Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 972: : Bill, I already have some hold on to Microsoft...

[Heavy news, Ninetowns has launched the miracle version of the Huanyu system. 】

【New turn, Huanyu system ushered in strong support. 】

【Ninetowns help, Huanyu system creates a new ecology. 】

Compared with the previous, Huanyu System has always been its own family against Microsoft.

Finally, this time there is a heavyweight helper, this company is Ninetowns.

As soon as Ninetowns took action, the entire Internet industry was an instant sensation.

"My grass, Jiucheng finally made a move."

"Let me just say it, Huanyu Technology can't have no success."

"The Microsoft World War, this has just begun."

Many people in the industry are excited.

They had long hoped that a domestic high-tech company could challenge Microsoft's position.

Huanyu Technology is a representative of China's high-tech enterprises.

It’s just that although Huanyu Technology has challenged Microsoft before, Microsoft is really terrifying. After changing hands, Huanyu Technology will block a series of games of Huanyu Technology. Although Huanyu Technology is barely able to cope now, it is still at an extremely disadvantaged overall. In particular, Huanyu Technology was banned from games, but their cash flow was problematic. Not to mention that they can't continue to operate, at least they are **** in the expansion of some other businesses.

At that time, the industry evaluated that if Universal Technology really wanted to challenge Microsoft's position, they couldn't rely on them.

In fact, Microsoft Windows is not Microsoft's power at this time.

Huanyu Technology must build its own ecosystem.

But this ecosystem is not just about owning a series of software and hardware, it must let countless companies join.

Unfortunately, there was only Huanyu Technology.

But now, Jiucheng suddenly joined the Huanyu system camp.

This is not to say how strong the strength of Ninetowns is.

Ninetowns is actually just an online game company, their strength may not be very strong. But the strength of Ninetowns is not very strong, but they cover a lot of user groups. Especially their masterpiece Miracle, I don’t know how many people are playing it. Although the miracle is good, the Huanyu system cannot be played. It's not that the Huanyu system does not support the miracle, but that the Miracle does not support the Huanyu system.

At that time, I didn’t know how many people strongly suggested that Ninetowns launch the miracle of the Huanyu system version. People in the industry know that online games are no better than some small programs. Some small programs can launch a brand new version in just a few days. If Miracle wants to launch the Huanyu system version, this is almost the same as redoing a game.

So Jiucheng hadn't moved before.

But today, Ninetowns did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to launch the Huanyu system version.

In the words of industry insiders, this is definitely a landmark event.


"What, Ninetowns has launched a version of the miracle Huanyu system?"

He Lefu, the president of Microsoft China, can hardly believe it. You know, they had signed a cooperation agreement with Ninetowns before in order to deal with Huanyu Technology. But in a blink of an eye, the cooperation agreement became a piece of waste paper. Of course, this cooperation agreement does not have much binding force. It is their own business whether Ninetowns pushes which version of the system. Prior to this, Ninetowns did not launch the Huanyu system version, which fully considered that the redevelopment of a brand-new version required a lot of money.

"Could it be that Huanyu Technology gave Jiucheng a development fee?"

He Lefu guessed.

But he shook his head again, it shouldn't be possible.

The operating system needs a series of software and hardware to build an ecosystem with them.

Even if Huanyu Technology has money, they cannot afford so much money one by one.

Let alone Huanyu Technology, even Microsoft can't afford it.

Once this hole was opened, other companies followed suit.

Just this sum of money can drag Huanyu Technology to death.

You gave it, and you don't have so much money.

If you don't give it, you gave it before. What's the matter, who do you look down on?

Therefore, it is impossible for Huanyu Technology to open this hole.

"Mr. Zhu, this is He Lefu."

"Oh, Mr. He Lefu, hello, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Zhu, you have violated the agreement signed with us before."

"Mr. He Lefu, the content of our agreement does not stipulate that we cannot develop games of other system versions. The content of the agreement only allows us to strengthen cooperation with Microsoft. In fact, we can continue to strengthen cooperation in the future."

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, don't talk about this issue. I actually don't understand why you have to spend a lot of money to develop a brand new version for the little market of Huanyu System. For you, there is not much benefit."

"Mr. He Lefu, your Microsoft's vision has always been very long-term, and I think we should also learn from you."

"Do you think Huanyu System can compete with our Microsoft?"

"No one knows the future, but we also have to make two-handed preparations. I hope Mr. He Lefu can understand."

"Sorry, we don't understand."

