Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 975: : Why is it so difficult to steal an account?

"The virus was wiped out while it was spreading?"


"You don't need to check and kill by yourself?"


"Wait...Chen Yu, you let me think about it."

This new concept has some impact on Zhou Hongyi's thinking.

Originally in his idea, in order for a computer to kill viruses, you must first download the anti-virus software, then the anti-virus software provides the signature, and then the user downloads the virus database, and then checks and kills it. This is not just what 360 anti-virus software does, but also all anti-virus software companies in the world.

But now, Chen Yu's concept has completely subverted Zhou Hongyi's understanding.

The user does not need to download the virus database.

Even users don’t need to scan and kill.

All operations are completed only in the server.

"Oh My God……"

Zhou Hong thought this was incredible at first, so he wanted to say it was impossible.

However, he, who is familiar with computers, knows that this is theoretically possible.

The Internet not only has the function of communication, it also has the function of processing information and computing.

In the past, a series of killings could only be done locally, but now they don’t need to be local at all. He only needs to go through the network.

Through the network, the back-end server already knows whether you have been poisoned and whether the virus is coming to your computer.

"Chen Yu, can you talk more about it?"

There is some confusion in his mind, but Zhou Hongyi still has some confusion for the time being.

"Simply, that is, this is actually somewhat similar to anti-spam. We receive a lot of spam in our mail every day, but before, we had no way to delete these spam one by one manually. But then Someone thought of a way. They mark some spam emails with certain characteristics, and when such emails are sent to a certain amount, they will be classified as spam."

"Trojan horses and viruses are the same. In fact, they all have similar characteristics. In the past, personal PCs could only be manually checked and killed. Some of them could not be checked and killed without downloading the virus database. However, if we build big data, we can be the first Time to identify some of these viruses, and the first time they were detected and killed. This also means that the virus has not started to spread, our server will kill him."

"Of course, our servers need super computing power. Without such capabilities, we would not be able to analyze and kill massive amounts of viruses and data."

Chen Yu is not an expert at Yun Antivirus.

He knows that in this, the real realization of this function is not just what he mentioned just now.

This will involve virus identification, massive data analysis, feedback from a large number of clients, powerful servers, massive financial support, and the opening of the entire system.

However, such a concept is undoubtedly new and the most effective.

Once formed.

In the future, network security can be improved by at least 90%, and even in the future, computers hardly need to consider whether they will be infected with viruses or Trojan horses.

"My grass, Chen Yu, I really want to open your head and see, what is your brain made of?"

"Open it and you will see a big brain."

"Fuck off. Sister, I was defeated by you. You, a guy with no skills, came up with such a brand new concept."

Zhou Hongyi was extremely excited.

Although what Chen Yu said was not particularly detailed, some were even technically wrong.

But the concept and direction of Chen Yu's words, undoubtedly Zhou Hongyi understood.

In fact, he has always felt that traditional anti-virus software has a fatal problem.

Faced with a large number of viruses, does it mean that the virus database is constantly updated every day?

We must know that from the existing data analysis, the number of a series of viruses and Trojan horses in the world has broken through tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

An ordinary computer really cannot download so many virus databases.

Even if it can be downloaded, the computer has to be fully occupied by so many resources of anti-virus software.

At this time, the cloud anti-virus mentioned by Chen Yu opened a new path for Zhou Hongyi.

"Don't talk about it, how about it, can it be done?"

"Although it's complicated, it's okay. But..."

"But what?"

"There are two problems now."

"what is the problem?"

"One we must need a lot of servers."


"The other is that our bandwidth may not be enough to support our calculations."

The most important thing about cloud computing is the network.

Without the support of the network, cloud security cannot be achieved.

The greater the network speed, the better the cloud security effect.

However, although Internet speed has increased a lot in 2005, there is still a long way to go compared with later generations.

"This is also simple. We distribute a series of servers across the country to achieve the optimal network speed."

"I'm sorry, this will cost a huge amount of money."


"But our 360 is free, so we can't make too much money in the business for the time being."

"It's okay, we still have games."

"What does this have to do with the game?"

"Before I asked Tao Tao to build an accelerator called Xunyou. Although this accelerator is not the same as cloud security, it is actually connected in some places, such as deploying servers across the country. At that time, I considered letting this accelerator only give We use it, but now I am going to open it up and everyone can use it. Of course, this is a charge."

"How do you charge for this software?"

"Temporarily 10 yuan a month."

"I'm afraid this fund still cannot support our cloud antivirus."

"This is only temporary. In fact, we can also receive other services in the future. For example, some large-scale websites have to set up servers, but the server costs are too large and the operations are complicated. They can't set up, then we can help him, our server It can be used as a server for them. In other words, all the data on their website is calculated by our server."


This said, Zhou Hong's eyes were lightened.

Compared with the previous cloud security, this is just a single anti-virus software business.

No matter how strong the antivirus software business is, it is only a single business, and its profitability is not strong.

Moreover, 360 is still free, and they don't have much room for profit for the time being.

But at this time, letting cloud computing act as a server for a series of websites is a huge business.

Don't think that this business is just a server rental business for some telecommunications companies or some small network companies.

Naturally, some small websites don't have much funds, but what about some large websites?

Their demand for servers is extremely large.

Like the previous website of 12306 Ministry of Railways.

This website seems to be just a website for online train tickets, but sometimes this website can make billions of data requests a day.

The first of these large-scale websites is that it costs too much money to set up their own servers, even if it is renting, it is a terrible cost, and secondly, there is no technology.

Instead of that, it is better to find some cloud service companies.

In the previous life, Ali has undertaken the cloud data service of the railway website.

