about 100 million.

   If this group of players did not catch, their Internet cafes would suffer a big loss.

   Seeing the boss tangled up, Chen Yu continued: "Boss, may I give you an idea?"

"You say?"

   "It's unrealistic to replace the Huanyu system all at once, but if you give up some of our fantasy Westward Journey players, your business will also be damaged. Instead, you should install the Huanyu system on some computers first.


   That said, the owner of the Internet cafe suddenly understood.

   Of course there is a problem with replacing all of them, but a part of it can be replaced, which saves much effort.

   In the future, as long as those who come to play Fantasy Westward Journey, they only need to arrange for them to replace the Huanyu system.

   Anyway, there are hundreds of computers in Internet cafes, and often not all of them are full.

   At this time, it’s not impossible to take out dozens of units to replace the Huanyu system.

   "Thank you, thank you brother, you have a good idea. I will install the Universal System tomorrow."

   "By the way, do you want to surf the Internet, I will give you free today."

   The boss is very happy. He didn't expect Chen Yu to solve his big trouble with a single idea.

   "Thanks, boss, I'm about to play Fantasy Westward Journey."

   "Okay, in this way, I will install the system tomorrow, and you will come tomorrow."

   "We must come tomorrow."

   Chen Yu agreed.

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