He Lefu hung up the phone.

Naturally, he didn't find out anything about Zhu Jun.

"Mr. He Lebin, Zhu Jun of Ninetowns and Chen Yu, chairman of Huanyu Technology, have always had a good personal relationship. Maybe it is Zhu Jun who is supporting Chen Yu."

The assistant said to He Lebin.

It's just that He Lebin shook his head: "It's possible, but I'm not worried about this... After Ninetowns, will other game companies join in?"

"It's better for us to do another ruthless trick and block Jiucheng. I believe that if we use this kind of blocking, Jiucheng will definitely fall more easily than Huanyu Technology. Moreover, this trick can also be used to kill the chicken and the monkey. "

In fact, Microsoft also wants to play such a role in the blockade of Huanyu Technology.

But it is a pity that Huanyu's technological background is too strong, even if it is blocked, they can still stand it.

This also left a gap in Microsoft's ban.

But Jiucheng is different.

Ninetowns does not have its own complete ecology, nor does it have such a strong strength as Huanyu Technology.

If this is to block Nine Cities, Nine Cities will have half their lives if they are not dead.

"I have to report to headquarters."

The matter was urgent, and He Lefu could not make this decision.

It is not that he disagrees with such a strategy.

In fact, if Ninetowns is blocked, then Microsoft will no longer be a Pk with Huanyu Technology, and Microsoft will be a Pk with Chinese Internet companies.

Previously, because of the operating system, Microsoft and Huanyu Technology fought, and the upper part of the mainland temporarily endured it and did not act.

In other words, they may not have considered it clearly.

There are still some concerns on the mainland that Universal Technology may not be able to withstand Microsoft's pressure.

If the upper piece strongly supports Huanyu Technology, but Huanyu Technology does not have this strength, it will put the upper part in a dilemma.

Moreover, before the mainland has suffered too much from the chip, the operating system has suffered too much.

Take the chip as an example, a university professor even dared to make a fake, saying that he developed the first Chinese chip.

So the top gave a series of support.

Later, it was discovered that Nima, his meow was a lie, and the chip was Motorola. It was just that the professor polished it a few times with a tool and erased the logo of those words, and then it became a national one.

Then there are a series of domestic operating systems, which are very popular whenever they are publicized.

But after it was launched, no one cared about it.

But this time, the mainland leaders also have a clearer understanding of the strength of Huanyu Technology.

This time, if Microsoft dared to do this, then Microsoft would definitely be more ill-advised.


"Chen Yu, do you think Microsoft will block our Nine Cities?"

Although he chose to support Chen Yu, Zhu Jun still had some concerns and suddenly called Chen Yu.

"It's possible."

Chen Yu didn't make a joke, and said solemnly: "So, your Ninetowns should be prepared."

Zhu Jun helped Chen Yu in this way, and Chen Yu couldn't fool Zhu Jun.

"However, Microsoft can't mess around. Once they mess around, they will definitely be troubled by them."

"But we also have to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry. If Microsoft dared to close your nine cities, our Huanyu Technology will be responsible to you to the end."

This is Chen Yu's assurance to Zhu Jun.

But a few days later, Zhu Jun no longer worried.

As for the reason, it was Chen Tianqiao's movement.

"Zhu Jun, our legendary Huanyu system version has also been developed, how about it, fast enough?"

"Old Joe, you really have you, aren't you a while behind us?"

"What's the matter, the legendary parent company has been acquired by us, and I am now the boss of the legend, so they have to listen to what I say."


Hearing this, Zhu Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Ninetowns family supports Huanyu Technology, then Microsoft may take action against Ninetowns.

Even if they take a certain risk, they may do so.

But what if a Shanda is added at this time?

All right.

This time is not only Shanda.

After Shanda held a press conference to launch the legendary Huanyu system version, Netease Chairman Ding Sanshi also publicized that they will soon launch the Huanyu Huanyu system version.

Ninetowns, Shanda, Netease, and three shots. He Lefu, president of Microsoft China, silently refunded his ticket to the United States.

Do you want to go?

It is necessary to go.

But He Lefu felt that it should be time for the headquarters to come to China in person.

Even the founder Bill should come.

He felt that he already had some plates that could not hold the Chinese area.

As for blocking?

What are you blocking?

Can you block Jiucheng, can you block Shanda?

Or, can you also block NetEase?

If this is to block all of these, it is simply helping Huanyu Technology.