Of course, this is not only.

With the continuous development of cloud computing in the future, there will be huge developments in storage, medicine, finance and insurance, e-commerce, search, and education.

"Chen Yu, will we still do antivirus in the future?"

"Look at you."

Chen Yu smiled.

However, he knew that with Zhou Hongyi's eyes, he would definitely be able to see the future cloud computing business, which would absolutely destroy the current anti-virus.

Maybe, Huanyu Technology will have to set up a new department in the future.

This department is cloud computing.

No, it's not called cloud computing, it's called Huanyuyun.

Huan Yuyun... Think about it, Chen Yu is a little excited.

Even Google has not yet proposed the concept of cloud computing.

In the future, cloud computing and cloud services, Huanyu Technology will definitely become the master of them.

"Well, let's not talk about it, you are responsible for the cloud antivirus. The strength of Microsoft and a lot of top security giants in the world cannot be underestimated."

"Don't worry, we may not be their opponents before Cloud Anti-Virus comes out, but we can have dozens of moves with them. After these dozens of moves are over, our Cloud Anti-Virus will also be launched."


Chen Yu nodded.

However, he did not relax.

Anti-theft and anti-virus has always been a protracted battle.

Huanyu Technology cannot completely put anti-theft software on its anti-virus software.

In fact, each major business itself can do a series of operations.

For example, Chen Yu asked the major game departments to create secret security cards.

Now Chen Yu feels that having a secret security card is not enough.

Game players will use secret security cards, but for some YY account players, they probably won’t use secret security cards.

So what should I do at this time?

In fact, it is not impossible. For example, YY can provide a more secure guarantee and identify the user's Internet IP address.

As long as the user's Internet IP address is different from the local one, YY will prompt the user before launching the anti-theft test.

Chen Yu communicated this idea with Li Nan and others, and YY and other departments immediately adopted Chen Yu's suggestions.


In the next few days, Chen Yu sat in the office and kept observing Microsoft's actions.

In fact, Microsoft's actions have already begun after they contacted the world's top security companies.

In the first step, they also learned the tricks of Huanyu Technology.

First, he paid a lot of money for various vulnerabilities in the Huanyu system on the hacker website.

Then hang a series of Trojan horses and viruses on a series of small movie websites.

I have to say that this trick is not useless.

When many people download small movies, they still get caught.

However, the number of recruits is not large.

This makes Microsoft and the major anti-virus software companies a little strange.

These viruses and Trojan horses have been tested, so long as they are placed on the Huanyu system one by one.

But the actual feedback to them is that the effect is so bad.

For example, a Trojan horse program.

Either the Trojan has been cleared, or even if it has not been cleared, it seems that the stolen game password is fake.

The ones that are cleared will not be studied. It should be the 360 ​​of Huanyu Technology that has played a role.

But if the account is not cleared, the account cannot be stolen. What's the matter?

At first they couldn't figure it out.

But after a review, they discovered a fact that made them extremely crazy.

"Huanyu Secret Guarantee."

This is a secret card for all the business accounts of all subsidiaries of Huanyu Technology launched by Huanyu Technology.

This secret security card is mainly provided for online games.

Because online games have a lot of equipment, they are most likely to be stolen.

So, at that time, in order to reduce the number of account thefts suffered by Huanyu Technology's online games, they came up with the idea of ​​a secret card.

There are two types of this secret security card.

One is the secret security card that you can get by recharging.

In addition to the user's account password for the secret security card, he also has to enter the password in another layer of secret security card.

It stands to reason that the password in this secret security card can also be stolen.

But it is not possible.

Because the password in the secret card is dynamic.

The secret security card gifted with recharge has corresponding coordinates, and the coordinates entered are different each time.

This is the preliminary version.

The more advanced version is the super dynamic password that is changed every 15 seconds.

This premium version is no longer a gift for recharge, but a small electronic device officially sold.

This instrument is bound to the user's account, and a dynamic password is randomly generated every time the account is entered.

In addition, this dynamic password will be randomly generated after 15 minutes.

Can you imagine this heinous anti-theft technology?

Don't say you got a Trojan horse in their computer, even if you hit dozens or hundreds of Trojan horses, you can't steal his number.

"Sister, there are such tricks."

"I said how Blizzard lost to Huanyu Technology in China, and Blizzard is a thousand miles away with this anti-theft method alone."

"Niu Cha, I now have some powerless accounts for Huanyu Technology."

The "Mieyu Group" formed by a group of Microsoft and major network security companies is a bit crazy.

They have always believed that they are the top hackers and computer experts in the world.

Unexpectedly, letting them steal a game account could not be stolen.

This is simply Chi Guoguo's face.

However, they quickly regrouped.

As elites in the global computer industry, they cannot be defeated by such difficulties.

They calmly thought about locks and analyzed the shortcomings of Huanyu Technology.

They admitted that Huanyu Technology has indeed used secret security cards in many online games.

But not everyone, and not all players have used it.

Especially those that are not game accounts, such as YY accounts, circle accounts, etc. Although these have little economic value and cannot sell much, they are also a big trouble if they are and , It may be heartache that the game account is stolen. Although they steal some of these YY accounts, the circle accounts do not have much economic value, and ordinary hackers do not want to steal such accounts.

But they are not stealing accounts for money, they are for attacking the Huanyu system.

After a reorganization, a series of Trojan horses appeared.


This time there were fewer accounts stolen than the previous time.

"what happened?"

"Does these people who play YY use secret protection?"


The security experts were overwhelmed.

Attempt to log the stolen password into the YY account.

The system prompts that the address you logged in is incorrect with the usual account address. Please complete the anti-theft test to unlock it.

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