Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 954: : Strange, how did these Trojans spread?

"What did you do, didn't you say that the technology is awesome?"

"I really believed it before."

"It's fine now, not even a Trojan horse."

Chen Hui's face turned green when he saw that hundreds of Trojan horses had stolen only dozens of accounts.

He brought this group of people from Shanda.

At that time, I thought they were very skilled.

But at a critical moment, the chain dropped unexpectedly.

"Mr. Chen, we are not to blame."

The brother in charge of technology is also embarrassed and said embarrassingly.

"Don't you blame you?"

"Mr. Chen, we are not particularly familiar with the Huanyu system, so..."

Chen Hui understood this.

The Trojan horse of Huanyu Technology is operated under windows.

Heroes of the Storm is different, they operate under windows.

Although Windows monopolizes the world, countless people around the world have also studied Windows extremely thoroughly.

Therefore, many viruses and Trojan horses are very lethal to windows.


If this is changed to the Huanyu system, it will be different.

Huanyu system is a system developed with linux as the kernel.

Although such a system does not mean that they are completely ignorant, it is not particularly familiar.

The plug-in produced by this translation is useless.


Chen Hui was a little depressed and speechless.

If so, doesn't it mean that they can't use Huanyu Technology?

"Mr. Chen, give us some time, and we must study the Huanyu system seriously."

"Give you time, how long is this time?"


"Okay, go back."

Chen Hui was a little upset.

Although he doesn't know much about technology, he also knows it.

To study a brand-new system, not a year or a half of function, really can not study too much.

Even if you study for a year and a half, you may not be able to study it.

As for why windows are so familiar to everyone, it is entirely because people all over the world are studying them.

After thinking about it, Chen Hui could only ask the headquarters for help.

Although Blizzard China has a certain technical strength, the technical strength is average in the end.


After Chen Hui asked the headquarters for help, Blizzard headquarters also had a headache.

Blizzard's specialty is to make games. Although they have certain skills, their skills are also under Windows.

For the Huanyu system, really, Blizzard headquarters did not have much research.

However, Blizzard is not without alternatives.

They had cooperated with Microsoft before, and when they ran into trouble at this time, Blizzard found Microsoft as soon as possible.

If Blizzard can't help it, then, obviously? Microsoft can't help it.

As the biggest competitor of Huanyu system? Microsoft is studying Huanyu system absolutely every day.

Without Blizzard's help, Microsoft is already investigating this time the hacking of Heroes of the Storm.

Although this kind of large-scale hacking has nothing to do with Microsoft? But in the final analysis? This is still under the Microsoft operating system.

These Trojan horses can steal the account of Heroes of the Storm, which in itself shows that their operating system is not doing enough in terms of security.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Have you forgotten about the panda burning incense last time?"

"This time? I was attacked again."

Microsoft CEO Steve was angry and hated.

The panda burning incense virus that swept the world last time has made the security of their windows questionable.

Unexpectedly, this time there was another large-scale hacking incident.

Although this hacking incident is temporarily unable to compare with the panda burning incense.

But in fact? After the panda burning incense virus? Microsoft has carried out large-scale patches and repairs for the windows system.

During this period of time, they admitted that even if it was another variant virus similar to panda burning incense, they would not be able to plant tricks.

But now the panda burning incense is not coming? Trojan horse is coming.

This is simply Chi Guoguo's face slap.

The world's most technologically advanced Microsoft? It was even beaten by a company whose main business is the Internet, Huanyu Technology.

"Steve, this is actually not our fault."

"It's not your fault, is it the fault of Huanyu Technology?"

Steve said bitterly.

Although he has no evidence to prove that this was done by Huanyu Technology.

But do you still have to ask about this kind of thing?

Just like when they engaged in Huanyu Technology, Huanyu Technology does not need evidence? They also know that Microsoft did the same.

Only Huanyu Technology can engage in Blizzard now.

And? Huanyu Technology has proven this again in another place.

Because of the large-scale hacking of accounts by Heroes of the Storm, Huanyu Technology uses Huanyu Portal? It is speculating on Windows system security.

"Steve, listen to me? This is not a problem with our windows system? The main problem? Blizzard."

"Shake the pot?"

"No. Steve, let me explain to you. Blizzard China is currently operating a game."

"I know, Heroes of the Storm."

"Yes, this is this game. At that time, when they were operating in China, there were many plug-ins. But Blizzard China did not strictly deal with these plug-ins..."

"What does this have to do with game operations?"

"The reason lies in these plug-ins. Although Blizzard later dealt with these plug-ins, but in fact, these plug-ins are not just plug-ins. Many plug-ins have built-in hacking Trojans. And we suspect that these Trojans have many parts. It was made by Huanyu Technology."

"It turns out they dug a hole long ago."

Steve nodded.

If this is the case, I can't say that there is any problem with the security of their windows.

"Okay, we won't be held accountable for this matter. Blizzard is our partner. Huanyu Technology fights against Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm is to fight our windows. We have to give our partners a certain amount of technical support."

"Steve, please give your orders."

"How is your research on Huanyu System?"

"We have now formed a team of 100 people and study the Huanyu system every day."

"If that's the case, then you can use Huanyu Technology's League of Legends to try the technology."

"no problem."

Following Steve's instructions, the chief technology officer of Microsoft convened a group of people to secretly study the Trojan horse of the Huanyu system.

They are ready to hit the League of Legends with one stroke and one kill.


Although Microsoft's strategy is good.

At the same time, their technology is also very top-notch.

But the Trojan horse researched by a group of Microsoft technical officers turned out to be the same as the Trojan horse developed by Blizzard China.


It is not completely ineffective.

The effect is still there.

Microsoft's technology is undoubtedly much better than Blizzard's.

The hundreds of Trojan horses they produced have stolen thousands of accounts.


For these thousands of accounts and more than 2.5 million League of Legends players who are online at the same time, they are nothing at all.

This surprised Microsoft.

You know, they are still very useful for virus attacks on the Huanyu system before.

But how come the Trojan horse they made doesn't have much effect?

But this is not the most serious.

The most serious is.

Not only did they fail to steal the League of Legends account.

On the contrary, it was Blizzard, but there was another large-scale hacking incident.

It turned out that there were more than 200,000 simultaneous online records, but it fell below 200,000 in an instant.

"Check, check it out for me."

Microsoft's chief technology officer's face is indiscriminate.

He also vowed to Steve before that their windows are very safe.

But in a blink of an eye, these Trojans came and went freely on their windows, and once again stolen the account of Heroes of the Storm.

If this happens a few more times.

Heroes of the Storm do not operate, it can be closed directly.

It's just that this check is not so easy to check.

What method did Huanyu Technology use?

Is Huanyu's technology really so awesome?

They asked themselves why they were already experts in the system, why they were even scumbed by Huanyu Technology in seconds.

"No way, no problem."

"Various vulnerabilities in our system have been so far no major vulnerabilities have been exposed, but how did these Trojans enter Windows?"

Constantly looking through it.

Finally, the chief technology officer of Microsoft found the reason.

It turns out that these Trojan horses all came out of small movies.

Huanyu Technology charged a lot of educational film websites with a fee, and then, a large number of educational film websites all put Trojan horses on Huanyu Technology.


The route behind will be clear.

When many players went to the educational film website to download small movies, Trojan horses were quietly implanted.

This operation does not require any technology.

But it is such a method that does not require any technology, but it kills all Microsoft's technical experts in seconds.

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