Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 927: : "Bill" shot

A day later, Chen Yu personally came to the inspection.

The three departments of Huanyu Technology have joined forces, but the efficiency is just right.

Not even a day's work, the brand-new Huanyu Internet cafe management system has been written.

"very good."

"You quickly arranged manpower to roll out our new Huanyu Internet cafe management system."

"If there is a shortage of Internet cafe technology, please send someone to help them install it."

The one-key conversion system can be said to give Internet cafes and ordinary users more convenient operations.

It is also easier to promote their Huanyu system.

At the same time, many Internet cafes cannot play Fantasy Westward Journey because of their original installed windows.

With the emergence of the new Internet cafe management system, most Internet cafes will not refuse.

"Sorry, I'm bothering you again."

"It's okay. We support your competition with Microsoft. Come on, I hope we can use only the Huanyu system in the future."

"Thank you, I think so."

With the cooperation of major Internet cafe owners.

The number of people online at the same time during Fantasy Westward Journey has been continuously restored step by step.

Seven days later, the number of simultaneous online Fantasy Westward Journeys has recovered to 1 million.

Although there is still a gap away from the original 3 million simultaneous online, it is quite good.

When this number reached Microsoft, Microsoft CEO Steve couldn't believe it.

"What, the number of people online at the same time in Fantasy Westward Journey has recovered to 1 million?"


"How can this be?"

Steve shook his head: "Our windows no longer support their Huanyu system, how could they have such a high simultaneous online."

"Mr. Steve, it is mainly because Huanyu Technology has acquired a chain of Internet cafes. This Internet cafe has more than 1,000 stores across the country. All computers in these chain Internet cafes have been replaced with Huanyu systems."

"Even so, they can't get enough of it."

"Yes. Therefore, Huanyu Technology also uses their Internet cafe management software to launch a dual system solution. Users can switch the system with just one key operation, which also allows major Internet cafes in China to quickly follow up. Invisible, this is also Promoted their Huanyu system."

China President Haupter, with the Chinese name He Lefu, said hesitantly: "Mr. Steve, I think our strategy should be adjusted."

Obviously, from now on.

Although Huanyu Technology still suffered a lot of losses, they obviously did not reach the point of suppressing Huanyu's system.


Steve was taken aback.

Looking at the data passed by He Lefu, Steve was caught in a dilemma.

He originally thought that suppressing Huanyu Technology's online games would allow Huanyu Technology to make concessions.

Unexpectedly, they did not give in at all, and quickly made a response strategy.

Moreover, their coping strategies not only allowed their online games to pick up online at the same time, but they also made a counterattack.

But if it stops.

This is tantamount to announcing to the market that Huanyu Technology will win without a fight.

But if they continue, they will not be able to bring down Huanyu Technology in a short time.

"Huanyu Technology, it's really hard to deal with."

Steve read the name of the company called Huanyu Technology.

He has actually seen from this.

Why their suppression by Microsoft didn't work.

In fact, Huanyu Technology has formed a small ecology of them.

Within their small ecological scope, especially the combination of Internet cafes and games, all Internet cafes are bound to Universal Technology.

In this way, even if Microsoft suppresses Huanyu Technology, he can only make them lose some.

But if Huanyu Technology can seize the Internet cafe market, Huanyu Technology is unlikely to fall.

"Steve, you have a headache."

In the office, Bill came in suddenly.

"Bill, didn't you go to Africa?"

"I just came back. But I didn't expect that I encountered bad news as soon as I came back. The Chinese market is a huge market, Steve, we must not leave this market behind."

"Bill, we also attach great importance to this market. But this market seems to be different from the markets in other regions, but we are somewhat restrained."

Steve explained, and then he put the topic on the Internet cafes: "China has an Internet cafe market, we have not paid much attention to this market before. However, Universal Technology has controlled the Internet cafes in its own hands, including their games. Internet cafe system management software...So this time our suppression of Fantasy Westward Journey did not play the role we expected."

In fact, this can't be blamed on Steve.

Microsoft is a global company.

The more globalized, the more they will operate according to their own standards.

Because as long as they follow their standards, they can conquer the world and monopolize the world.

In fact, Microsoft has done this all the time.

However, Huanyu Technology has seized the Internet cafe market and gave them a powerful counterattack.

"Steve, this is the end of the matter, there is no need to entangle it anymore."

Bill actually did not agree with Steve's pressure on Huanyu Technology to the limit.

However, Steve is the CEO of Microsoft, and most of the time Bill, the founder, doesn't care much about things.

He only shows up when something big happens in the company.

Of course, although Bill did not agree with Steve's actions on Huanyu Technology, in fact, Bill did not think of a better way to deal with Huanyu Technology. According to his original actions, he has been dragging his hands on Huanyu Technology. When Huanyu Technology grows up, they will not be able to use Huanyu Technology.

Bill is also very worried about whether they can still move the Huanyu Technology that has grown up.

Steve's blocking of Fantasy Westward Journey was an entry point.

Unexpectedly, Huanyu Technology found a way to crack it.

This suddenly seemed to be a bit passive for Microsoft.

However, Bill is different from others, his vision is different from ordinary people. After thinking about it, Bill said: "Although Universal Technology controls the Internet cafe market, we can also see that. With the increasing number of home PC computers in China, the number of people using computers at home will definitely exceed that of Internet cafes in the future. In fact, Now there are a large part of home PC computers. Universal Technology can let Internet cafes replace the system, but they do not have this ability for the operating system of home PC computers."

"In other words, for those game players who lost in Fantasy Westward Journey, he will lose forever and it is difficult to make up for it."

I have to say that Bill's vision is poisonous.

Steve only saw that Huanyu Technology easily resolved their ban, but he did not realize that Huanyu Technology was also seriously injured.

Why can't the number of people online at the same time reach 1 million in Fantasy Westward Journey?

This is because the family PC computer system did not follow up.

How could it be possible to rely on Internet cafes to bring all users back.

Although it seems that Huanyu Technology can continue to survive now, they will inevitably not be able to bear it over time.

"Bill, you are very right."

Steve was happy in his heart: "I didn't expect this one at a time just now."

"Of course, it doesn't matter. The important thing is, Steve, think about it, these players who can't play Fantasy Westward Journey, where will they go?"

Steve suddenly saw Bill's point.

Those players that Huanyu Technology lost, it is difficult for them to return in a short time.

Especially those home PC users.

Since they can't play Fantasy Westward Journey at home, they will flow into some other games.

"Bill, I understand."

Steve's eyes shone brightly.

Even if Huanyu Technology has formed its own small ecology, how can it compare with Microsoft's big ecology.

Huanyu Technology can survive in the small ecology he created.

Then, Microsoft can unite all ecosystems and strangle him step by step.

"He Lefu, united with major non-Huanyu technology game companies in China and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with them."

"As for Huanyu Technology, we will seal him another game."

Steve ordered again firmly.

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