Rebirth of England

Chapter 796 Satoshi Nakamoto

In Barron's previous life, many people believed that "Satoshi Nakamoto" was a Japanese. Even the information Barron read on the encyclopedia of "Satoshi Nakamoto" at that time definitely said that he was a Japanese. He is from Japan, and the most widely circulated "Satoshi Nakamoto photo" on the Internet also looks like a slovenly middle-aged Japanese man...

However, the person in the photo is named Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto. He was born in 1949. He is a Japanese-American. He graduated from California State Polytechnic University with a bachelor's degree in physics. He once served in the American military. The same is true. Due to his identity and background, many people believe that he fits the image of "Satoshi Nakamoto".

However, it was later proven that Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto was not that “Satoshi Nakamoto”.

Speaking of which, the reason why there is a saying that "Satoshi Nakamoto" is from Japan is supported by several aspects of evidence...

In addition to the name Satoshi Nakamoto he uses on the Internet, which is a Japanese name, the personal information he registered on P2PFoundation in 2008 was born on April 5, 1975, and his place of residence was Japanese. ,male……

In addition, the website he registered on August 18, 2008, initially used an anonymous registrar from Japan, and the server was hosted on a Japanese ISP or Internet service provider...

Perhaps for this reason, Japan also developed relatively rapidly in terms of cryptocurrency and was open to it.

At the beginning, the intelligence team of "Operation S" thought so too.

But later, experts among them analyzed the content of Satoshi Nakamoto’s posts on the Internet - from 2008 to 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto posted on the Cryptography mailing list, Sorceforge development platform, P2P Foundation website, and Bitcointalk forum He appeared one after another, and his speeches in them were analyzed from multiple perspectives such as linguistics and cryptography.

The final intelligence team believed that Satoshi Nakamoto should have been born in England, or that his mother tongue education since childhood was British English.

Except for the fact that the sentence left by Satoshi Nakamoto in the genesis block came from the headline of the British "Times", he never used Japanese in all his messages, but instead used English proficiently - especially in bitcointalk In his speech, there were a lot of British English

For example, on May 5, 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto’s message included——

“Sorry to be a wet blanket, But, writing a description of Bitcoin for general audiences is bloody hard.”

Among them, bloody hard is a very typical British English usage.

And his message on August 27, 2010——

"As a thought experiment, imagine there was a base metal as scarce as gold but with the following properties..."

Among them, the word color in "boring gray in color" has a u in British English, but does not have a u in American English.

In addition, analysts also believe that Satoshi Nakamoto himself is likely to be in North America, because based on the analysis of the time he posted on various websites, only within the time zone of the United States, applying the frequency of his postings, his active time is all within Between 9 o'clock and 23 o'clock, it can perfectly match the active time of normal people!

Of course, judging from Satoshi Nakamoto's actions, many of the contradictions may be due to his deliberate use of anti-reconnaissance methods and the release of smoke bombs.

However, in the end, the intelligence team's hackers used technical means to successfully penetrate all the proxy servers deployed by Satoshi Nakamoto and found his real address for surfing the Internet - thus confirming that he himself was indeed located in the United States.

After locking in his true identity, Barron obtained the detailed information about Satoshi Nakamoto in his hand.

It can be learned that he lived in England before graduating from college, then went to the United States to obtain a master's degree in finance, entered Wall Street, worked in many banks, and was sent to Japan for two years - he knew a little Japanese. , which can also explain why he used the Japanese name "Satoshi Nakamoto" to publish information on the Internet.

Of course, the reason why Barron sent people to find "Satoshi Nakamoto" was not just to satisfy his curiosity.

In his previous life, on April 23, 2011, Satoshi Nakamoto sent his last email to a developer, leaving this sentence:

"I'm moving on to other things, and Gavin and the others will do a good job taking over the Bitcoin project."

Since then, he has disappeared.

Until BitC became successful and became known to more and more people, and because its price broke new highs again and again, it was so amazing that countless people couldn't help but think that Satoshi Nakamoto would eventually die. Where is he? Who is he?

Barron sent people to monitor Satoshi Nakamoto, and also wanted to know why he chose to disappear from the public eye from that time on. Was he seriously ill or died accidentally? Or, as some conspiracy theories say, was BitC itself a scam by the United States or some big capital behind it?

You know, this conspiracy theory was still very popular later.

Some people even believed that BitC was not created by Satoshi Nakamoto alone, but by a team.

For example, some people started with Satoshi Nakamoto's name "Satoshi Nakamoto", for example, it may mean "CIA" in Japanese...

Or split it up and think that this name represents that BitC is a project jointly developed by four companies: Samsung, Toshiba, Nakamichi and Motorola.

Of course, this speculation seems to make sense, but it is actually very far-fetched.

After all, the success of BitC is actually very accidental. Even the blockchain technology represented by BitC - which was later considered to be one of the four pillars of the "fourth technological revolution" on par with artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing - actually does not have many application scenarios that can be realized at present, even under the hardware conditions ten years later.

For a long time after its birth, BitC did not actually enter the mainstream vision. Even the total value of all coins including BitC and Ethereum was far less than other traditional financial investment products. It was not until nearly ten years after the birth of BitC that mainstream institutions began to try to intervene in this market...

To be honest, judging from the past of European and American government agencies or big capital, if you say that they have spent more than ten years to slowly promote a so-called "financial scam", Baron would not believe it at all, judging from the top situation in Europe and the United States that he is now in contact with.

In Baron's view, it is precisely because of the "anarchist" and "liberal" attributes of BitC, and the disappearance of Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder who is said to have more than 1.1 million BitCs, that BitC has attracted many technicians and is finally widely accepted.

The reason why Barron took the initiative to look for Satoshi Nakamoto was not only to solve the doubts of his previous life, but also to make sure that Satoshi Nakamoto and the BitC he had would not have a negative impact on the development of BitC - at least before the volume of BitC reached a considerable scale, it was necessary to ensure that the 1.1 million BitCs were in a "frozen" state.

After all, the total amount of BitC is only 21 million, and the annual output is halved every time...

Well, in fact, Satoshi Nakamoto may not have as many as 1.1 million BitCs now, because in the early days of BitC's launch in 2009, Barron had already arranged people to participate in the mining of BitC.

Affected by this, under the premise of a constant daily BitC output, the amount that Satoshi Nakamoto could mine would naturally decrease accordingly.

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