Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 962: : Changes in the hometown

"Major Lan, the goods have arrived."

"What's the arrival?"

"The computer ordered from Huanyu Technology has arrived."

"Great, let's go and see."

Putting down the work, the Mayor of Lan and the secretary went to a warehouse in the county industrial park.

"Lan County Magistrate, didn't we always purchase Lenovo computers before, so why do we purchase Huanyu computers this time?"

"Huanyu Technology is a heavyweight company that has gone out of our Xinfeng, shouldn't it be purchased?"

"The Kehuanyu computer brand is not on our purchase list."

"It's okay, I will arrange this."

Seeing dozens of trucks stop, Lan Shan Jing stepped forward.

Suddenly, a voice sounded on the side: "Lan County Magistrate."

Lan Shan Jing was taken aback, the voice was so familiar, but suddenly he couldn't remember who it was.

Looking at the voice, he realized that the person calling him was Chen Yu, who had not seen each other for many years.

There was some excitement in his heart, and the county magistrate Lan couldn't believe it and said, "Chen Yu, why are you here? Have you always delivered goods to the chairman of Huanyu Technology?"

"Major Lan, you have placed such a large order for us, Huanyu Technology, how can I not come?"

"What's a big order for 5,000 computers?"

"For me, these 5,000 computers are bigger than others' 50,000 and 500,000 orders."

Chen Yu held County Mayor Lan's hands excitedly: "Mayor Lan, it’s been a long time since I saw you."

Lan Shanjing punched Chen Yu: "Smelly boy, I thought you weren't coming back."

"How come, I'm an authentic Xinfeng person."

"Just remember, go, go, come to my office for tea."

Chen Yu came in person, and Lan Shan Jing was extremely excited.

"Chen Yu, sit down. I have average conditions here. It's no better than your Huanyu Science and Technology Building."

"What the Mayor of Lan said, you are very handsome, but the office building in this county is quite out of order. It's time to make a new one."

"What can I change? I think I can live for another few decades. Besides, how much does it cost to build an office building? There are so many places to spend money in the county."

"Lan County Magistrate, hearing what you said, I feel that Xinfeng has definitely made great progress in the past few years."

"so far so good."

County Magistrate Lan made a cup of tea for Chen Yu himself, and then said with a smile: "You haven't replied to Xinfeng in a few years. Let me introduce you to Xinfeng's current situation."

"Lan County Magistrate, you say."

This time he replied to Xinfeng, Chen Yu was also very concerned about Xinfeng's development.

"Let’s talk about the navel orange first. Xinfeng has been vigorously developing the navel orange industry in the past few years, and relying on the Internet e-commerce platform, our Xinfeng navel orange has also become famous throughout the country, and now it can sell for 2 yuan per pound online. Not only did we find a green and sustainable development path for us, but also found a way for Xinfeng old watch to make a fortune. Of course, you, Huanyu Technology, have helped a lot in this."

"Lan County Magistrate, look at what you said, what kind of help is this? This is my job."

Chen Yu waved his hand quickly.

He didn't dare to take credit for things like this.

"In addition to the fruit industry, we have also developed very well in the electronics manufacturing industry in recent years. Especially the Daguang Expressway is open to traffic on our Ganyue side. It only takes 4 hours for the deep city to reach us. Xinfeng’s investment and construction. As well as your multi-source beverages in Xinfeng. Relying on the development of multi-source beverages, we have absorbed 5 beverage companies to move in. In addition, Nongfu Spring will come to us for inspection in a few days."

"Nongfu Spring, this is a big man in the beverage industry, County Magistrate Lan, do you need help? I have met with the boss of Nongfu Spring several times."

"That would be great. However, it may take two or three days to delay."

"Relax, Magistrate Lan, I will stay at home for a few days when I come back this time. The people from Nongfu Spring are here, so you can just notify me directly."

"Very good."

County Magistrate Lan was in a good mood.

If you can win the Nongfu Spring, this will have a good boost to Xinfeng's economy.

"By the way, Magistrate Lan, I heard that the two wineries in the county are doing pretty well?"


Speaking of wine, County Mayor Lan pointed to the two bottles of wine in the office cabinet: "No, you see, one is medical stone and the other is Nanshan wine."

"They are all old brands."


County Magistrate Lan nodded: "Maifanshi and Nanshan Liquor are our local liquor brands in Xinfeng. They did a good job in the 1980s, and they were sold to Guangxi in the 1980s. However, they were not managed properly and no one paid any attention to the two brands. In recent years, these two wineries have done a good job. By the way, the bosses of these two wineries mention you from time to time, saying that they want me to bring them to see you. Where can I take them to the deep city to see you? Ah."

"Hahaha, am I coming back now?"

Chen Yu heard the meaning of County Mayor Lan.

Chen Yu is also very affectionate for Maifan Stone and Nanshan Wine.

When I was young, these two wines were Xinfeng's famous wines, but they failed to operate later.

Now that it’s hard to do it, it would be a pity if the business fails again.

Although Chen Yu did not recognize the leaders of these two wineries, since they wanted to see themselves, they wanted to expand the market.

