Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 936: : New video feature: Barrage

"Xuelin, how is our video business?"

"Mr. Chen, after we launched the short video service, we have already left YouTube for a while."

"I'm talking about the domestic video business."

The fact that 1 million was online at the same time did not stop Chen Yu from stopping there.

The threat from Microsoft is too big.

There is still a big gap between 1 million simultaneous online and the entire operating system market.

If Chen Yu just wants to play games, he can naturally sit back and relax.

Chen Yu believes that the future will be able to reach new highs.

But if Chen Yu wants to engage in operating system business, Million Simultaneous Online is just the beginning.

At this time, Chen Yu focused on the video business.

"Domestic video business?"

Li Linxue is a little strange.

Why is Mr. Chen paying attention to the domestic video business?

It is important to know that the domestic video business is restricted by network speed and other reasons.

For example, short video services. Because this piece of bandwidth is not enough, it cannot be released in China.

It's not that you can't do such a function, but the network speed is too slow, the short video refresh is too slow, and sometimes it can't even be refreshed.

"In the domestic video segment, our business remains ahead for the time being, but it is not too far away from Tudou and Youku."


Chen Yu nodded.

Although he didn't pay much attention to the domestic video business, Chen Yu also knew about the domestic video business.

At present, the domestic video business is mainly based on watching movies and TV series online, and there is no other innovative live broadcast gameplay.

Therefore, the IP accesses of several websites are almost the same, and they are not too far apart.

In addition, all major video sites are losing money, and there is no profitable business.

Therefore, the major websites have not increased their horsepower to do video business, and even have a certain tacit understanding.

Anyway, if you want to do video business, you can't do it. Now you do it slowly. When the national network speeds up, it won't be too late to start.

Of course, Chen Yu pays attention to the video business and does not want to develop domestic video.

Affected by bandwidth, even if Chen Yu, a big boss, wants to vigorously develop video services in China, he can't make too many tricks.

Chen Yu pays attention to the video business, and wants the video business to once again drive the simultaneous online promotion.

"Open the video homepage."

Chen Yu asked Li Xuelin to open the video website.

"Didn't we have a game commentary column before?"

"Mr Chen, here."

"It doesn't look very effective."

Chen Yu clicked and took a look.

Although there are many game commentary videos, they are not particularly lively.

"Xuelin, I think we can add barrage to our game commentary."

"Barrage, what barrage?"

"This is a new feature."

Chen Yu explained: “For example, when we watch the video, we will leave a message when we see excitement, but our message can only appear in the comment area, but if our message is inserted directly into the video.”

"Insert into the video?"

Li Xuelin suddenly didn't know how to understand.

This is also normal.

The feature of barrage first appeared in 2006 in Japan.

It was only experimental at the time, and I didn't think this barrage had any effect.

Even after he was launched, it was not slowly accepted by the public until many years.

Now that Chen Yu said the barrage, it was normal not to know what he meant.

But although the barrage is a new content, it is actually not complicated at all. As long as the explanation is clear, anyone will understand the purpose of the barrage.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu continued: "Currently, the bandwidth of our side in China is limited, and it is difficult to launch live video content for the time being. So when everyone is watching movies and TV series, they may always feel that they are watching alone. This is an experience. The degree is not enough. But if we insert a barrage on the video, for example, I write a sentence in this place at 10 minutes. The next other netizen can also see what I wrote at the 10th minute. Sentence."

"Chen, wait a minute, I will ask the technology to make this function first."

Li Xuelin has some touches.

He felt as if he realized what this barrage meant.

But this can only be thought of in my mind, and it is not intuitive enough.

Immediately, Li Xuelin called the chief technician over immediately.

I will introduce this function to the technician.

Although the technical side cannot fully understand the usefulness of this function for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, he only needs to launch this feature in the background first.

After only half an hour, the barrage function appeared.

"Yes, this technology is fine, Xuelin, may I consider the issue of a salary increase."

Chen Yu exaggerated.

This made the technical person in charge who came up with the barrage function excited and couldn't help himself.

Don't think he is the chief technical officer of the video sector, but Huanyu Technology is too big, he is only responsible for the technology of the video business of Huanyu Portal.

He has never spoken to Chen Yu since he has been in the company for so long.

Unexpectedly, today I really stepped on **** luck and got praise from the big boss.

"President Chen, don't worry, I'll talk to the finance department in a while."

What's the matter of salary increase?

Immediately, the two began to test the barrage.

"Mr. Chen, this barrage is very fun and very interactive."

"Not only are there interactions, watching the appearance of these bullet screens, do you think that in fact, it is not just one person watching the video, but a group of people watching it, as if they were watching a live broadcast."

"Yes, yes, I feel that way."

If Li Xuelin did not understand this barrage just now.

But after this new feature appeared, he suddenly understood the role of the barrage.

This kind of real-time video insertion bullet screen not only has a stronger interaction than the message board, but also greatly enhances the video experience. Especially at the climax, although the barrage function has not yet officially operated, Li Xuelin believes that once such a function comes out, it will definitely get their excitement directly. It's like everyone in a movie theater is watching a movie. When they see the climax, they all give out words of exclamation and so on in unison.

"Mr. Chen, will this barrage affect users to watch videos?"

Calming down, Li Xuelin looked at a text inserted on the screen, and then asked with some worry.

"will not."

Chen Yu shook his head: "Users can't just stare at this text."

"But what if there are too many bullet screens?"


Chen Yu still shook his head: "After watching a lot, you may practice a magical skill."


Li Xuelin was dumbfounded.

Watching a video can still practice magical skills?

"When you want to watch a video, what you see is the video. When you want to watch the barrage, what you see is the barrage."

In fact, major websites have been hesitating for a while as to whether the barrage will affect video viewing.

The first barrage in the previous life was at station A, and station B followed.

But even so some big video sites like Penguin and Aiqiyi have been cautious and did not follow up immediately.

But although they did not enter the first time, the advantage of barrage is too strong and too strong, and in the end almost all video sites have launched barrage functions.

However, there will be some controversy when this feature is first launched. At the same time, some users may not like barrage too much, and then Chen Yu said: "If you are really worried, you can set an on key on the video. If you want to see the barrage, you can turn it on, but you don't want to watch it."

"Mr. Chen, this is a good idea."

"Okay, Xuelin, you can optimize this barrage and launch the barrage function as soon as possible."


(End of this chapter)

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