"Yes, Teacher!" Pounds

looked at the energetic students, nodded with satisfaction, and asked them to go back to their practice.

Pounds closed his eyes and pretended to sleep!

Unknown planet, Tianjin rice and dumplings walked in tatters on the desolate land.

"Senior brother, I'm thirsty!"

"Dumplings, bear with me a little longer, and wait until we find the animal." "

Senior brother, when will you practice teleportation!" Tianjin

Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard the dumpling's inquiry.

"Dumplings, it's still early? With my current anger, it's not enough at all. Suddenly

, the dumplings seemed to have an enlightened mind, and asked Tianjin Rice:

"Senior brother, you say, is

what the master said right?" "What

?" "The master said, you should have 100,000 qi, what if you don't?"

Tianjin Fan was stunned for a moment, and his body turned his head to look at the dumplings stiffly.

"Dumplings, are you kidding! The master can't joke with us

?" I don't know how the dumplings will have an IQ:

"What if, what if the master is not accurate? After all, the master said that he is also guessing, there is no actual measured value, what if your qi does not exceed 100,000?"

"Don't get entangled, Dumplings, we can cultivate with peace of mind, as long as we continue to improve ourselves, we will always succeed if we are strong." "

It's Senior Brother.

Tianjin Fan suddenly read: "Every time there is a big event, there is calm, and then you can be safe, and then you can worry!"

"Whenever there is a big event, you can be quiet and then you can be safe, and you can be safe and then you can worry!"

the two slowly walked towards the unknown ahead.

... ...

Vic killed the steamer that found him, ate all the fish, and after feasting on it, he found an island to hide.

On this day, he was working hard to cultivate his new tricks, and this day was also when Sun Wukong entered the spiritual time house to start cultivating, and the wind pool acupoint behind Vic's head suddenly shone up!

Of course, Vic still didn't feel anything, and after squeezing his body to the limit, he fell asleep tired.

At night, when Vic was sleeping soundly, the wind pool on the back of his head suddenly shone up.

It can be seen that Vic, who was originally expressionless, suddenly appeared a trace of panic.


the dream, a man in a rabbit mask suddenly attacked him.


"Piccolo's reincarnation or Piccolo's son?"

Vic looked at the person in front of him cautiously, and he could clearly feel the abundant vitality in the body of the person in front of him.

Vic suddenly flickered a few times and disappeared.

The corners of the rabbit-headed masked man's mouth are slightly upturned.

Soon, Vic flew back in a panic.

"Where is this, who are you?"

"Beat me, beat me and you'll be out." Early

in the morning, Vic woke up in a panic and gasped for breath.

'What the hell is going on?'

Thinking of this, Vic soared into the sky, firing frantically energy rays around him.

Then he changed to a small island and prepared to continue hiding.

In the evening, he rested again, but this time he opened his eyes.

The same thing happened again.

"Damn! Who the hell are you? The

rabbit-headed masked man looked at the green-skinned imp in front of him.

Five 3-meter-long lightsabers suddenly appeared on the fingertips.

"Win me! Win me, and I'll let you know."

After speaking, the mysterious man moved and quickly stepped forward.


After reading it, the Great Demon King began to dodge the attacks of the mysterious man.

"Damn, you have a weapon, I don't, it's not fair!"

"Oh, when is the Great Demon King going to be fair?"

The words were still in the air, and the man was already in Vic's back, and with an elbow blow, Vic even spit out his bile and flew high.

"It's too slow, your mental strength is not concentrated, how can

you take revenge?" "How do you know I'm going to take revenge? Who the hell are you?"

the mysterious man stopped talking and continued to attack Bick violently.

In the dream, he was constantly beaten by the man in front of him, and no matter how much he increased his speed, he couldn't get rid of his strength.

Temple of the Celestial Gods.


"Tenjin, what's wrong with you

?" "I don't know, I was seriously injured all of a sudden, is it?"

Bobo said directly.

"Celestials, could it be that Vic is fighting people in the Nether, but how is it possible. "

Back to the Temple of Heaven. "

The main hall, the god of heaven looked at the Great Demon King of Vic with a distorted face with an ugly face, even so, Vic was asleep and showed no signs of fighting at all.

"No! He wasn't attacked. What's going on?" the

god was still puzzled, and Vic was still being abused in his dreams.

"Damn, what the hell do you want to do.

With that, Vic frantically shot magic rays, but to no avail.

"The power is too small, not focused, the accuracy is poor, and the speed is slow, is the magic light like you cultivated to set off fireworks?"


The mysterious man didn't spare his hand, and directly stepped forward to attack again.

Vic hurriedly jumped out of the way, then used his flying spell to fly into the sky.

"It's really shameful that you waste your qi like this, the height is not high, the speed is not fast, and the consumption is huge, are you cultivating it to perform acrobatics on stage?"

After speaking, there was a blur, and Bikwa was directly knocked to the ground with a sound.

Lying on the ground and crying

!"Did the Piccolo Devil give birth to a waste son?"

"Bastard! Don't talk about my father." With that

, after a brief eruption, Vic fainted.

The dream dissipated.

5 days later, Pounds canceled the gravity technique on Sun Wukong and began to close off Wukong's five senses. The piccolo could barely last a night.

"yes, he shouldn't be here tomorrow!" Vic

was about to cry in his dream at night, when he fell asleep with his eyes open.

Vic looked at his nightmare and cried

, "Why are you still here

?" "You haven't defeated me, why do you think I'm going to disappear?"

"Your tricks are gone, you don't think you can still hurt me!"

The mysterious man smiled slightly: "You can try it." After

saying that, he started to punch directly with Bick in his dream, but this time he didn't even play with weapons.

After Sun Wukong completed the cultivation of the five senses, the mysterious man also took out a piece of Xiang at the same time, and chased Bick to feed him in his dreams every day.

Poor Vic can't get rid of the clutches, so he can only eat it raw.

So the nightmare of the Great Demon King of Vic came completely, and he stopped complaining every day, only wishing that he could run past the mysterious man. Later, he had already begun to run slowly, but without him, he could only use his qi more refinedly, and later completed the refined dodge.

He also discovered that the mysterious man would only overtake him and stuff himself directly into his mouth from the front! he couldn't dodge it anyway, but if he didn't let him overtake him in front, he wouldn't catch himself and force himself in.

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