If Huanyu Technology can really help, Chen Yu will not refuse.

"Then I will thank you for them first."

"Lan County Magistrate, you see, I haven't been back in a few years, but you have become more and more polite. If you are so polite, I will not come to your office in the future."

"Your Huanyu Technology is a well-known enterprise in Shenzhen City. How can I dare to be polite as a small county magistrate."

Lan Shan Jing said jokingly.

"By the way, Chen Yu, you are under pressure to compete with Microsoft."

"It's not."

Chen Yu nodded: "Lan County Magistrate, this time you made a purchase, but you helped us a lot. Oh, I almost forgot to ask, did you receive the above documents for this purchase?"


There is some hesitation in the Lanshan Sutra.

"Major Lan, what's the matter?"

"Then I'll tell you directly, your Huanyu Computer is not on the purchase list, this time I am solely responsible for the purchase."


Chen Yu suddenly realized.

He was feeling strange.

No matter how high the efficiency above is, it can't be so fast.

However, Huanyu Computer is not on the purchase list, and County Magistrate Lan is quite interesting to Chen Yu this time.

"Lan County Magistrate, you are not in compliance with the rules. Then, I will ask the people in the company to return the payment to you. This time, 5,000 computers will be donated by Huanyu Technology to Xinfeng."


Lan Shanjing shook his head: "We can still afford the money."

"Lan County Magistrate, it's not that you can't afford the money. The problem is that I'm worried..."

"worry about what?"

Seeing Chen Yu's anxious look, County Mayor Lan smiled, "I'm worried that I will embezzle funds. You are a Seventh-Rank Sesame Officer for nothing?"

"Chen Yu, don't be polite to me. Besides, you Huanyu Technology has helped us a lot. Moreover, when you come back this time, I have to make good use of your influence to benefit our Xinfeng. You few The suggestion of the sentence is more than the price of 5000 computers."

"Major Lan, you are here to beat me."

"If you don't beat anyone, Qiufeng will beat you."

As he said, County Magistrate Lan became serious: "Compared with the coastal areas, these things just mentioned cannot be used at all. But we can't do anything about it. One is that our Xinfeng originally has a general geographic location, and the other is some of us. The ability is limited. It’s fine to do other things, but in the economic area, sometimes it’s very weak. This time you come back, you also give us a reference to see what other aspects of Xinfeng can develop in the past."

Although Chen Yu is not very young, Chen Yu has been spelled out in the business world.

They Huanyu Technology entered the deep city from a local Xinfeng company, and even went to the world.

Even in the United States, there are two multi-billion dollar companies.

How can the ability of the founder of such a company be idle?

County Mayor Lan is a human being.

With people like Chen Yu in, even if he just gives pointers, his vision surpasses them ten times and one hundred times.

"Mayor Lan, what is the main direction of our industrial park now?"

"The main focus is the electronics manufacturing industry."

"Electronic manufacturing is a good direction."

Chen Yu nodded.

The electronics manufacturing industry is not only a flourishing business now, but also in the coming decades.

"The electronics manufacturing industry is good, but the coastal areas are also developing this area. We have no advantage over them."

"That's true."

Not to mention others, Chen Yu himself was engaged in the electronics manufacturing industry in Shenzhen.

He had previously thought about bringing part of the electronics manufacturing industry to Xinfeng, but Xinfeng is only a small county after all. Although the labor cost is low, Huanyu Technology has to recruit hundreds of thousands of people at every turn. Xinfeng simply cannot provide Huanyu Technology. So much labor. However, Xinfeng needs to develop. Since it wants to develop, it must have a feasible development direction.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu said: "Then we will go one step further and focus our main efforts on the 3G industry."

"3G industry?"

County Mayor Lan was taken aback: "What is the 3G industry?"


3G licenses were not issued until 2008 in the previous life.

As for what is 3G, how do ordinary people know.

Even if it is a communication professional, they are not particularly clear about 3G.

Most people know about 3G theory, but they are also forced by the applications of 3G networks and the types of industries that will be formed.

"The 3G industry is a bit big, County Mayor Lan, you can understand him as the mobile phone industry."

"Just make a mobile phone?"

"Almost so. However, it is not to make our current 2G mobile phones, but to make 3G mobile phones, or smart phones. Of course, this kind of product may not be so popular now. But I expect the future, or in the last few years The mobile phone industry will undergo earth-shaking changes. If we enter early, then Xinfeng will have certain advantages."

But what Chen Yu said, County Mayor Lan still had some misunderstandings. Chen Yu continued: "Lan County Mayor, in the future, Huanyu Technology will allocate part of its mobile phone manufacturing business to Xinfeng. You can refer to it at that time."

Although it is temporarily impossible for Huanyu Technology to put all its mobile phone business in Xinfeng, as long as Huanyu Technology takes the lead. And, in the future, after the smart phone that Chen Yu has laid out for many years is actually on the market. Chen Yu believes that Xinfeng's mobile phone business will definitely receive huge benefits in advance.

This will have a qualitative improvement for the development of the hometown.

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