Rebirth of England

Chapter 798: Interest rate hike?

"In the past January, the inflation rate in England has risen to 4% on an annual basis..."

Daisy told Barron on the phone:

"This data has hit a new high in more than two years. From this point of view, raising interest rates is the most likely outcome."

In December last year, the British inflation rate soared to 3.7%. Since then, many voices have suggested that the Bank of England is likely to make a decision to raise interest rates before spring.

This includes Charles Bean, deputy governor of the Bank of England, who warned in an interview that raising interest rates may become necessary.

Andrew Centenase, the outgoing member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, also holds the same view…

But at the same time, there are also quite a few people who are worried about raising interest rates, believing that this powerful medicine may directly kill the British economy.

"So it seems that the economic recovery in Europe, including Britain, is not as fast as expected. In addition, the domestic situation in Greece has not been fundamentally changed due to previous aid. On the contrary, many countries including Ireland and Spain have also experienced The signs of a debt crisis..."

Barron's words come to mind here, remembering that Hungary has assumed the six-month rotating presidency of the EU since the beginning of this year.

The then Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said at the time: "We must save the euro in the next six months."

At the previous annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, many people also expressed concerns about this year’s economic situation...

He stood up, walked to the window, looked at the beautiful scenery of lavender mountains and fields in the distance, and continued to say to Daisy:

“According to my prediction, in order to save the euro, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund will provide further large-scale assistance to some weak countries in the euro zone, and there are also signs that there are some problems with the fiscal deficit in the United States, so I I think if the situation worsens, investors will start looking for safe haven..."

"You mean gold?"

"Yes, I think in the short term, well, within four or five months, gold prices will break through again and reach above $1,500 an ounce, and may even continue to rise."

The current international gold price is around US$1,300 per ounce. If it really exceeds US$1,500 per ounce, it will become a record high for gold prices.

In fact, in the original time and space, just over three months later in May, the international gold price had already exceeded US$1,500 per ounce...

And it reached a price of US$1,900 per ounce in August!

Now, with the participation of Barron's funds, the international gold price will surely be pushed up faster. After that, as the U.S. economic situation improves, the gold price will also correct after reaching a historical high.

"It looks like we have to make a plan about gold futures again..."

"Yes, dear Daisy, I'm sure you've had enough experience."

This year's Valentine's Day, Barron and the others still spent their time at Grace Lavender Manor...

Well, very lively.

At a time when the world is in turmoil, Barron is very satisfied with the quiet and peaceful life in the manor.

Of course, it would be better if the relationship between these women could be more harmonious.

But there is no way around this - even on the island of Stamania, it is not completely isolated from the world. In addition to reading the daily newspapers delivered by helicopter every day, everyone can also access the Internet. …

In other words, Amanda Hearst is not the only one who is dissatisfied with Barron and Ivanta's relationship that was reported by many media...

After Barron returned to Grace Lavender Manor, Tamaran directly expressed dissatisfaction with Barron...

As for the others, Bonnie had been cold to him for two days anyway.

In order to heal the consequences of this incident, Barron studied hard for a while.

Even Barron at this time does not mean that he can completely ignore the feelings of these women - yes, if he only possesses them, it will be much simpler; but if he further hopes to have a harmonious relationship with each other, then a lot of sacrifices will be made. It’s not just material things.

On February 15, the first protest against the Gaddafi regime broke out in Libya, and soon turned into riots the next day. Clashes broke out between government forces and opponents, and the wave of protests began to spread across the country.

Through Nigel Inkster's intelligence, Barron also knew clearly that this time the Libyan opposition was supported by NATO. The intelligence organization headed by the CIA provided intelligence to the Libyan opposition during this conflict. , financial and weapons support.

On February 20, after several days of fighting, the Libyan opposition occupied Benghazi, and then successively occupied Bayda, Tupluq and many other towns, and the Libyan civil war broke out.

Two days later, the League of Arab States (Arab League) decided to suspend Libya's qualifications to participate in Arab League meetings. The conflict between the opposition and Gaddafi supporters escalated. Many countries, including China, began to evacuate their citizens from Libya.

At this time, Barron left Australia again, and this time he came directly to Shanghai.

"How's it going? Are you getting used to the job?"

In Shanghai, Barron met Zhang Junning, who has become the president of Rich23 Capital.

Of course, regarding her work during this period, Barron's mailbox has received emails reported by her - after all, she has been his personal assistant for so long, and Zhang Junning is still very concerned about Barron's reading habits. So through these emails, Barron is very clear about her job.

But now that he saw her again, he asked the question directly.

"It's not bad. It's very different from the work I did with you before. I need to be more proactive in advancing some work. I will try my best to adapt, Your Highness."

After arriving in Australia on the Devonshire, Zhang Junning then went to Lijiapo to take over the work of Rich23 Capital.

In the shortest time, she became familiar with some aspects of this investment company, and then took her team to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to participate in DJI's new round of financing.

"It is now confirmed that we will join this financing. Our valuation of DJI is US$250 million. After this financing, we will slightly expand our holdings in this company..."

In the original time and space, DJI did not start its first round of financing until 2012, but now Rich23 Capital’s participation can be said to have accelerated DJI’s development process to a certain extent.

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