At that time, you will find that there will be a mysterious hand on the market that will slap the Microsoft system to pieces.

Because at that point, this is no longer a contest between companies.


"President Ding, thank you, thank you so much."

Ding Sanshi shot in time, and Chen Yu immediately called Ding Sanshi.

"Thank you for the fart, I was forced by you."

"Why, Mr. Ding, you've always been dignified, I know."

"Fuck off, you promised before, and quickly send Xu Bo to me."

"Okay, okay. By the way, Mr. Ding, when will the version of the Huanyu System of Journey to the West come out?"

"This, far away, only half of the development, about 3 months."

"I go……"

Chen Yu was dumbfounded: "Mr Ding, didn't you say that it will be launched soon?"

"It's not a day, I didn't say a specific time."

Ding Sanshi explained that there were no flaws, and then said: "I didn't see Zhu Jun and Lao Qiao being in danger, so I announced it in advance. Hey, don't thank me, I know you have to thank me again. No need, it's all It’s just business, and I need your help to adjust the economic system of the Westward Journey. So, if you want to thank you, send Xu Bo quickly."

"President Ding, thank you, I will send you Xu Bo in a while."

Although Ding Sanshi was not forgiving, Chen Yu also saw the other side of Ding Sanshi.

Although Huanyu Technology and NetEase had a lot of contests before, in the final analysis it was pure competition between enterprises. Chen Yu and Ding Sanshi did not have too deep hatred. At this critical moment, Ding Sanshi still took action, which also embodies Ding Sanshi's morality.

"Xu Bo, stop your work and go to Guangcheng immediately."

"Mr. Chen, is it NetEase?"

"you know?"

Now that he has inherited Ding Sanshi's love, Chen Yu's previous promise to Ding Sanshi also deserves.

The first time, Chen Yu called Xu Bo to the office.

"Mr Ding from NetEase called me before."

"I go……"

Chen Yu was dumbfounded.

Forefoot Chen Yu thanked Ding Sanshi, but he didn't expect this girl to secretly contact Xu Bo before.

What is this? This clearly shows that I want to dig Xu Bo back to NetEase.

But this is also normal.

Wasn't Xu Bo dug from Netease himself?

"Ding Sanshi wanted to call you back to Netease?"

Chen Yu asked.


"Your thoughts?"

"I didn't agree."

Xu Bo said directly.

"Xu Bo, it's okay. I'm not an unreasonable person. In fact, NetEase is also good. You can make your choice. If you think NetEase is suitable, you can also go to NetEase. Of course, Huanyu Technology has always been your home. "

Chen Yu naturally didn't want to let Xu Bo go.

Of course, for Ding Sanshi digging Xu Bo, Chen Yu would not be seen outside.

Anyway, I did the same back then. What's more, now he still owes him a favor. Chen Yu just didn't see this little action.

But it's one thing to just not see it, but it doesn't mean that Chen Yu wants Xu Bo to leave.

The Fantasy Westward Journey has to rely on Xu Bo.

And the life cycle of Fantasy Westward Journey is so long, how could Chen Yu let Xu Bo go.

Even if the Fantasy Westward Journey has no stamina, Chen Yu also values ​​Xu Bo's ability very much.

Where can he find such a talent? How could he be sent back to NetEase again.

But for a talent like Xu Bo, what kind of contract and coercion are of no use to him.

Xu Bo is a man of affection, so Chen Yu played an emotional card against Xu Bo.

"Mr. Chen, don't say that. If it weren't for you, I'm still serving as a customer service for NetEase."

"No, it's probably already expelled."

"Although Ding Sanshi of NetEase is very sincere this, I have long regarded Huanyu Technology as my home."

Afraid of Chen Yu's misunderstanding, Xu Bo rushed to express his opinion to Chen Yu.

"Xu Bo, I understand you."

Chen Yu and Xu Bo gave a hug: "Okay, you go to NetEase. This time NetEase did us a favor. When you go to him, don't hide any personalities. You can help NetEase as much as possible."

"Mr. Chen, don't we build a strong competitor in this way? I have studied their big story West Journey, and their big story West Journey is also very useful. If the operation is good, this will have a great impact on our Fantasy Westward Journey. "

"There is competition to have motivation. Don't worry about that. I believe that after you come back, you can still operate Fantasy Westward Journey to the first place in the industry."

"Yes, President Chen, I know how to do it."

Xu Bo nodded heavily, and went to Guangcheng where NetEase headquarters is located.

(End of this chapter)

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