Rebirth of England

Chapter 2 Something happened

Why would Butler Sean call himself at this time?

With this in mind, Barron answered the phone.

"Butler Sean, I'm Barron..."

"Young master, I have finally contacted you. I couldn't get through to you when I called you last night. I have asked Ramos to go to London to find you..."

Barron frowned slightly after hearing Butler Sean's words.

You must know that in his memory, Butler Sean always arranged such things in a calm and orderly manner in the manor, but now, just from the tone of his words, he could hear the other party's anxiety. He couldn't help but ask:

"What happened?"

"Young Master, you need to come back quickly. Something happened to the Master and the Eldest Young Master..."

London in May and June is considered to be one of the best periods of the year. In this city where the sky is often gloomy, this is one of the rare times when the sunshine hours are relatively long and you can see more sunshine.

It's just that at this time, Barron Cavendish didn't have much leisure and elegance to enjoy the street scenes of London.

Because he had more important things to face, he didn't expect that he would have to face such a complicated situation just after he came to this time and space and became the son of a duke, but before he could enjoy the life of a noble.

After hearing from the old housekeeper that his father and eldest brother in his current body had been in a car accident, the eldest brother died on the spot, and his father had been sent to the hospital for treatment. The situation was not optimistic. As soon as he hung up the phone, he Received a call from Ramos, his full-time valet who was sent to London.

After learning Barron's location at this time, the other party also drove over with the driver to pick up Barron as quickly as possible.

Ordinarily, as Barron's full-time valet, Ramos should always be with him, but Barron didn't like being followed all the time, as it would affect his rich "nightlife", so he found an excuse. Ramos was temporarily sent back to Chatsworth in Derbyshire.

Moreover, in the new century, the lifestyles of many nobles have gradually changed. For young nobles, some traditions are not too rigid to follow, so his behavior is not too outrageous.

"Ramos, the call Butler Sean gave me just now was too hasty and didn't explain it in too much detail. Do you have more information?"

After getting into this well-maintained old Rolls-Royce, Barron tried his best to look solemn and asked Ramos, the co-driver;

"I still don't know why my father and brother came to London together. They didn't contact me in advance..."

"Master, it is said that the master and the eldest master had urgent matters and wanted to visit an important person, but they did not expect that they encountered a car accident on their way back... As for not contacting you before, it should be because the trip was too rushed. Bar."

Ramos tried his best to tell Barron what he knew. Of course, he wisely did not say some things that were inconvenient to say.

Like why didn't they tell Master Barron in advance when they came to London this time? Well, I'm afraid it's because they are here to do very important business, and this young master Barron has never been interested in family affairs and is only addicted to pleasure...

The Cavendish family, the hereditary Dukes of Devonshire, live daily at Chatsworth Manor in Derbyshire.

This magnificent manor with more than 100 rooms was first built in 1552. During the more than 400 years from the 15th to the 19th century, it was carefully designed and built by many famous gardeners, making Chatsworth Manor the most beautiful in England. One of the manor houses, it is an important part of British cultural heritage.

The entire manor covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres. It was designed by the landscaping genius Lanros Brown in the 18th century and was later renovated by 16 generations of descendants. The interior decoration is magnificent.

And Chatsworth is extremely famous throughout British history. Queen Mary of England was imprisoned here; the prototype of the Darcy family in the world-famous book "Pride and Prejudice" is Chatsworth!

"Master, we will be home soon."

Following the words of the full-time valet Ramos, Barron looked through the car window and saw the magnificent manor building against the river, standing in the green grassland like a velvet carpet, with scattered trees. , it’s like a scene from a movie.

When the car stopped at the door of the manor house, Ramos got out and opened the door for Barron.

At this time, Barron was wearing a very formal tuxedo, a vest and a white shirt. They were all custom-made by famous designers. After careful tailoring, Barron's straight and well-proportioned figure was perfectly outlined, making everyone who saw him All the people couldn't help but cheer secretly.

This is the tradition of the old aristocrats - when he was in Barron's hotel, even at such an emergency moment, Ramos still did not forget to bring his set of clothes and let him change before setting off.

"Master Barron, it's really great that you can come back."

At this time, at the door of the villa, servants stood in two rows, and the one at the front was Sean, the butler of the Cavendish family. At this time, he spoke to Barron with a solemn face and a low voice, and even if he tried to restrain his expression, he could still feel the deep sadness in his eyes.

Barron took a look at the more than twenty servants standing in two rows behind Butler Sean, and secretly picked up the numbers one by one from the memory of his predecessor - of course not everyone had the impression, but there were two of them. Three unfamiliar faces.

"Butler Sean..."

Nodding to the butler, Barron said:

"Sorry, I haven't recovered from the shock yet. I want to go to the hospital to see my father first. I don't know how he is doing now..."

"Master, master, he..."

Butler Sean's eyes immediately turned red when he heard Barron's words. His lips trembled, he took a deep breath and said slowly:

"While you were still on the road, sad news came from the hospital..."

The aristocratic history of the Cavendish family can be traced back to 400 years ago, and for more than 300 years, they have held the title of Duke of Devonshire. This family can be said to have left a deep mark on the history of England. Their family There have been many politicians and scientists including the British Prime Minister.

But on this day in 2002, the whole family ushered in the saddest moment...

Because of a car accident, not only this generation, the 12th generation of His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire, and his eldest son died successively, but also the 82-year-old Mrs. Devonshire of the previous generation - Barron Coe. Wendish's grandmother was also in critical condition due to the unexpected death of her son and eldest grandson. She passed away on the third day after her son's death.

It can be said that at this time, among the direct members of the Duke of Devonshire, the eighth oldest existing ducal family in England, only Barron Cavendish remains.

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